白虹 回复于:2002-02-27 20:05:52 |
请看前面的帖子! 真实用户home在/export/home! |
dqiu 回复于:2002-02-27 20:07:54 |
solaris下用户对应的home目录在/export/home下,不是/home. |
gamesprite 回复于:2002-02-27 21:11:39 |
哦,这样啊,谢谢 |
bear 回复于:2002-02-27 21:21:55 |
我找到根源了!!!见SUN的文章: FAQ ID Synopsis Date 1569 Why are the /net and /home directories not writable 30 Mar 1998 Description Top On a freshly installed Solaris system cannot write to /home or /net. Have tried to change permissions (555), but even root cannot write to it. What am I doing wrong? Solution Summary Top You're not doing anything wrong. The /net and /home are special directories. They are the mount points for automounter to automatically mount the exported file systems on the net and the user home directories. To disable automounter completely rename the /etc/rc2.d/S74autofs to /etc/rc2.d/s74autofs. But if you want to configure the autofs to mount other file systems but disable the /net & /home mounts, just comment out the /net & /home lines in the /etc/auto_master file. |
gamesprite 回复于:2002-02-27 21:23:38 |
哦。 |
bear 回复于:2002-02-27 21:24:18 |
还有1篇 FAQ ID Synopsis Date 3202 Why does Solaris produce a slice called /export/home rather than /home 3 Jul 2000 Description Top Web install of Solaris 8 produces a slice /export/home/ rather than /home and /home will not aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccept sub-directories. Why is this? Solution Summary Top The standard installation is tailored for larger workgroups where you may have multiple NFS servers and/or multiple user partitions. In Sun's default configuration, the automounter has control of /home via an indirect mount point defined in /etc/auto_master. The idea is to create the user's real home filesystem in server:/export/home or elsewhere and to create an entry in your auto.home or auto_home NIS/NIS+ automounter map (or /etc/auto_home) to mount the user's real filesystem at /home/username via the automounter. The user's then see their home filesystem at /home/username on all hosts in your workgroup. The advantage is that you can perform maintenance (move users filesystems between partitions or servers) without any impact to the user. Some packages will configure user environments with absolute paths to home directories and users frequently hard code paths into scripts, so this strategy neatly circumvents problems arising from moving home directories around. If you are running standalone and don't care to use the automounter, all you have to do is to edit /etc/auto_master and comment out the line beginning with /home. Then run the "automount" command to tell automountd to reread its config files. The entry in /etc/mnttab for /home should be purged and you will have free run of /home. You can prevent automountd from starting in the first place by removing /etc/rc2.d/S74autofs or renaming to something other than S* or K*. |
zcycy 回复于:2002-02-28 08:38:55 |
老熊就是厉害,呵呵 |
aaron2002 回复于:2002-06-10 18:11:59 |
确实厉害,佩服! |
cuauty 回复于:2002-06-11 09:27:12 |
我的E文不太好,看不懂啊 |
tomzh 回复于:2002-06-11 10:10:59 |
删掉这个/HOME,重新MKDIR |
daemonix 回复于:2002-06-11 12:00:20 |
/home 做autofs(/etc/auto_home)用的 /net 做 auto_master(/etc/auto_master)用。 |
dicky 回复于:2002-11-29 23:43:12 |
Solaris use /home folder #vi /etc/auto_master remark home |
starwang 回复于:2002-11-30 00:39:23 |
288里的 |
doni 回复于:2002-11-30 00:51:03 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]dicky[/u]在 [i]2002/11/29 11:43pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] Solaris use /home folder #vi /etc/auto_master remark home [/quote] I agree. 这个问题已经讨论过好多次了。 |
YT 回复于:2002-11-30 04:11:44 |
这么老的POST都有人翻出来啊? PFPF。。。 |