vipcui 回复于:2002-09-03 15:53:48 |
过些日子,我也要增加硬盘了,不知道这篇文章有什么不祥之处,请大家指正,将来作为我增加硬盘的方案,我找来这个文章与大家共享。呵呵 |
vipcui 回复于:2002-09-03 15:56:38 |
我一个菜鸟,刚才竟然有人用短信问我问题,我受宠若惊,呵呵,赶快找了一篇文章帮助这位兄台,不知道有什么帮助没有。 |
race 回复于:2002-09-03 21:01:55 |
100分 |
南非蜘蛛 回复于:2002-09-03 21:08:20 |
写的是够详细 |
czc9 回复于:2002-09-06 11:10:24 |
我试过,完全正确, |
vipcui 回复于:2002-09-06 11:22:15 |
谢谢,我也这样做 |
czc9 回复于:2002-09-06 11:32:11 |
整理一下,为了更好看明白 Solaris平台下的硬盘增设方法大致如下: 1. 关闭系统,进入PROM状态 % init 0 ok (PROM状态提示) 2. 在PROM状态提示符下确认当前系统所连接的SCSI设备状况 ok probe-scsi 或 ok probe-scsi-all 这时,系统将显示所能识别的SCSI设备极其设备号(Target ID).如果新连接的硬 盘之信息没有出现时,请按下述方法进行确认. 1) 检查设备号是否重复? Target-ID SunOS 4.xSolaris 2.x 3 内藏硬盘 1 硬盘 通常与SunOS 4.x一致. 2 硬盘 当ID不重复时, 4,5也 0 硬盘 可以用于硬盘. 4 磁带 5 磁带 6 CD-ROM CD-ROM 2) 检查电缆,插口,终端器等物理连接是否无误? 3) SCSI电缆的总长度是否在6米以内? 3. 重新起动系统 ok boot -r 注意,只有加入"-r"选项时, 系统在起动时才给所识别了的设备(包括SCSI设备) 生成相应的设备文件. 4. 对新增设的硬盘进行盘区划分 进入系统状态后,执行format命令,对新增设的硬盘进行盘区划分. 执行例 % format (CR) Searching for disks...done AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: 0. c0t3d0 /sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@3,0 Specify disk (enter its number): 0 //<-- 选择硬盘 selecting c0t3d0 [disk formatted] FORMAT MENU: disk select a disk type select (define) a disk type partition select (define) a partition table current describe the current disk format format and analyze the disk repair repair a defective sector show translate a disk address label write label to the disk analyze surface analysis defect defect list management backup search for backup labels verify read and display labels save save new disk/partition definitions inquiry show vendor, product and revision volname set 8-character volume name !<cmd> execute <cmd>, then return quit format> partition <-- 键入partition(或par)进入分区状态 PARTITION MENU: 0 - change `0' partition 1 - change `1' partition 2 - change `2' partition 3 - change `3' partition 4 - change `4' partition 5 - change `5' partition 6 - change `6' partition 7 - change `7' partition select - select a predefined table modify - modify a predefined partition table name - name the current table print - display the current table label - write partition map and label to the disk !<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return quit partition> modify <-- 键入modify(或mod),修改当前分区表. Select partitioning base: 0. Current partition table (original) 1. All Free Hog Choose base (enter number) [0]? 0 <-- 选择当前分区表. Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks 0 unassigned wm 0 17 15.90MB (18/0/0) 1 unassigned wm 18 88 62.71MB (71/0/0) 2 unassigned wm 0 742 656.29MB (743/0/0) 3 unassigned wm 89 121 29.15MB (33/0/0) 4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 5 unassigned wm 122 230 96.28MB (109/0/0) 6 unassigned wm 231 555 287.07MB (325/0/0) 7 unassigned wm 556 742 165.18MB (187/0/0) Do you wish to continue creating a new partition table based on above table[yes]? y <-- 键入y,以当前分区表为基准分区. Free Hog partition[6]? 7 <-- 选择适当的浮动区. (注1) Enter size of partition '0' [32562b, 18c, 15.90mb]: 16mb <-- 指定容量 Enter size of partition '1' [128439b, 71c, 62.71mb]: 62.7mb (注2) Enter size of partition '3' [59697b, 33c, 29.15mb]: 29mb Enter size of partition '4' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb]: 0 Enter size of partition '5' [197181b, 109c, 96.28mb]: 96mb Enter size of partition '6' [587925b, 325c, 287.07mb]: 287mb Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks 0 unassigned wm 0 18 16.78MB (19/0/0) 1 unassigned wm 19 89 62.71MB (71/0/0) 2 unassigned wm 0 742 656.29MB (743/0/0) 3 unassigned wm 90 122 29.15MB (33/0/0) 4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 5 unassigned wm 123 231 96.28MB (109/0/0) 6 unassigned wm 232 556 287.07MB (325/0/0) 7 unassigned wm 557 742 164.29MB (186/0/0) Okay to make this the current partition table[yes]? y <-- 确认后键入y. Enter table name (remember quotes): new_table <-- 键入适当的名称. partition> label <-- 键入label(或lab),设定系统标识. ok to label disk? y <-- 键入y partition> q <-- 键入q退出分区状态. format> q <-- 键入q退出format (注1) 当改变其他分区尺寸时, 浮动区(Free Hog)用于在容量范围内进行自动调 节. (注2) 分区容量的具体指定方法为: 容量数值后面加"b": 指定块数. 