北极星 回复于:2002-08-28 23:31:11 |
好东东。我先收起来! |
study12 回复于:2002-08-29 08:58:02 |
怎么不早拿出来! |
韦小宝 回复于:2002-08-29 09:16:21 |
tnnd,你没看发表日期吗?还在冒热气呢 |
study12 回复于:2002-08-29 09:26:35 |
O |
asfasf 回复于:2002-09-11 17:53:37 |
众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首那人却在灯火阑珊处 |
littletiger 回复于:2002-09-11 18:39:35 |
save先 |
miling 回复于:2002-10-16 17:06:03 |
//ft还叫好哩,越往下看,越觉得眼熟,仔细一看,原来从王波先生写的《FreeBSD使用大全》上大段大段摘下来的,偶尔改动的还改错了。 比如原文: map fxp1 -> 显然内部计算机的数量显然要多于系统拥有的合法地址的数量,上例中内部地址最多254个,而合法的外部地址仅仅有62个,这样如果向外连接的计算机一多,必然出现地址资源用光的问题。因此动态分配IP一般和端口转换结合起来,以避免出现地址消耗完毕的问题。 他在这里改成: map sppp0 -> 显然内部计算机的数量显然要多于系统拥有的合法地址的数量,上例中内部地址最多254个(2的8次方-2),而合法的外部地址仅仅有62个(2的6次方-2),这样如果向外连接的计算机一多,必然出现地址资源用光的问题。因此动态分配IP一般和端口转换结合起来,以避免出现地址消耗完毕的问题。 显然不止254个地址! |
kinux 回复于:2003-03-09 07:35:31 |
Hi all,
I install ipfilter failure... here...What's the problem?? # ls ip-fil3.4.31.tar ip_fil3.4.31 SUNWebnfs SUNWits # cd ip_fi* # ls 4bsd INSTALL.FreeBSD IPF.KANJI mln_ipl.c BNF INSTALL.IRIX IPFILTER.LICENCE mls_ipl.c bpf.h INSTALL.Linux ipfs.c NAT.FreeBSD BSD INSTALL.NetBSD ipft_ef.c natparse.c bsdinstall INSTALL.Sol2 ipft_hx.c NetBSD BSDOS INSTALL.SunOS ipft_pc.c NetBSD-1.2 BSDOS3 INSTALL.xBSD ipft_sn.c netinet BSDOS4 ip_auth.c ipft_td.c OpenBSD-2 BugReport ip_auth.h ipft_tx.c OpenBSD-3 buildlinux ip_compat.h ipl.h opt.c buildsunos ip_fil.c iplang parse.c common.c ip_fil.h ipmon.c pcap.h COMPILE.2.5 ip_frag.c ipnat.c perl COMPILE.Solaris2 ip_frag.h ipsd printnat.c etc ip_ftp_pxy.c ipsend printstate.c facpri.c ip_h323_pxy.c ipt.c QNX_OCL.txt facpri.h ip_ipsec_pxy.c ipt.h README FAQ.FreeBSD ip_lfil.c IRIX relay.c fil.c ip_log.c kmem.c rules fils.c ip_nat.c kmem.h samples FreeBSD ip_nat.h l4check snoop.h FreeBSD-2.2 ip_netbios_pxy.c Linux solaris.c FreeBSD-3 ip_proxy.c linux.h SunOS4 FreeBSD-4.0 ip_proxy.h Makefile SunOS5 FWTK ip_raudio_pxy.c man test HISTORY ip_rcmd_pxy.c misc.c todo IMPORTANT ip_sfil.c mkfilters UPGRADE_NOTICE inet_addr.c ip_state.c ml_ipl.c Y2K INST.FreeBSD-2.2 ip_state.h mlf_ipl.c INSTALL.BSDOS ipf.c mlfk_ipl.c INSTALL.BSDOS3 ipf.h mli_ipl.c # cd SunOS5 # ls copyright Makefile.ipsend preremove solinstall ipf.conf pkginfo prototype system ipfboot postinstall prototype32 uninstall Makefile postremove prototype64 # /usr/clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccs/bin/make package if [ "`uname -p`-`uname -r`" = "" ] ; then \ $x="`uname -p`-`uname -r`"; \ /usr/ccs/bin/make "CPUDIR=$x" package; \ else \ /usr/ccs/bin/make "CPUDIR=`uname -p`-`uname -r`" makepackage; \ fi mkdir -p i386-5.8/root/usr/include/netinet i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/examples i386-5.8/root/usr/kernel/drv mkdir -p i386-5.8/root/etc/init.d /tmp/ipfpkgs mkdir -p i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man1 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man4 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man5 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man8 ../bsdinstall -c ipfboot i386-5.8/root/etc/init.d cp ../man/*.[0-9] . ../bsdinstall -c ipf.conf i386-5.8/root/usr/kernel/drv ../bsdinstall ipf.8 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man8 ../bsdinstall ipfs.8 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man8 ../bsdinstall ipnat.8 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man8 ../bsdinstall ipftest.1 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man1 ../bsdinstall mkfilters.1 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man1 ../bsdinstall ipf.4 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man4 ../bsdinstall ipnat.4 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man4 ../bsdinstall ipl.4 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man4 ../bsdinstall ipf.5 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man5 ../bsdinstall ipnat.5 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man5 ../bsdinstall ipfilter.5 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man5 ../bsdinstall ipfstat.8 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man8 ../bsdinstall ipmon.8 i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/man/man8 cp ../rules/* i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/examples cp ../ip_fil.h ../ip_compat.h ../ip_state.h . cp ../ip_nat.h ../ip_frag.h ../ip_proxy.h . cp ../ip_auth.h . ../bsdinstall ip_fil.h i386-5.8/root/usr/include/netinet ../bsdinstall ip_compat.h i386-5.8/root/usr/include/netinet ../bsdinstall ip_state.h i386-5.8/root/usr/include/netinet ../bsdinstall ip_nat.h i386-5.8/root/usr/include/netinet ../bsdinstall ip_frag.h i386-5.8/root/usr/include/netinet ../bsdinstall ip_proxy.h i386-5.8/root/usr/include/netinet ../bsdinstall ip_auth.h i386-5.8/root/usr/include/netinet touch i386-5.8/ipf.pkg.common if [ -d i386-5.8/sparcv7 ]; then \ /usr/ccs/bin/make CPUDIR=i386-5.8 PROTO=prototype32 PKG=ipf OBJ=sparcv7 \ BITS=32 i386-5.8/ipf.pkg.bin; \ /usr/ccs/bin/make CPUDIR=i386-5.8 PROTO=prototype64 PKG=ipfx OBJ=sparcv9 \ BITS=64 i386-5.8/ipf.pkg.bin; \ else \ /usr/ccs/bin/make CPUDIR=i386-5.8 OBJ=. BITS=32 i386-5.8/ipf.pkg.bin;\ fi mkdir -p i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/bin/. i386-5.8/root//sbin/. i386-5.8/root/usr/kernel/drv/. ../bsdinstall -c -s i386-5.8/./ipftest i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/bin/./ipftest insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipftest *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../bsdinstall -c -s i386-5.8/./ipmon i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/bin/./ipmon insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipmon *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../bsdinstall -c -s i386-5.8/./ipsend i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/bin/./ipsend insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipsend *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../bsdinstall -c -s i386-5.8/./ipresend i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/bin/./ipresend insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipresend *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../bsdinstall -c ../mkfilters i386-5.8/root/opt/ipf/bin/./mkfilters ../bsdinstall -c i386-5.8/./ipf i386-5.8/root/usr/kernel/drv/./ipf insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipf *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../bsdinstall -c -s i386-5.8/./ipnat i386-5.8/root//sbin/./ipnat insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipnat *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../bsdinstall -c -s i386-5.8/./ipf.exe i386-5.8/root//sbin/./ipf insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipf.exe *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../bsdinstall -c -s i386-5.8/./ipfs i386-5.8/root//sbin/./ipfs insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipfs *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../bsdinstall -c -s i386-5.8/./ipfstat i386-5.8/root//sbin/./ipfstat insta:ns;can''''t open i386-5.8/./ipfstat *** Error code 1 (ignored) #-(cd i386-5.8; rm -f copyright post* prototype pkginfo) (cd i386-5.8; rm -f prototype) #-(cd i386-5.8; ln -s ../copyright ../postinstall ../postremove .) (cd i386-5.8; ln -s ../prototype prototype) sed&np-e ''sifipf/'''' -e "s/NAME=.*/&`if [ "32" = 64 ];then&nbseh&bsp;''''&np(4bit)''''; fi`/" \ -e "s/ARCH=.*/ARCH=`uname -p` (32-bit)/" \ < pkginfo > i386-5.8/pkginfo if [ "32" = 64 ]; then&npeh ''''SU_S=parcv9'''' >> i386-5.8/pkginfo; fi (cd i386-5.8; pkgmk -a `uname -p` -o -d /tmp/ipfpkgs) ## Building pkgmap from package prototype file. ERROR in prototype: no object for </opt/ipf/bin/ipftest> found in local path no object for </opt/ipf/bin/ipmon> found in local path no object for </opt/ipf/bin/ipsend> found in local path no object for </opt/ipf/bin/ipresend> found in local path no object for </usr/kernel/drv/ipf> found in local path no object for </sbin/ipfs> found in local path no object for </sbin/ipfstat> found in local path no object for </sbin/ipf> found in local path no object for </sbin/ipnat> found in local path pkgmk: ERROR: unable to build pkgmap from prototype file ## Packaging was not successful. *** Error code 1 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `i386-5/p.kg.bin'''' Current working directory /opt/ip_fil3.4.31/SunOS5 *** Error code 1 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `i3-./pf.pkg'''' Current working directory /opt/ip_fil3.4.31/SunOS5 *** Error code 1 make: Fatal error: Command failed for targetbp`ackage'''' #< |