Solaris 10安装命令sys-uncofig用法介绍
以root用户登录solaris后,在命令行提示符下输入 # sys-unconfig 回车,屏幕上出现如下提示 WARNING This program will unconfigure your system. It will cause it to revert to a "blank" system - it will not have a name or know about other systems o
WARNING This program will unconfigure your system. It will cause it to revert to a "blank" system - it will not have a name or know about other systems or networks. This program will also halt the system. Do you want to continue (y/n) ? 输入y,系统将重启。
重新启动Solaris后,将提示对系统重新进行设 置,包括缺省语言、X Server、网络、时间等的设置。
(1) 语言选择。选择1,简体中文。回车,进入下一步
Select a Language 0.English 1.Simplified Chinese Please make a choice (0 - 1),or press h or ? for help:
(2) 字符集选择。选择2。回车,进入下一步
Select a Locale 0.Simplified Chinese EUC 1.Simplified Chinese EUC 2.Simplified Chinese GB18030 3.Simplified Chinese GBK 4.Simplified Chinese GBK 5.Simplified Chinese UFT-8 6.Simplified Chinese UFT-8 7.Go Back to Previous Screen Please make a choice (0 - 7),or press h or ? for help:
(3) X Server选择。通过上下键将光标移到Xorg server,回车选中。F2,进入下一步
kdmconfig - Introduction and X Server Selection X Server Selection ---------------------- [X] Xorg server [ ] Xsun server F2_Continue F3_Exit F6_Help
(4) 网卡设置。系统自动找到网卡。以下步骤中,网卡名以****代表。回车,进入下一步
Configuring network interface addresses: **** (回车) ipw0 (回车)
(4.1) 网络连接设置。选择Yes。F2,进入下一步
Network Connectivity Networked ----------- [X] Yes [ ] No F2_Continue F6_Help
(4.2) 如果有多块网卡,进行网卡选择。F2,进入下一步
Configure Multiple Network Interfaces Network interfaces -------------------- [X] iprb0 [ ] ipw0 F2_Continue F6_Help
(4.3) 是否使用DHCP。选择No,进入下一步
DHCP for **** Use DHCP for **** ----------- [ ] Yes [X] No F2_Continue F6_Help
(4.4) 设置网卡的主机名。输入自定义的主机名。F2,进入下一步
Host Name for **** Host name for **** __________________ F2_Continue F6_Help
(4.5) 设置IP地址。输入IP地址。F2,进入下一步
IP Address for **** IP Address for **** __________________ F2_Continue F6_Help
(4.6) 设置子网。选择Yes。F2,进入下一步
Subnet for **** System part of a subnet ----------- [X] Yes [ ] No F2_Continue F6_Help
(4.7) 子网掩码设置。输入子网掩码,缺省255.255.255.0。F2,进入下一步
Netmask for **** Netmask for **** __________________ F2_Continue F6_Help
(4.8) 是否支持IPv6。缺省No。F2,进入下一步
IPv6 for **** Enable IPv6 for **** ----------- [ ] Yes [X] No F2_Continue F6_Help
(5) 对以上设置进行确认。F2,进入下一步;F4对前面的设置进行修改
Confirm Information for **** F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help Configuring parameters , 25 seconds left to complete
(6) Kerberos安全设置。缺省No。F2,进入下一步
Configure Security Policy: Specify Yes if the system will use the Kerberos security mechanism. Specify No if this system will use standard UNIX security Configure Kerberos Security -------------------------------- [ ] Yes [X] No Confirm Information F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help
(7) 名字服务。选择None。F2,进入下一步
Name Service Name service ---------------- [ ] NIS+ [ ] NIS [ ] DNS [ ] LDAP [X] None F2_Continue F6_Help
(8) 名字服务确认。F2,进入下一步
Confirm Information F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help
(9) 时区选择。选择Asia,进入下一步
Time Zone Continents and Oceans [ ] Africa [ ] Americas [ ] Antarctica [ ] Arctic Ocean [X] Asia [ ] Atlantic Ocean [ ] Australia [ ] Europe [ ] Indian Ocean [ ] Pacific Ocean [ ] other - offset from GMT [ ] other - specify time zone file
(10) 国家和地区选择。选择China,进入下一步
Country or Gegion Countries and Regions [ ] Afghanistan [ ] Amenia [ ] ...... [ ] Arctic [X] China [ ] ...... [ ]
(11) 日期时间设置。F2,进入下一步
Date and Time > Aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccept the default date and time or enter new values. Date and time : 2006-02-15 15:38 Year (4 digits) : 2006 Month (1-12) : 02 Day (1-31) : 15 Hour (0-23) : 15 Minute (0-59) : 38
(12) 时区和时间确认。F2,进入下一步
Confirm Information ...... F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help
(13) 设置root密码。输入密码。或直接F2,进入下一步
Root Password: ________________ Root Password: ________________ F2_Continue F6_Help
(14) 设置完成。问是否覆盖缺省的NFS域名。缺省no。回车,自动重启
System identification is completed. Do you need to override the system's default NFS version 4 domain name (yes/no) ? [no] : __ rebooting system due to change the file /etc/init
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