
发表于:2007-05-25来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Hashcash is a denial-of-service counter measure tool. Its main currentuse is to help hashcash users avoid losing email due to content based andblacklist based ant i-spam systems. A hashcash stamp constitutes a proof-of-work which takes apa
Hashcash is a denial-of-service counter measure tool. Its main current use is to help hashcash users avoid losing email due to content based and blacklist based anti-spam systems.

A hashcash stamp constitutes a proof-of-work which takes a parameterizable amount of work to compute for the sender. The recipient can verify received hashcash stamps efficiently.

If you have questions are interested to port to different systems, integrate into different email clients (MUAs), anti-spam systems, or MTAs email Adam Back adam@cypherspace.org or post on the hashcash-list.
