RHCE and RHCT Frequently Asked Questions
RHCE and RHCT Frequently Asked Questions RHCE and RHCT Frequently Asked Questions Are the RHCE and RHCT Certification Exams open-book? I have heard the RHCE and RHCT Certification Exams described as performance-based. What is meant by perf
RHCE and RHCT Frequently Asked QuestionsRHCE and RHCT Frequently Asked Questions
- Are the RHCE and RHCT Certification Exams open-book?
- I have heard the RHCE and RHCT Certification Exams described as "performance-based". What is meant by "performance-based" certification or "performance-based" testing?
- Why did Red Hat decide to make the RHCE and RHCT Certification Exams performance-based?
- What's the difference between the RHCT and RHCE certifications?
- If the RHCT competencies are included within the RHCE Certification Exam, can I earn RHCT if I don't pass RHCE?
- What is the structure of the RHCE Certification Exam and what is required to pass it?
- What is the structure of the RHCT Certification Exam and what is required to pass it?
- Why did Red Hat drop multiple choice from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and higher exams?
- When do I receive my official results after taking an exam?
- What does Red Hat report when it sends exam results?
- When do I get my certificate?
- Why doesn't Red Hat send a hard copy certificate?
- How often can I re-take the RHCE Exam?
- Can I cram for the RHCE or RHCT Certification Exams?
- How can I do self-paced study for the RHCE Exam? Are there books or self-paced book and CD kits that Red Hat recommends?
- What does Red Hat recommend to prepare for the RHCE Exam?
- For how long will my certification be considered current?
- What are the benefits of getting certified by Red Hat?
- What benefits of RHCE and RHCT are provided directly by Red Hat, and for how long?
- How do I get re-certified for a new release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
- When should I consider getting re-certified?
- Where can I take the RHCE Exam?
- Will training provided by other training vendors who are not Red Hat Certified Training Partners be useful preparation for RHCE?
- How does the standard track of skills courses (RH033, RH133, RH253) relate to the RH300 Rapid Track RHCE course?
- Will there be other certifications created by Red Hat?