imtj 回复于:2004-04-14 11:44:06 |
顶你有一下! |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-14 11:44:40 |
老大能不能加为精,我可是费了解番心血的哟。:) |
q1208c 回复于:2004-04-14 12:57:44 |
不是有个rpm 吗?为什么还要自己编译呢? |
JohnBull 回复于:2004-04-14 13:39:02 |
支持加精! |
platinum 回复于:2004-04-14 13:42:37 |
MRTG的东西太多了,没必要哪个人做出来都要加精吧 那样的话,我把APACHE、QDNS、SQUID、SAMBA、DHCP、VPN、NFS、QMAIL……都单独写出来要求加精了 |
q1208c 回复于:2004-04-14 13:48:36 |
加精是好事呀! 支持一下!! |
nios 回复于:2004-04-14 13:51:51 |
MRTG是什么先得介绍一下吧??我也想搞!!! |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-14 15:50:52 |
[quote:239ea9ab99="platinum"]MRTG的东西太多了,没必要哪个人做出来都要加精吧 那样的话,我把APACHE、QDNS、SQUID、SAMBA、DHCP、VPN、NFS、QMAIL……都单独写出来要求加精了[/quote:239ea9ab99]platinum说的对,嗯,做技术千万不要有功利目的,不要哗然取众,我接受批评 |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-14 15:51:49 |
我做到这步的时候出现以下信息: [root@localhost /]# /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: Mrtg will most likely not work propperly when the environment variable LANG is set to UTF-8. Please run mrtg in an environment where this is not the case: env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 请问我该怎么做呢? |
nios 回复于:2004-04-14 15:54:42 |
我再MAKE index.html的时候 /usr/bin/indexmaker --output=/var/www/html/mrtg/index.html --title=流量控制 /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg Possible precedence problem on bitwise | operator at /usr/bin/../lib/mrtg2/ line 601. Can't locate package $VERSION for @MRTG_lib::ISA at /usr/bin/indexmaker line 49 main::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/../lib/mrtg2/ line 49 eval {...} called at /usr/bin/../lib/mrtg2/ line 49 我哭啊,图倒是出来了!但它就是个摆设!!没有动啊!!啊~~~~ |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-14 16:56:06 |
[quote:c098b569e2="nios"]我再MAKE index.html的时候 /usr/bin/indexmaker --output=/var/www/html/mrtg/index.html --title=流量控制 /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg Possible precedence problem on bitwise | operator at /usr/bin/../l..........[/quote:c098b569e2] [quote:c098b569e2="nios"]我再MAKE index.html的时候 /usr/bin/indexmaker --output=/var/www/html/mrtg/index.html --title=流量控制 /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg Possible precedence problem on bitwise | operator at /usr/bin/../l..........[/quote:c098b569e2] 记的有一次我的也是这样的错误,好象是mrtg的问题,安装新版本而没有卸载旧版本造成的. 我记的我好象是这样解决的: 看一下是不是旧版本还在 rpm -qa|grep mrtg 如有出来 mrtg-2.9.17-13 那就先卸载掉 rpm -e mrtg-2.9.17-13 #此为 redhat 9.0默认的版本 而后 tar zvxf mrtg-2.9.29.tar.gz #安装此版本 cd mrtg-2.9.29 ./configure --prefix[color=red:c098b569e2]=/usr/local/mrtg \ [/color:c098b569e2] --with-gd=/usr/include \ --with-gd-lib=/usr/lib \ --with-gd-inc=/usr/include \ --with-png=/usr/include \ --with-zlib=/usr/include && make && make install 记着一着要用 /usr/local/mrtg/bin/cfgmaker,indexmaker,mrtg等命令 还有的是./configure也可以的,按其默认的了 试一下,祝君好运了 |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-14 17:02:41 |
[quote:5466b54b9b="zcwhy"]alhost /]# /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: Mrtg will most likely not work propperly when the env..........[/quote:5466b54b9b] 我没有遇到过不过,看来你要检查一下你的语言设置了 vi /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg Language[color=red:5466b54b9b]:[/color:5466b54b9b]GB2312 看一下你的系统默认语言是什么了 vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n 如果没有装简体支持,那...... 而你的eng=c,这是什么,我没有见过,试一下如果eng=en(英语)也可以呀 |
