AE language pack troubleshooting guide

发表于:2007-06-09来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
1. Language pack was pluged into Websphere kernel, so make sure u have installed AE language pack and started the server properly. 2. AE language pack works as a plugin control, and Websphere works as a web application server, it records i

1. Language pack was pluged into Websphere kernel, so make sure u have installed AE language pack and started the server properly.

2. AE language pack works as a plugin control, and Websphere works as a web application server, it records its plugin controls working logs(Configured in plugincfg.xml), it is default in C:Program FilesWebSphereAppServerlogshttp_plugin.log, u can open it for more clues. For example, if u find a string that can't be resolved, add this string in hosts file, the path is C:windowssystem32driversetchosts.

3. If it doesn't work right away, u need to stop the server and start the server.
