At the present time (2004 September) '/samba3' will contain the 3.x series. '/samba' will contain 2.x series, which is obsolete.make install
. The current version of the file (2004 September) is 3.0.7,1 and the file name is samba-3.0.7.tar.gz
.Options for samba 3.0.7,1
[X] LDAP With LDAP support
[X] ADS With Active Directory support
[X] CUPS With CUPS printing support
[X] WINBIND With WinBIND support
[ ] ACL_SUPPORT With ACL support
[ ] SYSLOG With Syslog support
[ ] QUOTAS With Quota support
[X] UTMP With UTMP support
[ ] MSDFS With MSDFS support
[ ] SAM_XML With XML smbpasswd backend
[ ] SAM_MYSQL With MYSQL smbpasswd backend
[ ] SAM_PGSQL With PostgreSQL smbpasswd backend
[ ] SAM_OLD_LDAP With Samba2.x LDAP smbpasswd backend
[ ] PAM_SMBPASS With SMB PAM module
[X] POPT With installed POPT library
Extracting samba-3.0.7,1
or similar.Options for gettext:
[X] Examples
Check both options~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This port has installed the following startup scripts which may cause
these network services to be started at boot time.
If there are vulnerabilities in these programs there may be a security
risk to the system. FreeBSD makes no guarantee about the security of
ports included in the Ports Collection. Please type 'make deinstall'
to deinstall the port if this is a concern.
For more information, and contact details about the security
status of this software, see the following webpage:
Oddly enough it is called:smb.conf.default
Also, there is a copy here as well:/usr/ports/net/samba3/work/samba-3.0.7/examples/smb.conf.default
Since the system needs the file to be named 'smb.conf', let's make a copy:cd /usr/local/etc/
cp -p smb.conf.default smb.conf
pico smb.conf
workgroup = XYZworkgroup
%h Samba Server
%h Samba
'%h' is a variable for the name of the Host computer that Samba is running on.log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
The %m is a variable for the client logging in. You can use the default naming convention, or perhaps something like this:log file = /var/log/Samba-%m.log
========================== Share Definitions ==========================
comment = Homes Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes
Let's change this to:[homes]
comment = Home directory for %u on %h
browseable = no
writable = yes
path = /usr/home/%u/Docs
valid users = %S
# A publicly accessible directory, that can be read from
# or written to by all valid users.
comment = %h Shared Public Directory
path = /usr/home/samba/public
force directory mode = 0777
force create mode = 0777
force group = nobody
force user = nobody
public = yes
writeable = yes
read only = no
Press enter
/usr/local/bin/testparm | more
If you don't see any error messages, then it's good to go.cd /usr
mkdir home
cd home
mkdir samba
cd samba
mkdir public
cd public
shutdown -r +1
adduser -v
/etc/adduser.conf: No such file or directory
Use option ''-silent'' if you don't want to see all warnings and questions.
Check /etc/shells
Check /etc/master.passwd
Check /etc/group
Usernames must match regular expression:
Enter your default shell: csh date no sh tcsh zsh [sh]:
Your default shell is: csh -> /bin/csh
Enter your default HOME partition: [/home]:
Oops, /usr/home already exists.
Create symlink: /home -> /user/home
Copy dotfiles from: /usr/share/skel no [/usr/share/skel]:
Press enter.Send message from file: /etc/adduser.message no
Press enter.Create ``/etc/adduser.message''? (y/n) [y]:
Press enter.Use passwords (y/n) [y]:
Press enter.Write your configuration to /etc/adduser.conf? (y/n) [y]:
Press enter.Ok, let's go.
Don't worry about mistakes. I will give you the chance later to correct any input.
Enter username [[^[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_-]*$]]:
Enter the user name of the Windows user (we will user 'winuser' as an example here):winuser
Enter full name []:
Enter the user's full name:Windows Q. User
Enter shell csh date no sh tcsh [csh]:
Press enter:Enter home directory (full path) [/home/winuser]:
Press enter.Uid [1xxx]:
Press enter.Enter login class: default []:
Press enterLogin group winuser [winuser]:
Press enter.Login group is ``winuser''. Invite winuser into other groups: guest no [no]:
Press enter to accept the default 'no'.Enter password []:
Enter the password that 'winuser' uses to log into Windows. If there is no password, then just press enter.Name: winuser
Password: ****
Fullname: Windows Q. User
Uid: 1000
Gid: 1000 (winuser)
Groups: winuser
HOME: /home/winuser
Shell: /bin/csh
OK? (y/n) [y]:
Press enter if everything looks OK.
Send message to ``winuser'' and: no root second_mail_address [no]:
Press enter.winuser,
your account ``winuser'' was created. Have fun!
See also chpass(1), finger(1), passwd(1)
Add anything to default message (y/n) [n]:
Press enter to accept default.Send message (y/n) [y]:
Press enter.Copy files from /usr/share/skel to /home/winuser
Add another user? (y/n) [y]:
If you have more users to enter, then press enter. Otherwise, type 'n' then press enter.smbpasswd -a winuser
New SMB password:
Enter the Windows password.Retype new SMB password:
Re-enter the Windows password.startsmbfilepwent_internal: file /usr/local/private/smbpasswd did not exist. File successfully created.
Added user winuser
Repeat the 'smbpasswd -a winuser' command for all of your users to enter them in the Samba users database.cd /etc
cp -p rc.conf rc.conf.1.bak
pico rc.conf
# Start up the Samba file server program using /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
Press enter
shutdown -r +1
cd /usr/home/samba
chmod u=rwx public
chmod g=rwx public
chmod o=rwx public
cd /usr/home
ls -lt
Looking at the list, you should see the names of the users that you set up. For each user, we will now create a 'Docs' directory. Substitute each of your users for 'username' in the following:mkdir username/Docs
chown username username/Docs