linuxsky 回复于:2004-04-14 17:41:47 |
这样 env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg 你的mrtg.conf路径 这一串都一起运行。。 呵呵。。 |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-14 17:52:17 |
[quote:4a73b2a4d0="linuxsky"]这样 env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg 你的mrtg.conf路径 这一串都一起运行。。 呵呵。。[/quote:4a73b2a4d0] 这样子可以吗?具体命令的格式是怎样?能说清楚吗? |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-14 17:54:46 |
[quote:8021ec3096="emailwht"]B2312 看一下你的系统默认语言是什么了 vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n 如果没有装简体支持,那...... 而你的eng=c,这是什么,我没有见过,试一下如果eng=en(英语)也可以呀[/quote:8021ec3096] 我的配置文件是: [root@localhost root]# cat /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg # Created by # /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/cfgmaker --output=/var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg mrtg@211.1 48.105.146 ### Global Config Options # for UNIX WorkDir: /home/http/mrtg # or for NT # WorkDir: c:\mrtgdata ### Global Defaults # to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right Options[_]: growright, bits Language:GB2312 EnableIPv6: no ###################################################################### 系统语言是: [root@localhost root]# cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n LANG="en_US.UTF-8" SUPPORTED="zh_CN.GB18030:zh_CN:zh:en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16" 帮忙看看吧!我搞了一个月了MRTG真的很难琢磨呀! |
南非蜘蛛 回复于:2004-04-14 19:18:50 |
写的挺不错的,鼓励呀 我也秀一下 |
platinum 回复于:2004-04-15 07:36:23 |
[quote:7d158eadb6="zcwhy"] 我做到这步的时候出现以下信息: [root@localhost /]# /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: Mrtg will most likely not work propperly when the environment variable LANG is set to UTF-8. Please run mrtg in an environment where this is not the case: env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 请问我该怎么做呢? .....[/quote:7d158eadb6] 是编译安装的吧? 好像自己编译的就会提示要env LANG=C,具体不知道为什么 我一个朋友编译安装后也提示这个 |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-15 09:17:30 |
[quote:a645cff9ef="zcwhy"]alhost root]# cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n LANG="en_US.UTF-8" SUPPORTED="zh_CN.GB18030:zh_CN:zh:en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16" 帮忙看看吧!我搞了一个月了MRTG真的很难琢磨呀![/quote:a645cff9ef] 你试一下 vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n LANG="en_US.UTF-8" 修改为 LANG="zh_CN" reboot 再运行 /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg 试一下了,如果解决了不要忘了帖出来,给其它朋友做一个参考 |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-15 16:28:24 |
楼上的兄弟,按照你的方法,问题解决了,其他的配置都完成了. 但是新问题又来了,就是得不到监控的图! 另外我按照楼住的指点,在编辑/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf时找不到下列内容: "转到397行 rocommunity mrtg 记得哟,这是的community是mrtg,而不是常见的public,这个以后要用到记着要,我就是用了很多次public才没有得到图形,现在想起,笨死了。可能在ucd-snmp中默认的是public,没有用过。Ro的意思吗read only,也是听人家说的。 ok,改完以后,就可以启动snmpd服务,SNMP配置也到此完成了。 |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-15 16:36:48 |
