[讨论]SUN CLUSTER 2.2安装调试[讨论]
终于完成任务了,希望对“三少爷”和其他人有帮助,不过cluster2.2就要停产了。 希望有其他cluster经验的人也贴贴安装过程供大家学习。 SUNCLUSTER2.2SERVER端软件包安装过程 root@ha-host2#./scinstall Installing:SUNWscins 安装SUNWscins成功 Checkingoni
root@ha-host2 # ./scinstall
Installing: SUNWscins
Checking on installed package state
None of the Sun Cluster software has been installed
<<Press return to continue>>
==== Install/Upgrade Software Selection Menu =======================
Upgrade to the latest Sun Cluster Server packages or select package
sets for installation. The list of package sets depends on the Sun
Cluster packages that are currently installed.
Choose one:
1) Upgrade Upgrade to Sun Cluster 2.2 Server packages
2) Server Install the Sun Cluster packages needed on a server
3) Client Install the admin tools needed on an admin workstation
4) Server and Client Install both Client and Server packages
5) Close Exit this Menu
6) Quit Quit the Program
Enter the number of the package set [6]: 2
What is the path to the CD-ROM image [/cdrom/cdrom0]:
Installing Server packages
Installing the following packages: SUNWsclb SUNWsc SUNW
clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccd SUNW
cmm SUNWff SUNWmond SUNWpnm SUNW
scman SUNWsccf SUNWscmgr SUNWffx SUNWsclbx SUNWmondx
>>>> Warning <<<<
The installation process will run several scripts as root. In
addition, it may install setUID programs. If you choose automatic
mode, the installation of the chosen packages will proceed without
any user interaction. If you wish to manually control the install
process you must choose the manual installation option.
manual Interactively install each package
automatic Install the selected packages with no user interaction.
In addition, the following commands are supported:
list Show a list of the packages to be installed
help Show this command summary
close Return to previous menu
quit Quit the program
Install mode [manual automatic] [automatic]:
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Modifying /etc/rpc
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Modifying /etc/devlink.tab
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Modifying /etc/inet/inetd.conf
Modifying /etc/inet/services
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Sun Cluster Configuration Database
(sparc) 2.2,REV=2000.
Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits r閟erv閟.
## 正在处理软件包信息.
## 正在处理系统信息.
## 检查软件包的从属性
安装Sun Cluster Configuration Database成为<SUNWsccf>
##正在安装1部分- 1.
[ 确认类别<none> ]
/etc/rc0.d/K60rootreserve <链接的路径名>
/etc/rc2.d/S27rootreserve <链接的路径名>
Modifying /etc/group
[ 确认类别<sed> ]
## 执行预安装正文
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Checking on installed package state
Volume Manager Selection
Please choose the Volume Manager that will be used
on this node:
1) Cluster Volume Manager (CVM)
2) Sun StorEdge Volume Manager (SSVM)
3) Solstice DiskSuite (SDS)
Choose the Volume Manager: 2
The Sun StorEdge Volume Manager (SSVM) will need to be
installed before the cluster can be started.
<<Press return to continue>>
What is the name of the cluster? sc-TEST
How many potential nodes will sc-TEST have [4]? 2
How many of the initially configured nodes will be active [2]? 2
What type of network interface will be used for this configuration (ether|SCI)
[SCI]? ether
What is the hostname of node 0 [node0]? ha-host1
What is ha-host1's first private network interface [hme0]? hme0
What is ha-host1's second private network interface [hme1]? hme1
You will now be prompted for ethernet addresses of
the host. There is only one ethernet address for each host
regardless of the number of interfaces a host has. You can get
this information in one of several ways:
1. use the 'banner' command at the ok prompt,
2. use the 'ifconfig -a' command (need to be root),
3. use ping, arp and grep commands. ('ping exxon; arp -a | grep exxon')
Ethernet addresses are given as six hexadecimal bytes separated
by colons. (ie, 01:23:45:67:89:ab)
What is ha-host1's ethernet address? 8:0:20:**:**:**
What is the hostname of node 1 [node1]? ha-host2
What is ha-host2's first private network interface [hme0]? hme0
What is ha-host2's second private network interface [hme1]? hme1
You will now be prompted for ethernet addresses of
the host. There is only one ethernet address for each host
regardless of the number of interfaces a host has. You can get
this information in one of several ways:
1. use the 'banner' command at the ok prompt,
2. use the 'ifconfig -a' command (need to be root),
3. use ping, arp and grep commands. ('ping exxon; arp -a | grep exxon')
Ethernet addresses are given as six hexadecimal bytes separated
by colons. (ie, 01:23:45:67:89:ab)
What is ha-host2's ethernet address? 8:0:20:**:**:**
Will this cluster support any HA data services (yes/no) [yes]? no
Performing Quorum Selection
Checking node status...
Checking host ha-host1 ...
ha-host1 is alive
One of the specified hosts is either unreachable or permissions
are not set up or the appropriate software has not been installed
on it. In this situation, it is not possible to determine the set
of devices attached to both the hosts.
Note that both private and shared devices for this host will be
displayed in this node and the administrator must exercise extreme
caution in choosing a suitable quorum device.
Getting device information for host ha-host2
This may take a few seconds to a few minutes...done
Select quorum device for ha-host1 and ha-host2.
Type the number corresponding to the desired selection.
For example: 1
1) DISK:c1t0d0s2:01178LB362
2) DISK:c1t1d0s2:01178N8335
3) DISK:c1t2d0s2:01188NH828
4) DISK:c2t10d0s2:01188LX832
5) DISK:c2t8d0s2:01178KD241
6) DISK:c2t9d0s2:01178KB436
Quorum device: 1
Disk c1t0d0s2 with serial id 01178LB362 has been chosen
as the quorum device.
Finished Quorum Selection
Installing ethernet Network Interface packages.
What is the path to the CD-ROM image [/cdrom/cdrom0]:
Installing the following packages: SUNWsma SUNWsmax
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Modifying /etc/devlink.tab
Modifying /etc/inet/services
Modifying /etc/inet/inetd.conf
... SUNWsma: postinstall complete
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
... SUNWsmax: postinstall complete
Checking on installed package state
==== Select Data Services Menu ==========================
Please select which of the following data services
are to be installed onto this cluster. Select singly,
or in a space separated list.
Note: Sun Cluster HA for NFS and Sun Cluster for Informix
are installed automatically with the Server Framework.
You may de-select a data service by selecting it
a second time.
Select DONE when finished selecting the configuration.
1) Sun Cluster HA for
Oracle 2) Sun Cluster HA for Informix
3) Sun Cluster HA for Sybase
4) Sun Cluster HA for Netscape
5) Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP
6) Sun Cluster HA for Lotus
7) Sun Cluster HA for Tivoli

