mmmmn 回复于:2002-07-09 13:34:28 |
这个的意思是说系统已经有了 |
sql2000 回复于:2002-07-09 13:39:31 |
mmmmn你说话真简单,我那个是比如,除了code 2 还有 code 8、code x呢。斑竹大人,辛苦些找篇具体些的文章。如果你把这个问题讲详细了,就给自己的威望++吧,省得别人说你2:0,多没面子呀。 |
南非蜘蛛 回复于:2002-07-09 14:12:27 |
每个问题都说了好几遍,你们都没有看以前的帖子吗?????????????????? 给系统打patch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 作者:南非蜘蛛??? 给系统打patch 比如给X86的solaris8打patch unzip ./install_cluster 一般会报一些错误代码,2和8一般没有问题,详细信息参照下表 Exit code Meaning 0 No error 1 Usage error 2 Attempt to apply a patch that's already been applied 3 Effective UID is not root 4 Attempt to save original files failed 5 pkgadd failed 6 Patch is obsoleted 7 Invalid package directory 8 Attempting to patch a package that is not installed 9 Cannot aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess /usr/sbin/pkgadd (client problem) 10 Package validation errors 11 Error adding patch to root template 12 Patch script terminated due to signal 13 Symbolic link included in patch 14 NOT USED 15 The prepatch script had a return code other than 0. 16 The postpatch script had a return code other than 0. 17 Mismatch of the -d option between a previous patch install and the current one. 18 Not enough space in the file systems that are targets of the patch. 19 $SOFTINFO/INST_RELEASE file not found 20 A direct instance patch was required but not found 21 The required patches have not been installed on the manager 22 A progressive instance patch was required but not found < tr> 23 A restricted patch is already applied to the package 24 An incompatible patch is applied 25 A required patch is not applied 26 The user specified backout data can't be found 27 The relative directory supplied can't be found 28 A pkginfo file is corrupt or missing 29 Bad patch ID format 30 Dryrun failure(s) 31 Path given for -C option is invalid 32 Must be running Solaris 2.6 or greater 33 Bad formatted patch file or patch file not found 34 The appropriate kernel jumbo patch needs to be installed What we see from this is that the error codes we saw (2 and ![]() Sometimes you will see more serious errors. The most common of the serious errors is code 5 which means that the internal run of pkgadd failed. You should check the detailed log file /var/sadm/install_data/Solaris_2.6_Recommended_log for the reasons. It is not necessary to reboot the system immediately after installation but the system does need to be rebooted before any kernel or libc patches can take effect. |
随意江湖行 回复于:2002-07-09 15:07:40 |
返回的错误码我以前也不是很清楚。 谢谢南非蜘蛛了! |
sql2000 回复于:2002-07-09 15:31:45 |
以前的帖子太多了,找起来晕头转向的。谢谢蜘蛛!!! |
ultra-guest 回复于:2002-07-17 09:08:13 |
给他加一个威望。 |
sql2000 回复于:2002-07-17 09:50:08 |
我记得蜘蛛的威望不是0,我说mmmmn的那个2:0就是指的蜘蛛。蜘蛛是不是犯了什么错误,威望给--了。??? 或者........ 建议还是给蜘蛛加些威望吧。对于认真负责的,怎么也得给点精神鼓励呀! |
madcat 回复于:2002-07-25 11:53:53 |
可以通过 more /usr/sbin/patchadd 去查看返回错误的含义 |
ultra-guest 回复于:2002-09-12 16:19:35 |
我倒,,我打出个35. |
Cinna 回复于:2002-09-12 16:23:55 |
pkgadd的错误代码=2也是一样的吗? |
higeon 回复于:2002-10-31 19:55:17 |
good!! |
lilytong 回复于:2003-01-21 15:22:00 |
Installation of 106222-01 failed. Return code 8 也就是说 " Attempting to patch a package that is not installed ", 但是我不理解" Attempting to patch a package that is not installed ",这句话是什么意思?:-) |