firebird 回复于:2003-09-29 16:52:04 |
该地址打不开啊,大哥。 |
xuezs 回复于:2003-09-29 16:56:45 |
后面多了个"。",phpbb也挺傻的。 |
liuwping 回复于:2003-09-29 20:02:47 |
有做过可以 FOR MYSQL的吗? |
xuezs 回复于:2003-09-29 20:15:01 |
没具体做过,不过应该很简单的。我的安装是基于ldap的,数据比sql还要乱一些呢。 |
liuwping 回复于:2003-09-29 20:19:10 |
LDAP 我一直没装过,我一直想要像 OUTLOOK 中的共用联络人, 用EXIM 或QMAIL FOR LDAP 是不是就可以了啊! |
xuezs 回复于:2003-09-29 20:26:56 |
Outlook的共享联系人,不是SMTP或POP3标准,而是MAPI扩展,即Exchange的功能,属于微软的专有技术,一般开源的软件不会提供这个功能的,但某些商业的软件会有的,如communigate pro, mdaemon pro等。
如果用ldap的话,实际上是可以让outlook/outlook express向ldap查询的,功能与outlook的共享联系人差不多。如有兴趣,愿意交流。 |
liuwping 回复于:2003-09-29 23:02:07 |
好啊! 我就想一直解决那个 公用联络人! |
xuezs 回复于:2003-09-30 09:18:18 | |
peijun.jiang 回复于:2003-09-30 09:21:26 |
ldap主要是做查询的,在一个用户多而且使用频繁的邮件系统中,比数据库的处理速度快的多。 |
fei 回复于:2003-09-30 09:35:46 |
胜哥啊???我是fei,你怎么又跑这里来了?不叫hunte了? |
hmkart 回复于:2003-09-30 10:10:41 |
这个MTA和PostFix感觉如何?在对大数量用户和与第3方软件集成方面? |
xuezs 回复于:2003-09-30 10:38:43 |
前一阵,研究了邮件系统,有点心得,所以就写出来和大家共享一下。 你还好吗?欢迎MSN交流。 |
xuezs 回复于:2003-09-30 10:44:45 |
没做过太多的比较,但在灵活性方面肯定比qmail强。exim的另一个特点是文档非常全面,PDF格式的,有360页呢。 大用户数量没测试过,但从下文可以看到一些: [quote:8f060cb664]On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 11:52 AM, 薛忠胜 wrote: > Nathan, > > You are always welcome, :D. :) > > I guess you are under same situation that I faced: Migration email > system > from qmail-ldap to Exim, aren't you? Considering it, yes - I want to test it. :) > Our firm has been used qmail-ldap email system for near a year long, > but > it lacks some features, especially configuration flexiblility, so we > decided on > choose another email system, and postfix, exim in my eyes. This is the main reason I've been looking at Exim as well. We are using qmail-ldap for our hosting system, but I am continually asked to add on features such as virus scanning and spam scanning and custom filters, etc, and I have to hack the qmail-ldap code to do it. I've already implemented a custom qmail-local, and it was at this point that I really decided that this was not the best way forward. > I wonder one point: how exim is secure and how high its performance? I > think you've done detail evaluations, so, would you please give me a > bit of > answer? I have used Exim in a large ISP environment in the UK before now. It was used then to power six relay servers, and 3 MX servers, with a back-end NetApp and 200,000 mailboxes. It performed admirably, and was very easy to manage. Thanks again for the help :) Nathan. -- Nathan Ollerenshaw - Systems Engineer - Shared Hosting ValueCommerce Japan - We are Pentium of Borg. Division is futile. You will be approximated. [/quote:8f060cb664] 与其它软件的集成,还是不错的。在我们的环境里,exim和ldap/perdition/courier-imap/imp等一起构成了一个大的分布式邮件。 |
xuezs 回复于:2003-10-01 23:52:50 |
感觉没什么人对此感兴趣呀。是不是写得不够详细呢?我得考虑一下,把配置的过程和网络结构写出来。 |
aborigen 回复于:2003-10-02 00:13:13 |
后七之秀啊~~了解的人不多吧,所以评论的人也不多. |
jmzjc 回复于:2003-10-04 02:58:47 |
:D 这样最好了。 经常看到QMAIL, POSTFIX,SENDMAIL的介绍,很少见关于EXIM的解决方案。 |
artxing 回复于:2003-10-05 11:33:25 |
最好配置出来,给大家用用.系统好不好,关键还是好用不好用 |
peijun.jiang 回复于:2003-10-08 11:50:49 |
对,你的这个想法很好。 你写出详细的安装配置过程,大家就可以是一试了,这样功能的好与坏自己用过之后就知道了 |
xuezs 回复于:2003-10-13 23:02:58 |
《exim+mysql+courier-imap配置实录》紧张编撰中,这两天就贴上来。 |
peijun.jiang 回复于:2003-10-14 10:43:19 |
期待ing。 最好也能介绍一下和ldap的结合方面的配置! |
xuezs 回复于:2003-10-14 11:49:53 |
已经写好: |
kpflysky 回复于:2003-10-14 14:27:34 |
我还以为是邮件列表呢 |
achaoge 回复于:2003-11-08 03:35:35 |
我想看看和LDAP集成的资料,但是两个页面都没有啊。 |
seacaptain 回复于:2003-11-08 14:45:27 |
打不开连接 |
garfy 回复于:2003-11-09 12:17:25 |
链接错误 |
xuezs 回复于:2003-11-10 10:03:49 |
rt |
whling 回复于:2003-11-10 10:27:38 |
还是打不开 |
xuezs 回复于:2003-11-10 10:57:11 |
呵呵,补上了。 |
xuezs 回复于:2004-06-16 16:50:48 |
补了一点,在这里:。 |
hongfengyue 回复于:2004-11-08 13:00:09 |
谢谢xuezs,非常感谢!! |