sakulagi 回复于:2003-11-19 21:44:06 |
If you check the httpd.conf shipped within RH9, you'll find that the default DocumentRoot is /var/www, not htdoc. |
lingg2002 回复于:2003-11-19 22:11:38 |
but test page also not in /var/www or /var/www/html |
sakulagi 回复于:2003-11-19 22:20:33 |
the test page is a error handling page of "HTTP 403" for disabled "autoindex". The physical file is /var/www/error/noindex.html. In short, if you have not a index.html(or index.htm or sth. else designated in httpd.conf by directive "DirectorIndex") in your Apaceh's "DocumentRoot", the noindex.html in /var/www/error will be displayed. All these configuration can be customized in httpd.conf by yourself. |
lhp1210 回复于:2003-11-19 22:41:41 |
怎么会没有呢!!! FIND / -NAME HTDOCS吗! 好象在/USR/LOCAL/APACHE下呀! |
sakulagi 回复于:2003-11-19 23:20:12 |
如果是rh9自带的就没有。 |
blueproton 回复于:2004-04-07 08:53:43 |
在/var/www/html下找不到我用DNS域名解析成功后默认对应的那个test page 可是配置文件里已经写好的是documentroot /var/www |
AutoSPy 回复于:2004-04-08 08:34:19 |
直接修改 httpd.conf 好了 |