Sun Cluster HA for SAP
9) Sun Cluster HA for DNS
INSTALL 10) No Data Services
11) DONE
Choose a data service: 11
============ Main Menu =================
1) Install/Upgrade - Install or Upgrade Server
Packages or Install Client Packages.
2) Remove - Remove Server or Client Packages.
3) Change - Modify cluster or data service configuration
4) Verify - Verify installed package sets.
5) List - List installed package sets.
6) Quit - Quit this program.
7) Help - The help screen for this menu.
Please choose one of the menu items: [7]: 6
==== Verify Package Installation ==========================
All of the install packages have been installed
None of the client packages have been installed
All of the server packages have been installed
All of the SMA packages have been installed
Data Services
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Informix packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Netscape packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Lotus packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Tivoli packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for SAP packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for DNS packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster for Oracle Parallel Server packages have been installed
root@ha-host2 #
==== Select Data Services Menu ==========================
Please select which of the following data services
are to be installed onto this cluster. Select singly,
or in a space separated list.
Note: Sun Cluster HA for NFS and Sun Cluster for Informix XPS
are installed automatically with the Server Framework.
You may de-select a data service by selecting it
a second time.
Select DONE when finished selecting the configuration.
1) Sun Cluster HA for Oracle
2) Sun Cluster HA for Informix
3) Sun Cluster HA for Sybase
4) Sun Cluster HA for Netscape
5) Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP
6) Sun Cluster HA for Lotus
7) Sun Cluster HA for Tivoli

