21cnstar 回复于:2004-09-09 17:45:11 |
按照本贴指引,安装完毕. 可重启后,发现... 能够打开输入法的界面。 可以点版本信息,可无法点其它的地方,一点就会自动退出。 我想可能是不兼容了,喔。。。我用的是RADHAT 8 不知道是不是不可以。
darkrice 回复于:2004-09-30 21:57:39 |
Rfinput Version 5.0 -- XIM Server Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) http://www.redflag-linux.com upimd is stop, start it right now. repeate start ZG. upimd: unispim engine daemon start... upimd: engine initialized suclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessfully. [root@localhost tmp]# cd /etc/X11/xinit/xinitc.d/ bash: cd: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitc.d/: 没有那个文件或目录 [root@localhost tmp]# cd /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ [root@localhost xinitrc.d]# mv /etc/profile.d/rfinput.sh xinput mv:是否覆盖‘xinput’? y [root@localhost xinitrc.d]# /usr/local/rfinput/bin/imadmin & [1] 5059 [root@localhost xinitrc.d]# /usr/local/rfinput/bin/imadmin: error while loading shared libraries: libkdecore.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 前几步一路正常,可是到了这里就合你说的不太一样了,呵呵,怎么办?
alpha_sun_ux9000 回复于:2004-09-30 22:37:26 |
alibab 回复于:2004-10-01 18:32:18 |
sibule 回复于:2004-10-12 23:53:07 |
When it comes to "rpm -ivh rf-xim-input-5.0-43.rpm --nodeps" The errors occured are as follows:
error:rf-xim-input-5.0-43.rpm: MD5 digest : BAD expected(904783258 4430840324) != (43098584083509438095) error:rf-xim-input-5.0-43 cannot be installed :cry:
shaoping 回复于:2004-10-13 02:39:43 |
你的连接不能下啦! 能給別的嗎?
liuxb 回复于:2004-10-13 05:35:51 |
太好了 ,谢谢 !
另外, 可以下载啊.
zjsxyj 回复于:2004-10-13 08:51:06 |
运行以下步骤时,出现以下提示: # /usr/bin/rfinput Rfinput Version 5.0 -- XIM Server Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) http://www.redflag-linux.com upimd is already running. The following charsets are missing: GB2312.1980-0 ISO10646-1
The string "" will be used in place of any characters from those sets. The following charsets are missing: (null) ISO10646-1 The string "" will be used in place of any characters from those sets.
lhhz 回复于:2004-10-13 17:29:15 |
[root@kevin input]# rpm -ivh db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm warning: db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID ac64a5d1 Preparing... ########################################### [100%] file /lib/libdb-4.0.so from install of db4-4.0.14-20.1 conflicts with file from package db4-4.0.14-20 file /usr/lib/libdb_cxx-4.0.so from install of db4-4.0.14-20.1 conflicts with file from package db4-4.0.14-20
--------------------------------------------------------------------- how to then?
jeffreyli 回复于:2004-10-13 19:12:45 |
[root@redhat in]# rpm -ivh db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm --nodeps warning: db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID ac64a5d1 Preparing... ########################################### [100%] file /lib/libdb-4.0.so from install of db4-4.0.14-20.1 conflicts with file from package db4-4.0.14-20 file /usr/lib/libdb_cxx-4.0.so from install of db4-4.0.14-20.1 conflicts with file from package db4-4.0.14-20 [root@redhat in]# rpm -ivh rf-xim-input-5.0-49.i386.rpm --nodeps Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:rf-xim-input ########################################### [100%] /usr/bin/ctrlpanel: error while loading shared libraries: libkparts.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory error: %post(rf-xim-input-5.0-49) scriptlet failed, exit status 127 [root@redhat in]#
双眼皮的猪 回复于:2004-10-13 19:29:13 |
zerglot 回复于:2004-10-15 15:59:18 |
kunlunsnow 回复于:2004-10-15 17:19:42 |
好东东,在Redhat 9.0下试用通过。多谢楼主了。
super_fan 回复于:2004-10-15 19:56:48 |
[root@ren-workstation tmp]# rpm -ivh db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm warning: db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID ac64a5d1 Preparing... ########################################### [100%] file /lib/libdb-4.0.so from install of db4-4.0.14-20.1 conflicts with fi le from package db4-4.0.14-20 file /usr/lib/libdb_cxx-4.0.so from install of db4-4.0.14-20.1 conflicts with file from package db4-4.0.14-20
leiyaohua 回复于:2004-10-15 22:36:52 |
我装是装上了。可是不能进入输入发设置界面。一点其他的就死了。不知道为什么。 [root@CML-FT tmp]# Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed sh: line 1: iceauth: command not found DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed ICE Connection rejected!
DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed DCOPServer self-test failed. ICE Connection rejected! sh: line 1: iceauth: command not found kdeinit: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.
imadmin: relocation error: imadmin: undefined symbol: _ZNK7QString5asciiEv
[1]+ Exit 127 /usr/local/rfinput/bin/imadmin
coofir 回复于:2004-10-15 22:51:02 |
Perfect, Ding first,and thanks a lot...
黄毛鸡 回复于:2004-10-16 08:47:18 |
佳瑞 回复于:2004-10-16 09:17:56 |
ningjingzhiyuan 回复于:2004-11-16 21:13:05 |
rpm -ivh db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm warning: db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID ac64a5d1 error: cannot get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - 不允许的操作 (1) error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm 请问我这是什么问题。怎么解决 我的
ningjingzhiyuan 回复于:2004-11-16 21:19:29 |
leaonlew 回复于:2004-11-18 23:35:18 |
wo zhuang shang le ,ke shi bu xing ! yuan lai de ye mei le
ningjingzhiyuan 回复于:2004-11-19 11:40:43 |
我的和你的一样啊?每次开机的时候都得重新执行一遍才可以,郁闷,关键是执行 mv 那条语句的时候根本找不到文件怎么办啊?
leaonlew 回复于:2004-11-19 14:28:29 |
lsq726 回复于:2004-12-19 13:16:36 |
liuyibin0415 回复于:2005-01-22 22:25:00 |
huang990313 回复于:2005-01-31 10:42:31 |
huang990313 回复于:2005-01-31 10:54:27 |
shy82228 回复于:2005-02-02 16:46:13 |
mylxiaoyi 回复于:2005-02-19 01:56:32 |
请问在fedore 3用这样的方法也可以吗?
cupolo 回复于:2005-02-21 09:33:20 |
jxluoxiaoqing 回复于:2005-02-25 23:11:26 |
[quote:74805fdfa9="darkrice"]alhost xinitrc.d]# /usr/local/rfinput/bin/imadmin: error while loading shared libraries: libkdecore.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 前几步一路正常,可是到了这里就合?..........[/quote:74805fdfa9]
我也遇到相通的问题,在windows+vmare+rhel3中正常,可在纯RH9中就有上术问题 何解!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
轩辕砍刀 回复于:2005-03-04 21:00:43 |
gaiyastone 回复于:2005-03-07 10:34:02 |
zhe shu ru fa wo yong la, dan xian zai de wen ti shi :qi dong bu xi lai ,you bian de bu neng yong la.bu zhi dao shi na de wen ti .qing zhi jiao
douhua22 回复于:2005-04-02 22:36:40 |
flyingpiggy_zhu 回复于:2005-04-10 20:25:59 |
呵呵,我用用再说! :D
pzccd 回复于:2005-04-11 08:43:32 |
rocinsky 回复于:2005-04-29 17:01:08 |
cn_hyw 回复于:2005-05-02 11:54:45 |
好啊 我支持你
myocean 回复于:2005-05-02 21:53:02 |
lovelinuxer 回复于:2005-05-24 08:47:33 |
安装到最后出现下面提示 /usr/bin/ctrlpanel: error while loading shared libraries: libkparts.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libkparts.so.2这个文件去哪找 我在FC3上搜索了 没有这个文件
diyunmin 回复于:2005-07-04 12:02:28 |
www.ideainfo.com/sice/rf-xim-input-5.0-43.i386.rpm www.ideainfo.com/sice/ctrlpanel-1.5-5.i386.rpm
147918840 回复于:2005-07-04 21:59:39 |
老大我按照方法执行完#/usr/local/rfinput/bin/imadmin & 出现输入法管理器后程序就死了是咋回事????????? 我是新手~!!!帮忙解决一下~!
hyfx 回复于:2005-07-28 22:07:56 |
请问下 db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm
wolfg 回复于:2005-07-28 22:35:23 |
[quote:e3c96c7bd0="hyfx"]请问下 db4-4.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm
这个是干什么用的,谢谢[/quote:e3c96c7bd0] Berkeley Database
jackylau 回复于:2005-07-29 14:03:32 |
jeffreyli 回复于:2005-09-04 15:45:33 |
哦在网上搜了半天都没有找到....先谢谢了. :em02: