发表于:2007-06-09来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
WAREZ LESSONS FOR EVERYONE For surfers: Lesson #1: About today's warez world Lesson #2: How to avoid Forced voting, and full-screen pop-ups Lesson #3: What is ISO? How do I install game/app that I just downloaded? For webmasters: Lesson #1


For surfers:

Lesson #1: About today's warez world
Lesson #2: How to avoid Forced voting, and full-screen pop-ups
Lesson #3: What is ISO? How do I install game/app that I just downloaded?

For webmasters:

Lesson #1: How to make your site big?
Lesson #2: How to make money from your site?
Lesson #3: CGI/PHP

For surfers:

About today's warez world:

Greetings, I have a sad story to tell you. Warez world used to be very cool. In fact, some of you might remember times, when you clicked on a link and it started downloading the file, and you even didn't think about such thing as blind link, or million pop-ups. I remember times when pimpx and happyhippo was around. Well, pimpx is still around by it's not what it used to be. See, about two years ago, when warez was in a bloom, stupid people from anti-piracy groups started to fuck with us and started sending webmasters to courts and to jails. Internet laws got little stronger and that was the beginning of desctruction. That's when pimpx and happy hippo got into illegal problems and had to change the contents on their sites. Ever since, it's almost a suecide to store files on your own servers. That is why all the files in todays warez world are stored on places like geocities, homestead, freedrive..etc.

So warez turned into a big pile of bullshit. Warez is not about warez anymore, but rather about money. There are now basicaly three main groups of warez sites into which all could be categorized. First, the warez sites that pretent to be warez sites, but are not. These are usually the biggest sites on the net. There is a simple way of knowing if you are at such a site. Simply upon the entrance to such a site, you will see at least 4 pop-ups, at exit you will see at least 5 more pop-ups. In between you will see pictures of naked lades, and maybe few pictures of software boxes. Then you will see all the newest games and application titles out there, if not the versions that have never been released. You click them, it sends you to toplist.

Then there is second cateogry. The places that have few downloads, but make it hell for you to download them. These sites have all kinds of forced voting and pop-ups. You will be able to get downloads from there if you are skilled and lucky. It really takes some skills to navigate through these sites. When you finally get to the files, they are missing or broken, if not password protected.

The last group of sites is the surfer friendly good sites. You will not hear about these too often, because there is so few of them. The hard working webmsaters upload like crazy all the time to free hosts like geocities and homestead. Their work is completely destroyed every day, when hosts delete the stuff they just finished uploading. In no time these webmasters realize their work is not worth anything, their traffic is small , they make no profit and their downloads get deleted constantly. Then they close their sites. That is why there is so few of them.

Well, all I gotta say is that warez is getting nowhere these days. When you do find a good site, PLEASE support the guys and vote for them when they ask you to, and visit their sponsors. Because believe me, when they say "Please support us here" they really need it.

Duck Warez is here to support these good SF small warez sites. Dw2000 is here to save what is left from god old warez style. Please respect the good sites and do visit their sponsors. Thank you.

How to avoid forced voting and full screen pop-ups:

Ok, check this out. All the following is bullshit and a lie:

"Your downloads will be faster after voting"
"Your downloads will be corrupted if you do not vote"

"You may not enter our section , you did not vote yet"

"Our script shows that you did not vote properly, go back and try again"


"We have developed a script that monitors if you voted properly or not!"

All this stuff is a complete BS! NO SCRIPT IN THIS WORLD is capable of knowing if you actually voted or not. I have 7 years of programming/scripting experience, and I never came across such a script, and I know it is NOT possible to write such a script. All it does is trying to trick you.

Solution: The script might use cookies, or simple Java Script to check if the button/link was clicked. So all you have to do is click the link/button , wait for the window to pop and then quickly press ALT+F4 before it has a chance to load. For those who don't know what ALT+F4 is for: By holding ALT and then adding F4 button to it

you will close your current active window on your desktop. This is extremely usefull in warez world. I can't imagine surfing warez without knowing this shortcut! So everyone learn it and use it! It's probably the best feature Microsoft ever implemented in their shit product.

ALT+F4 will also close those annoying fullscreen pop-ups!

What is ISO, and how do I install the stuff that I just downloaded?

ISO, to my knowledge is a full CD image. That means it's full 680MB of data, just like if you'd buy a CD. It's huge to download, but it's an exact copy of a game/app. With movies, sound, music..nothing is ripped. When you download this , you will need a software that burns it on your CD, and then you got it! If I am wrong,

someone e-mail me please and let me know. I've never download ISO in my life because my connection sux.