Sun Cluster HA for SAP
9) Sun Cluster HA for DNS
INSTALL 10) No Data Services
11) DONE
Choose a data service: 1
==== Select Data Services Menu ==========================
Please select which of the following data services
are to be installed onto this cluster. Select singly,
or in a space separated list.
Note: Sun Cluster HA for NFS and Sun Cluster for Informix XPS
are installed automatically with the Server Framework.
You may de-select a data service by selecting it
a second time.
Select DONE when finished selecting the configuration.
INSTALL 1) Sun Cluster HA for Oracle
2) Sun Cluster HA for Informix
3) Sun Cluster HA for Sybase
4) Sun Cluster HA for Netscape
5) Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP
6) Sun Cluster HA for Lotus
7) Sun Cluster HA for Tivoli

Sun Cluster HA for SAP
9) Sun Cluster HA for DNS
10) No Data Services
11) DONE
Choose a data service: 11
What is the path to the CD-ROM image [/cdrom/cdrom0]:
Installing Data Service packages.
Installing the following packages: SUNWscpro SUNWscds SUNWscsyb
>>>> Warning <<<<
The installation process will run several scripts as root. In
addition, it may install setUID programs. If you choose automatic
mode, the installation of the chosen packages will proceed without
any user interaction. If you wish to manually control the install
process you must choose the manual installation option.
manual Interactively install each package
automatic Install the selected packages with no user interaction.
In addition, the following commands are supported:
list Show a list of the packages to be installed
help Show this command summary
close Return to previous menu
quit Quit the program
Install mode [manual automatic] [automatic]:
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Package directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.8/Packages
Purified ccd file written to /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/ccd.database.pure
There were 0 errors found.
Checking on installed package state
============ Main Menu =================
1) Install/Upgrade - Install or Upgrade Server
Packages or Install Client Packages.
2) Remove - Remove Server or Client Packages.
3) Change - Modify cluster or data service configuration
4) Verify - Verify installed package sets.
5) List - List installed package sets.
6) Quit - Quit this program.
7) Help - The help screen for this menu.
Please choose one of the menu items: [7]: 6
==== Verify Package Installation ==========================
All of the install packages have been installed
None of the client packages have been installed
All of the server packages have been installed
All of the SMA packages have been installed
Data Services
All of the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Informix packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Netscape packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Lotus packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for Tivoli packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for SAP packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster HA for DNS packages have been installed
None of the Sun Cluster for Oracle Parallel Server packages have been installed
root@ha-host2 #
配置NAFO(Network Adapter Fail Over,主备机都要做)
root@ha-host2 # /opt/SUNWpnm/bin/pnmset
In the following dialog, you will be prompted to configure public
network management.
do you w
ant to continue ... [y/n]: y
How many NAFO backup groups on the host [1]: 1
Enter backup group number [0]: 0
Please enter all network adapters under nafo0:
The following test will evaluate the correctness of the customer
NAFO configuration...
name duplication test passed
Check nafo0... < 20 seconds
hme0 is active
remote address = 10.·.·.·
test hme0 wait...
nafo0 test passed
配置逻辑主机 (只在主用机上做一次就可以了)
ha-host1@root# scadmin startcluster ha-host1 sc-TEST
ha-host1@root# scadmin startnode
ha-host1@root# scconf sc-TEST -L ha-TEST -n ha-host1,ha-host2 -g datdg -i hme0,hme0,han2000 -m
ha-host1@root# scconf sc-TEST -F ha-TEST
/dev/vx/dsk/datadg02/vol-00 /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg02/vol-00/opt/test0 ufs 1 no -
/dev/vx/dsk/datadg02/vol-01 /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg02/vol-01/opt/test1 ufs 1 no -
/dev/vx/dsk/datadg02/vol-02 /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg02/vol-02/opt/test2 ufs 1 no -
/dev/vx/dsk/datadg02/vol-03 /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg02/vol-03/opt/test3 ufs 1 no -
oracle 正常安装 再用TAR 命令备份和恢复到备用机上。
以下在主用机上做(Cluster 已经启动,Oracle已经启动 

# su - oracle
$ svrmgrl (其中省略了系统回应信息)
SVRMGR>connect internal;
SVRMGR>grant connect, resource to scott identified by tiger;
SVRMGR>alter user scott default tablespace system quota 1m on system;
SVRMGR>grant select on v_$sysstat to scott;
SVRMGR>grant create session to scott;
SVRMGR>grant create table to scott;
# su - oracle
$ vi /opt/oracle/home/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
(将文件中的关于HOST = host1 的设置改成HOST = ha-TEST 逻辑主机名)
(并确认其中SID = ora8,SERVICE = ora

$ vi /opt/oracle/home/network/admin/listener.ora
(将文件中的关于HOST = host1 的设置改成HOST = ha-TEST 逻辑主机名)
(并确认其中SID = ora8,SERVICE = ora

3、copy 文件及改属性
# cp /opt/oracle/home/network/admin/tnsnames.ora /var/opt/oracle/
# cp /opt/oracle/home/network/admin/listener.ora /var/opt/oracle/
# cp /opt/oracle/admin/ora8/pfile/initora8.ora /ha-TEST
# chown oracle /ha-TEST/initora8.ora
# chgrp oinstall /ha-TEST/initora8.ora
# chown oracle /var/opt/oracle/tnsnames.ora
# chgrp oinstall /var/opt/oracle/tnsnames.ora
# chown oracle /var/opt/oracle/listener.ora
# chgrp oinstall /var/opt/oracle/listener.ora
# cd /opt
# tar cf oracle.tar oracle
# rcp oracle.tar ha-host2:/opt
# cd /var/opt
# tar cf var-oracle.tar oracle
# rcp var-oracle.tar ha-host2:/var/opt
# cd /opt
# tar xf oracle.tar
# cd /var/opt
# tar xf var-oracle.tar
# hareg -s -r oracle
# hareg -y oracle
# haoracle insert ora8 ha-TEST 60 10 120 300 scott/tiger \
> /han2000/initN2000.ora
(60循环检测间隔 60秒
10连接检测间隔 10次
120检测超时时间 120秒
300重启延时时间 300秒)
# haoracle start ora8
# haoracle list

# hareg
oracle on
mmmmn 回复于:2002-06-03 10:54:03
bear 回复于:2002-06-03 10:56:54
3.x的我还没有装熟怎么写?再说SUN的3.x还存在很大的变化,再等等。 再过2个月。
lintonyang 回复于:2002-06-03 11:03:56
bear 回复于:2002-06-03 11:06:17
garyjia 回复于:2002-06-03 11:19:06
bear 回复于:2002-06-03 11:26:26
garyjia 回复于:2002-06-03 11:27:50
procrus 回复于:2002-06-03 11:30:53
三少爷 回复于:2002-06-03 13:33:37
bear 回复于:2002-06-03 17:26:18
fancy 回复于:2002-06-03 20:00:16
sunyoung 回复于:2002-06-04 11:57:48
各位老大啊 我能跟你们学吗
段誉 回复于:2002-06-04 12:05:43
感谢!! 还有个问题,就是Oracle 8是否需要OPS? 
bear 回复于:2002-06-04 17:29:59
ssyyx 回复于:2002-06-06 11:17:56
SUN CLUSTER 是用来做什么的啊?
bear 回复于:2002-06-06 14:05:16
xxf 回复于:2002-06-14 17:56:25
系统工程师 回复于:2002-06-14 19:25:49