portsdb -Uu失败的解决办法。

发表于:2007-06-09来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
昨天做portsdb -Uu操作时出现以下错误。 #portsd -Uu Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..hs-alex-2.0_2: /usr/ports/dvipsk-tetex non-existent -- dependency list incomplete === devel/hs-alex failed *** Error code 1 *****************************
昨天做portsdb -Uu操作时出现以下错误。

#portsd -Uu
Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..hs-alex-2.0_2: "/usr/ports/dvipsk-tetex" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete
===> devel/hs-alex failed
*** Error code 1

Before reporting this error, verify that you are running a supported
version of FreeBSD (see http://www.FreeBSD.org/) and that you
have a complete and up-to-date ports collection. (INDEX builds are
not supported with partial or out-of-date ports collections -- in
particular, if you are using cvsup, you must cvsup the "ports-all"
collection, and have no "refuse" files.) If that is the case, then
report the failure to ports@FreeBSD.org together with relevant
details of your ports configuration (including FreeBSD version,
your architecture, your environment, and your /etc/make.conf
settings, especially compiler flags and WITH/WITHOUT settings).

Note: the latest pre-generated version of INDEX may be fetched
automatically with "make fetchindex".

*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports.


  1. cd /usr/ports/
  2. make index or make fetchindex
  3. portsdb -u
经过这几步大部分的问题可以解决,有些需要cvsup portstree后才能解决。
