Hacking Grub for fun and profit

发表于:2007-06-09来源:作者:点击数: 标签:

目录:0.0 - Trojan/backdoor/rootkit review

    1.0 - Boot process with Grub
        1.1 How does Grub work ?
        1.2 stage1
        1.3 stage1.5 & stage2
        1.4 Grub util

    2.0 - Possibility to load specified file

    3.0 - Hacking techniques
        3.1 How to load file_fake
        3.2 How to locate ext2fs_dir
        3.3 How to hack grub
        3.4 How to make things sneaky

    4.0 - Usage

    5.0 - Detection

    6.0 - At the end

    7.0 - Ref

    8.0 - hack_grub.tar.gz

