Problem in installing MySQL on RHEL AS3 Update3

发表于:2007-06-09来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
When install the RHEL AS3U3 with default setup, the MySQL-serverwill not be installed.But installing OSCAR4.1 on a RHEL AS3 Update3 computer needsthe MySQL-server.version.rpm(put intothe /tftpboot/rpm directory,which will be used by slave

When install the RHEL AS3U3 with default setup, the MySQL-server will not be  installed. But installing OSCAR4.1 on a RHEL AS3 Update3 computer needs the MySQL-server.version.rpm(put into the /tftpboot/rpm directory,which will be used by slave nodes). The easiest way to got the MySQL-server.version.rpm is to rebuild the MySQL-version.src.rpm package. While do this, there are some issues that you should pay attention to.

When install the RHEL AS3U3 with default setup, the MySQL-server will not be  installed. But installing OSCAR4.1 on a RHEL AS3 Update3 computer needs the MySQL-server.version.rpm(put into the /tftpboot/rpm directory,which will be used by slave nodes). The easiest way to got the MySQL-server.version.rpm is to rebuild the MySQL-version.src.rpm package. While do this, there are some issues that you should pay attention to.

1. If you download the MySQL-version.src.rpm package from as I have done anteriorly),then do

   root#rpmbuild --rebuild MySQL-3.23.58-1.src.rpm

  while,you will get a error message just like" user mysqldev does not exist-using root "

  which can be resolved by adding a user named "mysqldev" and #chown the MySQL-3.23.58-1.src.rpm to user "mysqldev".

  But when I redo the #rpmbuild, it still reports some error message

 (Perhaps this will not oclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccured to all version, but the version 3.23.58-1 on RHEL AS3U3 still can't be rebuilded successfully)

2. If you download the MySQL-version.src.rpm package from, congratulation!

   root#rpmbuild --rebuild mysql-3.23.58-1.src.rpm

  everything work well.

After installed the MySQL package and then started the MySQL server, most probably you will encounter "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'" error. Which can be figured out as follows:

   #vi /etc/my.cnf

  added  these two lines


