magic_quotes_gpc = Off的phpkit可以通过注入取得管理员的MD5密码.
SQL Injection and PHP Code Injection Vulnerabilities in PHPKit 1.6.1
Version: PHPKit 1.6.1
Risk: High if magic_quotes_gpc = Off
SQL Injection in include.php?path=login/member.php
The parameters usernick and letters are vulnerable to SQL Injections.
This will show the user "phuket" if the first character of his password
hash is '8'.
SQL Injection in include.php?path=login/imcenter.php
The parameter im_receiver is vulnerable to SQL Injections.
POC: im_receiver=phuket' AND MID(user_pw,1,1)='8'/*
This will print an error message like "Der von Ihnen angegebene
Empf鋘ger konnte nicht gefunden werden. 躡erpr黤en Sie bitte Ihre Eingabe!"
If the first character of the password hash is not '8'.
PHP Code Injection in admin/admin.php?path=images.php
It is possible to upload .php files to the content/images/ directory.
Of course you need a legal admin pass first.
Exploit code exists but I will not make it available to the public at
this time.
Turn magic_quotes on