一家之言----有关彼得 杜拉克

发表于:2007-06-09来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
in a few hundred years, when the history of our time will be written from a long term perspective, I think it is very probable that the most import ant event these historians will see is not technology, it is not the Inte .net , it is not

in a few hundred years, when the history of our time will be written from a long term perspective, I think it is very probable that the most important event these historians will see is not technology, it is not the Inte.net, it is not e-commerce. It is an unprecedented change in the human condition. For the first time -- and I mean that literally -- for the first time, substantial and rapidly growing numbers of people have choices. For the first time, they will have to manage themselves. And let me say, we are totally unprepared for it. 
                                                             -----Peter F. Drucker

这个地方不是狐假虎威,在我上学的时候我看到了一本台湾编写的有关 彼得 杜拉克的书,我当时并不感到自己特别适合自己的专业,但是我还必须把它学好,这样有了空闲的时候我就特别兴奋,这本书给了我很深的印象,它就像一剂良药。



彼得 杜拉克就是这么一位勇敢的人,它勇敢的说出了当一种自然规律或者社会规律发展到超出个人或者足以淹没个人的时候我们该怎么做。当我不得不离开那本书的时候,我想自己以后该怎么办呢?我把那本书放回书架的每个瞬间,我都希望自己在以后所有的时候都像那个瞬间一样聪明。

当然后来我是一塌糊涂,今天看到有关彼得 杜拉克内容了,赶紧从网上找到这位老朋友,我希望还能找到过去的亲切的话,我就看到了上面的话。

它的 URL 是 :http://www.pfdf.org/conferences/drucker99.html