[quote:0454961382="zcwhy"]楼上的兄弟,按照你的方法,问题解决了,其他的配置都完成了. 但是新问题又来了,就是得不到监控的图! 另外我按照楼住的指点,在编辑/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf时找不到下列内容: rocommunity mrtg [/quote:0454961382]没有这一点一定要加上去呀,用public也可以,只是后面用/cfgmaker时后面用public@your IP,你再试一下,这一点一定要确定好,我就是没有配置这一点,也是没有图形出来的 如下是我的,你根据你的IP改了 rocommunity mrtg syslocation syscontact |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-15 16:50:03 |
就是在第397行插入: rocommunity mrtg syslocation "我要监控的IP" syscontact "我的邮件地址" 是这样吗? |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-15 17:12:52 |
我运行cfgmaker的时候出现以下信息,有问题吗? [root@localhost root]# /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/cfgmaker --output=/var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg mrtg@ --base: Get Device Info on mrtg@ SNMP Error: no response received SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "" [].161) community: "mrtg" request ID: 2048428380 PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes timeout: 2s retries: 5 backoff: 1) at /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/../lib/mrtg2/ line 622 SNMPWALK Problem for on mrtg@ at /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/cfgmaker line 821 WARNING: Skipping mrtg@ as no info could be retreived --base: Writing /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-16 08:17:21 |
[quote:10e2129972="zcwhy"]110.1].161) community: "mrtg" request ID: 2048428380 PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes timeout: 2s retries: 5 ..........[/quote:10e2129972]这是SNMP服务的community的问题,你试一下public,mrtg好象没有响应呀,再重起SNMP 服务 /etc/rc.d/init.d/snmpd restart 其它都很正常 |
babywolf 回复于:2004-04-16 08:41:28 |
监控网卡我早就做好了,一直搞不清楚的是怎么监控win2ksvr的磁盘,cpu,mem等 |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-16 08:54:12 |
[quote:aedbde4c29="emailwht"]馐荢NMP服务的community的问题,你试一下public,mrtg好象没有响应呀,再重起SNMP 服务 /etc/rc.d/init.d/snmpd restart 其它都很正常[/quote:aedbde4c29] 我改为了public 可以出现图,监控好象也有变化. 很感谢:emailwht 我还想问一个问题:就是我要加多监控网络中的一个IP应该是在: #/usr/local/mrtg/bin/cfgmaker --output=/var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg \ >public@ \ >[color=darkred:aedbde4c29]在这里再加多一个监控的IP吗?[/color:aedbde4c29] |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-16 10:23:42 |
TO babywolf:参考一下我做的 TO zcwhy : #/usr/local/mrtg/bin/cfgmaker \ >--output=/var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg \ >public@ 不用了,这样就可以了 |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-16 15:55:26 |
终于搞定了,谢谢emailwht 和各位的大力支持 |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-19 15:12:11 |
回头问一个安装MRTG的问题,我有个朋友安装mrtg不行: #./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mrgt-2 \ --with-gd=/usr/include \ --with-gd-lib=/usr/lib \ --with-gd-inc=/usr/include \ --with-png=/usr/include \ --with-zlib=/usr/include ........ ** Ooops, one of many bad things happened: a) You n'''t have the GD library installed. Get it from, compile it and use either --with-gd-lib=DIR and --with-gd-inc=DIR to specify its location. You might also have to use --with-z-inc, --with-z-lib and --with-png-inc, --with-png-lib for gd versions 1.6 and higher. Check config.log for more information on the problem. b) You have the GD library installed, but not the gd.h header file. Download the source (see above) and use --with-gd-inc=DIR to specify where the file can be found. c) You have the library and the header file installed, but you also have a shared GD library in the same directory. Remove the shared library files and/or links (e.g., and This is especially likely if u'''re using a recent (post 1.8.4) version of GD and dn'''t configure it with --disable-shared. 他的系统和我安装的软件包是一样的.下面的软件包都有了. gcc-3.2.2-5 gd-1.8.4-11 libpng-1.2.2-16 perl-5.8.0-88 zlib-1.1.4-8 |
