Installation of FreeBSD on Dell D610

发表于:2007-06-09来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
新换了笔记本,自然要折腾一下了。 I installedFreeBSD5.3 on my Dell Latitude D610. Most of the procedures wereaccording to documents on the internet, eg. the Handbook and forumdiscussions. Yet there're something specific. Here are them. Scre

I installed FreeBSD5.3 on my Dell Latitude D610. Most of the procedures were aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording to documents on the internet, eg. the Handbook and forum discussions. Yet there're something specific. Here are them.

Screen resolution:
It seems that intel 915GM/910GML is not well supported in FreeBSD5.3/Xorg6.7. So I have to use a "vesa" driver with 1024x768 supported at maximum. Not that elegant on my 1400x1050 screen, but I can stand it.

Console beep:
How to silence the annoying console beep? There are a few ways here. Many articles on the net says we can use "set nobeep" in tcsh. I'm not sure. xset may also help in X. I havent tried that, either. Actually I managed to disable that beep with the Sound item in GNOME's Preferences.

Mouse wheel:
I am using a usb mouse and at first its rolling wheel did not work in X. Two files were changed at last to make it function.
Section "InputDevice"
Option "Buttons" "5"
Option "ZAxisMaping" "4 5"
End Section
devece "Mouse"
attach "usr/sbin/moused -z 4 -p ...

It took me several days working on localization. The Chinese fonts were not graceful. Then simsun was added, yet the fonts looked murky. It was said to be a counter-product of antialias on Chinese fonts. Finally I made it by override the font configurations with my ~/.fonts.conf file, in which antialias of several Chinese fonts were set to false. Similar .fonts.conf file can be found everywhere on the net.

Cause it is an intel 82801 card, so compile the kernel with
device sound
devece snd_ich
That would be ok.
