Summary of Tape Commands/Examples
Note:ThefollowingdocassumesaPATHvariablethatcontains/usr/binand/usr/sbin Forcommandsorfilesthatnormallyexistoutsideofthesecommondirectories, fullpathsaregiven. Tapecommands. Command:mt-ma .net ictape Purpose:Toknowthestatusofatape,andtoper
Note: The following doc assumes a PATH variable that contains /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
For commands or files that normally exist outside of these common directories,
full paths are given.
Tape commands.
Command: mt - ma
.netic tape
Purpose: To know the status of a tape, and to perform rewind, erase, etc.
Path: /usr/bin/mt
Syntax:mt [ -f tape device name ] command [count]
where tape device name is usually /dev/rmt/0
commands are:
status -Displays status information about the tape drive
rewind -Rewinds the tape
retension-Smooth out tape tension
erase -Erases the entire tape
fsf -Forward skips count tape files
bsf -Backward skips count tape files
eom -Skips to the end of the recorded media
Count refers to the number of times that the requested operation is to be performed.
By default, mt performs a command once; multiple operations of a command may be
performed by specifying count.
mt -f /dev/rmt/0 status ---> This command displays the status of the tape
mt -f /dev/rmt/0 rewind ---> This command rewinds the tape
mt -f /dev/rmt/0n fsf 2 ---> This command forwards the first two files
mt -f /dev/rmt/0n bsf 2 ---> This command backwards two files
Command: tar - tape archive
Purpose: To create or restore tape archives. It is used to back up single or multiple
files in a directory hierarchy.
Path: /usr/bin/tar
Syntax:tar options device-name file-name
Where options are
cCreates the tar file from the beginning.
rReplace the existing one
tDisplays the table of contents of tape archive
uUpdate. The named files are written at the end of the tarfile if
they are not a
lready in the tarfile, or if they have been modified
since last written to that tarfile. An update can be rather slow.
A tarfile created on a 5.x system cannot be updated on a 4.x system.
xExtract or restore. The named files are extracted from the tarfile
and written to the directory specified in the tarfile, relative to the
current directory. Use the relative path names of files and directories
to be extracted.
VVerbose. Output the name of each file preceded by the function letter.
Where device name is typically /dev/rmt/0. It may also be a file name.
Where file name is the name of the file to be archived.
tar cvf /dev/rmt/0 /export/home/user1 --> Creates the tape archive of
/export/home/user1 on the tape /dev/rmt/0
tar tvf /dev/rmt/0 ---> Displays the table of contents of /dev/rmt/0
tar xvf /dev/rmt/0 ---> Restores the data from /dev/rmt/0
Note: In the above commands, /dev/rmt/0n can be used in place of
/dev/rmt/0. /dev/rmt/0n will not rewind the tape after the backup.
Command: ufsdump
Purpose: Used to back up a file system, files or directories. It may be a full backup
or incremental backup.
Path: /usr/sbin/ufsdump
Syntax:ufsdump options device-name files-to-dump
Where options are
0 to 9Specifies the dump level option. Level 0 is the lowest level, which is
used for full backup. Levels 1 to 9 are used for incremental backups.
uUpdates the dump record /etc/dumpdates with the date and dump
level of this backup.
fSpecifies the device to which the files are written. It requires the
device name.
vVerifies the data on the tape against data on the file system.
Where device-name is /dev/rmt/0
Where files-to-dump means raw file system /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s0 or block file
system /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0. Also it may be the name of the file system /export/home
or a file or directory name /export/home/user1.
ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/0 /export/home ---> Dumps /export/home file system to
/dev/rmt/0 which is full backup.
ufsdump 1uf /dev/rmt/0 /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s4 --> Dumps /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s4 file
system to /dev/rmt/0. But remember this is 1st level incremental backup.
ufsdump 4uf dbserver:/dev/rmt/0 /export/home/user1 --> Dumps 4th increment
level backup of /export/home/user1 to dev/rmt/0 tape device which is mounted
on remote box dbserver. Here, note that the tape device is not on the local
machine. It is on the remote machine dbserver.
Command: ufsrestore
Purpose: Used to restore/extract the files from a backup which is created by ufsdump
Path: /usr/sbin/ufsrestore
Syntax:ufsrestore options device-name file-to-restore
Where options are
iTo restore the files interactively
rRestore the entire backup
tList the table of contents of the backup
xRestore the files named on the command line
f Specify the device name /dev/rmt/0
vDisplay the path names as they are being restored (verbose mode).
Note: this is different from the v(verify) option used with
ufsdump command.
ufsrestore xvf /dev/rmt/0 ./etc/hosts ---> Restores /etc/hosts file to the
current directory.
ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0 ---> Prompts to select the files which are to be
ufsrestore rvf /dev/rmt/0 ./opt ---> Restores /opt file system to the
current directory
ufsrestore tvf /dev/rmt/0 ---> Displays the table of contents on /dev/rmt/0
starwang 回复于:2002-09-21 19:36:49
mt bsf 和 mt nbsf 之间的区别在哪里?