Network Weathermap is a perl tool that displays in a visual waythe utilization of the network links of your network. The requireddata are a" name="description" />

Weather Map

发表于:2007-07-04来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
About java;" style="CURSOR: pointer" onload="return imgzoom(this,550)">Network Weathermap is a perl tool that displays in a visual waythe utilization of the network links of your network. The requireddata are a

About;" style="CURSOR: pointer" onload="return imgzoom(this,550)">Network Weathermap is a perl tool that displays in a visual waythe utilization of the network links of your network. The requireddata are acquired from graphs created by the MRTG package and aredisplayed as two ways colored arrows on a map representing thelogical topology of the network. The resulted image is presentedin a web page using extra DHTML and JavaScript code for web-overpop-ups, based on the OverLib JavaScript library.

The program is written in Perl programming language. It isusing the GD perl module for opening, manipulating and writing imagefiles. The GD module requires the Gd Graphics Library (libgd). The GdGraphics Library requires several libraries like freetype, libjpeg,libpng and libz.

The current version of the network weathermap does not do any SNMP dataacquisition but relies on MRTG for that task since MRTG does it in asimple and effective way. MRTG stores the values of the last SNMP queryas HTML comments within the HTML file that creates for each network link:

  <!-- maxin d 128563 --> <!-- maxout d 29795 -->
<!-- avin d 17219 --> <!-- avout d 18115 -->
<!-- cuin d 11369 --> <!-- cuout d 19663 -->
<!-- avmxin d 23106 --> <!-- avmxout d 18598 -->
The network weathermap retrieves the HTML files directly from the filesystem or remotely from a specified web server using GNU wget, parsesthem and uses the current in and out values (cuin d and cuout d values)to generate the map.

Weather Map