容量数值后面加"c": 指定柱面数. 容量数值后面加"mb": 指定MB数. 建议采用"mb",以兆字节为单位指定分区容量. 5. 生成新的文件系统 用newfs命令将所划分的分区生成为新的文件系统. % /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s7 (CR) 如果在上述过程中将整个硬盘指定为一个分区,可执行下述命令. % /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2 (CR) 6. 检查新生成的文件系统 用fsck命令检查新生成的文件系统是否正确. % /usr/sbin/fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s7 (CR) 如果在上述过程中将整个硬盘指定为一个分区,可执行下述命令. % /usr/sbin/fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2 (CR) 7. 安装新生成的文件系统 建立安装用目录后用mount命令进行安装. 例如,要将第7分区之文件系统用于home1时,可执行下述命令. % mkdir /home1 (CR) % mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s7 /home1 (CR) 8. 确认安装结果 用df命令确认安装结果. % df -k (CR) 9. 自动安装新设文件系统 为在系统起动时自动安装新设文件系统,修改/etc/vfstab文件. % vi /etc/vfstab (CR) #device device mount FS fsck mount mount #to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options # /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 /home1 ufs 6 yes - 10. 重新起动系统 % sync;sync;reboot (CR) |
pech 回复于:2002-09-06 12:35:54 |
czc9 乃好人也 |
南非蜘蛛 回复于:2002-09-06 12:37:27 |
做的漂亮 |
北极星 回复于:2002-09-06 13:48:00 |
good! |
vipcui 回复于:2002-09-06 16:56:39 |
谢谢你,你好认真呀 |
rainfly 回复于:2003-05-29 16:54:15 |
好啊,非常好 |
ddscsg 回复于:2003-08-09 18:14:19 |
[u60-1]/ <root> format
Searching for disks...done why i show this messages. my extendnal storage is multipack. AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: 0. c0t0d0 <SUN18G cyl 7506 alt 2 hd 19 sec 248> /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@0,0 1. c1t1d0 <drive type unknown> /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3,1/sd@1,0 2. c1t2d0 <drive type unknown> /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3,1/sd@2,0 Specify disk (enter its number): 1 AVAILABLE DRIVE TYPES: 0. Auto configure 1. Quantum ProDrive 80S 2. Quantum ProDrive 105S 3. CDC Wren IV 94171-344 4. SUN0104 5. SUN0207 6. SUN0327 7. SUN0340 8. SUN0424 9. SUN0535 10. SUN0669 11. SUN1.0G 12. SUN1.05 13. SUN1.3G 14. SUN2.1G 15. SUN2.9G 16. Zip 100 17. Zip 250 18. SUN18G 19. other Specify disk type (enter its number): 18 selecting c1t1d0 [disk unformatted] FORMAT MENU: disk - select a disk type - select (define) a disk type partition - select (define) a partition table current - describe the current disk format - format and analyze the disk repair - repair a defective sector label - write label to the disk analyze - surface analysis defect - defect list management backup - search for backup labels verify - read and display labels save - save new disk/partition definitions inquiry - show vendor, product and revision volname - set 8-character volume name !<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return quit format> p PARTITION MENU: 0 - change `0' partition 1 - change `1' partition 2 - change `2' partition 3 - change `3' partition 4 - change `4' partition 5 - change `5' partition 6 - change `6' partition 7 - change `7' partition select - select a predefined table modify - modify a predefined partition table name - name the current table print - display the current table label - write partition map and label to the disk !<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return quit partition> p Current partition table (original): Total disk cylinders available: 7506 + 2 (reserved cylinders) Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks 0 root wm 1 - 2608 5.86GB (2608/0/0) 12288896 1 swap wu 2609 - 2831 513.07MB (223/0/0) 1050776 2 backup wm 0 - 7505 16.86GB (7506/0/0) 35368272 3 - wu 0 - 0 2.30MB (1/0/0) 4712 4 - wu 1 - 7505 16.86GB (7505/0/0) 35363560 5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 partition> m Select partitioning base: 0. Current partition table (original) 1. All Free Hog Choose base (enter number) [0]? Warning: Non-contiguous partition (0) in table. Warning: Non-contiguous partition (1) in table. Warning: Overlapping partition (3) in table. Warning: Fix, or select a different partition table. |
williamw2000 回复于:2003-09-25 02:50:58 |
Good! |