按键 功能 h left j down k up l right nh n char left nj n char down w fwd word b back word H upper left of screen M mid screen L lowest line of screen G bottom of file nG to line n 0 begin line end line i insert before a insert after A ins
按键 功能
h left
j down
k up
l right
nh n char left
nj n char down
w fwd word
b back word
H upper left of screen
M mid screen
L lowest line of screen
G bottom of file
nG to line n
0 begin line
$ end line
i insert before
a insert after
A ins end line
o opens line
O opens line above
xp transpose
J join lines
rC rep char "C"
r rep with <CR>
R rep to esc
u undoes last
x del char
dw del word
nx del n char
ndw del n words
dd del line
ndd del n lines
D to end the line
^L redraw screen
z current line to top
z- current line to bottom
z. line to middle screen
^F page fwd
^B page back
^D 1/2 page forward
^U 1/2 page back
yy stores current line in buffer
nyy stores n lines in buffer
ynw stores n words in buffer
p puts buffered text after current line or word
P puts buffered text before current line or word
/string search forward
?string search backward
n,N repeat last search
n same direction, N opposite
ZZ writes changes - quits
:wq writes changes - quits
:q no changes - quits, q! for sure
:w writes changes, doesn't quit