蜘蛛日记(八):Solaris发布的主要修订版本 (转)
[这个贴子最后由南非蜘蛛在2002/12/1707:26pm编辑] 作者:南非蜘蛛zhedou@sohu.com 个人主页:http://www.douzhe.com 转载请保留作者信息 下面列出了Solaris发布的主要修订版本的图表.没有包括一些不重要的发布版本. ThefollowingOSrevisionchartmapsthemajorS
[这个贴子最后由南非蜘蛛在 2002/12/17 07:26pm 编辑]
作者:南非蜘蛛 zhedou@sohu.com
下面列出了Solaris发布的主要修订版本的图表. 没有包括一些不重要的发布版本.
The following OS revision chart maps the major Solaris releases. Not all HW releases have been included as some are relatively unimport
Solaris SunOS OpenWin Comments
1.0 4.1.1B 2.0
4.1.1_U1 2.0 sun3 EOL release (not named Solaris)
1.0.1 4.1.2 2.0 6[379]0-1[24]0 MP
1.1 4.1.3 3.0 SP Viking support
1.1C 4.1.3C 3.0 Classic/LX
1.1.1 4.1.3_U1 3.0_U1 4.1.3 + fixes + Classic/LX support
1.1.1 B 4.1.3_U1B 3.0_U1 1.1.1B + SS5/SS20 support
1.1.2 4.1.4 3_414 The "final" 4.x release (SS20 HS11)
2.0 5.0 3.0.1 sun4c only
2.1SPARC 5.1 3.1 Dec '92
2.1 x86 5.1 3.1 May '93
2.2SPARC 5.2 3.2 May '93
2.3SPARC 5.3 3.3 Nov '93
OpenWin 3.3 is X11R5 based: Display
PostScript instead of NeWS, no SunView.
It is still primarily OPEN LOOK.
The Spring 1995 OpenWin will be Motif
and COSE-based.
Statically linked BCP support
2.3 edition II SPARC Special Solaris 2.3 distribution for
Voyager and SparcStation 5
2.3 HW 8/94 SPARC Supports S24 (24 bits color for SS5),
POSIX 1003.2, Energy Start power management
and SunFastEthernet + patches.
2.4 5.4 3.4 From this moment on, the SPARC and x86
releases are in sync. Q3 '94
Adds motif runtime and headers (not mwm).
2.4 HW 11/94 First SM
CC release of 2.4
2.4 HW 3/95 Second SMCC release of 2.4 (includes support
for booting from SSA)
2.5 5.5 3.5 UltraSPARC support, PCI support.
NFS V3, NFS/TCP, ACLs, CDE, Sendmail V8
name service cache, dynamic PPP
Posix threads,
doors (new IPC mechanism)
many "BSD" type functions back in libc,
many "BSD" programs back in /usr/bin.
mixed mode BCP support (e.g., apps only
dynamically linked against libdl.so)
2.5 HW 1/96 Creator3D support (Creator3D/FFB+ is not
supported in 2.5 11/95, though the files
are present but of unsupported,
"mostly works", beta quality)
2.5.1 Ultra-2 support, Sun Enterprise
server support. Large (32bit UID)
support. 64bit KAIO (aioread64/aiowrite64),
3.75 GB of virtual memory.
Pentium/Pentium Pro optimizations.
(upto 25% for certain database apps)
Ultra ZX support.
Initial and last PowerPC desktop release.
2.5.1 HW 4/97 Support for Starfire (E10000) and Ultra-30
2.5.1 HW 8/97 Support for the Ultra-450
2.5.1 HW 11/97 Support for Ultra-5, Ultra-10 and Ultra-60 as
well as Elite3D
2.6 5.6 3.6 Largefiles, JVM + JIT, Hot
java, X11R6,
Web based answerbook, BOOTP/DHCP, SNMP agents,
VLSM, in-kernel sockets, XNTP, PAM,
CDE 1.2 as default desktop.
2.6 HW 3/98 Support for Ultra-5, Ultra-10, Ultra-60 Elite3d
and Starfire (E10K)
2.6 HW 5/98 DR Support for Starfire
7 5.7 3.6.1 64-bit OS support, logging UFS.
7 HW 11/99 Added UDF filesystem, consadm, X11R6.4 server
8 5.8 3.6.2 Dropped support for sun4c and Voyager;
added IPv6, IPsec, modular de
bugger (mdb), high
granularity interval timers, consadm, /dev/poll,
MAP_ANON, forced unmount, extended memory for
Intel, in-kernel mnttab, audio mixer, NFS
server logging, Starfire Interdomain networking,
Kerberos v5 client support, /proc tools core aware,
prstat (like top), perl and other free utilities
included, Apache, apptrace (symbolic library
call traces), loopback file mounts (lofi),
Intel CD boot, Intel large IDE disk support,
8 06/00
8 10/00 Sun Blade 100 & Sun Blade 1000 support.
8 01/01
8 04/01 Sun Fire server support, cdrw
qqboy 回复于:2002-10-21 20:42:34
kitebird 回复于:2002-10-21 21:29:36
wstommy 回复于:2002-10-21 21:59:27
pech 回复于:2002-10-22 10:47:23
jerry206 回复于:2002-10-22 12:21:48
楼上的 你想如何?
fjlrb 回复于:2002-10-22 14:32:49
maomao 回复于:2002-10-22 17:38:44
xfeng7730 回复于:2002-10-22 18:41:06
qiusk 回复于:2002-10-22 23:36:32
对,就是蜘蛛的mm 我敢拿命担保
sunmarmot 回复于:2002-10-23 00:29:55
sctwzy 回复于:2002-10-23 09:51:50
毒虫 回复于:2002-10-23 13:19:50
superdba 回复于:2002-10-24 13:49:06
laser2000 回复于:2002-10-25 09:22:59
你们都上当了!!! 那只是一张贺卡而已!!! 其实蜘蛛它只是。。。