linux888 回复于:2004-04-20 11:55:09 |
我和楼上兄弟的问题一样呀!请大家帮忙了 |
emailwht 回复于:2004-04-20 17:07:33 |
b) You have the GD library installed, but not the gd.h header file. Download the source (see above) and use --with-gd-inc=DIR to specify where the file can be found. c) You have the library and the header file installed, but you also have a shared GD library in the same directory. Remove the shared library files and/or links (e.g., and This is especially likely if u'''re using a recent (post 1.8.4) version of GD and dn'''t configure it with --disable-shared. 照这个提示做吗 你可能需要重新安装gd-devel-1.8.4-11 找个rpm版本试一下了 |
pdiunix 回复于:2004-04-21 11:50:32 |
我想用MRTG监测router如何作呀? |
zcwhy 回复于:2004-04-21 14:02:22 |
[quote:e4e92e964a="emailwht"]b) You have the GD library installed, but not the gd.h header file. Download the source (see above) and use --with-gd-inc=DIR to specify where the file can be found. c) You have the library an..........[/quote:e4e92e964a] 这两步的具体操作是什么?我看不懂它的提示. |
lbzhao_28 回复于:2004-06-03 17:17:51 |
我搞定了,用env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg/bin/mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg.cfg 执行的。 不过显出来有两个图,因为我是两块网卡吗?我只指定了一个ip地址阿。 图是都出来,不过没有任何变化,这是为什么哪? 有哪位知道啊? |
emailwht 回复于:2004-06-23 18:38:40 |
TO pdiunix:本站实例差不多,照着试一下就知道了 TO zcwhy:兄弟装个词霸 TO lbzhao_28:你那两个图形打开链接注意:一,Description: Ethernet0 二,Description: Serial0 ,噢,想通了没有 |
aspx 回复于:2004-06-26 15:19:54 |
为什么我的作出来的Max Speed: 10.0 Mbits/s 为什么 是不是很不准确的呀 |
cqfanli 回复于:2004-07-23 21:06:44 |
MRTG Language Error Solution #1 To eliminate this message just edit /etc/sysconfig/i18n and replace this line: LANG="en_US.UTF-8" with LANG="en_US" Then reboot your system. MRTG Language Error Solution #2 br> If you n'''t, or n'''t want to, reboot you can always run MRTG via bash scripts that have the following lines at the very beginning: LANG=C export LANG |
emailwht 回复于:2005-05-16 19:09:24 |
[quote:c2480bf841="zcwhy"]回头问一个安装MRTG的问题,我有个朋友安装mrtg不行: #./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mrgt-2 \ --with-gd=/usr/include \ --with-gd-lib=/usr/lib \ --with-gd-inc=/usr/include \ --with-png=/usr/includ..........[/quote:c2480bf841] 兄弟的问题我今天终于遇到了,也解决了,大原有包的基础上,安装上如下包就可以了 gd-devel-1.8.4-11.i386.rpm libpng-devel-1.2.2-16.i386.rpm libpng10-1.0.13-8.i386.rpm libpng10-devel-1.0.13-8.i386.rpm |
scriptboy 回复于:2005-05-17 01:41:16 |
我来回答你 env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg 敲全就是了,你用的肯定是FC了,语言的问题 |
jimijiao 回复于:2005-05-17 09:42:35 |
不错的 |
deargentle 回复于:2005-05-17 10:49:10 |
mrtg很简单呢,如果不行,建议也去看看其它的文章。 建议串不要为默认. 原则上只要支持snmp协议,都可以监控。。如pc机,router,switch.等。。 如果网络设备的端口的状态为down时,则cfgmaker 的时候不会出来这个端口,这个可以在cfgmaker的时候使用一个参数可以解决。另外据说超过100M时,流量在图表在表示不准确。 如果想要监控其它的内容,如cpu,memory等可以查一下mib库。。。 使用它。 如果电器也支持snmp协议是啥效果? rrdtool,cacti也非常棒,推荐大家也去关注一下。。。 另外windows平台下有prtg也可以使用。 |