Ok, so you've downloaded the game/app. Now you have loads of files on your harddrive. They all have extention like .zip , or .rar, or .c00, c01...etc. You will need decompressor. There is three main decompressors out there. WinZip for zip files, WinRAR for rar files, ACE for ace files (c01, c02..etc). Just go to http://www.download.com to search for these decompressors. Then download them and you are on your way. Then extract the files, follow the dirrections in the files (usually README, INSTALL...etc.) and you are good to go!



For webmasters:

How to make your site big?

Well, who wouldn't ask this question. I myself am not the best warez master out there, but I do have some experience, so let me share.

First of all, you will need to download ICQ, without ICQ you have no chance of becoming big! Well, you do, but would be an extreme. So download ICQ if you don't have it from www.icq.com . Then, you will need to find at least one existing webmaster. Go to their sites, look for their ICQs and try to add them to your list. Because that one webmasters has all list of other webmasters on his ICQ. There are full things you should know before using ICQ for warez purposes.

1) Do not beg, wine, or bug the webmaster - especially big webmaster. You need to be extremely carefull with BIG guys. They are busy! THEY ARE BUSY! keep that in mind. If it's obvious that webmaster is busy, do not flud him with messages, that's the worst thing you can do because it will only cause the webmaster to ignore you forever.

2) Your reputation on ICQ is everything! Don't lie! People always find out! Don't exhagerate! Don't try to be cool by using F** words and such. If you are younger then then the other webmsater, show some respect, but DO NOT become master's dog. Use the word "PLEASE" only once in your sentences.

So when you establish some kind of good communication with the webmaster, ask him nicely if he could help you out with a small link. Show him your site, let him know your site is special. Then you will get the link.

Second, you have to develope some kind of strategy to get your site growing. If you are just statring, and this is your first site, make it ULTRA SUERFER FRIENDLY, or you have no chance of suclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess. Make everything 100% working, no pop-ups, zero porn.! Go to warez.com and sub-list.net sign up, they will bring some nice traffic to you if your site is SF.

Join ExitPopup.com, this should get your traffic going up quickly.

Then let it run for a month. Keep the links up and working at all times. This will cause some nice bookmarks! Then add slowly your sponsors and pop-up or two. Pop-up should go to a toplist of your choice, I recommend wareznetwork.com or qualitywarez.com . Let it run for another month.

Meanwhile do loads of Link exhcnages over ICQ, keep your reputation up, be friendly, BUT NOT ANNOYING! that will totally screw you up.

In another month, you should be getting round 20,000 a day. When you reach this number, it's time to stop and thing about your future development. If you are going for more traffic, you will need to shut down the pop-ups, and add forced voting with a Java Script of some kind. It works for a month or so. Having it too long will get rid of your bookmarks, so keep it short. 30 days is fine. That will raise your hits up to 50k. These 50,000 visitors will notice your site, and if they like, they will bookmark. So make sure your site is 100% working. When you get to this number, be smart, don't screw up like other webmasters. If you have your forced voting up too long, you will loose big time in a long run. Take it down and relax. You have established 30k/day site of quality bookmark traffic. Take all forcing down, put up one or two pop-ups max and all you have to worry about is to keep your downloads working. People will keep reffering by word of mouth, and in a while you will get back to you 50k even without forced voting.

Do not try to get over 50k, it's really hard. Instead concentrate your energy on creating another site, using your current site as a support. Once you established one big site, it will always be easy to grow. It's just your first site that is ultra hard!

How to make money from your website?

Use banners, pop-ups are a waste of traffic. You could use that pop-up to send a hit to a toplist and be better of. Use banners, and TEXT links are sometimes much more productive. There are 3 main choices: porn, paid to surf, or casino. I like to use maximumcash.com and trafficcash.com . But what I usually do is go to another warez sites and see what kind of sponsers they have, that works the best. Before you use the sponsor, get on ICQ and talk to some people asking them about if they know if the sponsor pays or not! Because loads of them do not pay!


If you want to learn PHP or CGI, good thing to do is to buy a book. O'Reille's books are the best. Go to bookpool.com for the cheapest prices, they really rock. Also go to apache.org and download the latest version of Apache for you system (Windows version is really working well). Then go to perl.org or php.net and downlaod your Perl/PHP whatever you want to use and make sure you read instructions on how to install it. This will set up a nice working enviroment on your PC and you are on your way. When you write your first Hello World, everything will get easy!
CPAN.ORG is awesome place! check it out, it's got loads of Perl MODULES which are very usefull! Also cgi-resources.com has thousands of free CGI scripts which you can examine and learn from!

Do not steal other people's scripts! IT's really bad thing to do. Imagine the person spent months on developing something and they you just steal it! That really sux! Don't do it please, I have my scripts stolen many many times, and I really do not appreciate it.
