IfyouhaveforgottenthepasswordontheT300storagesystem,youcandothefollowingtogainaccess: -StopallI/OgoingtotheT3(s). -Connectconsolecabletoaterminalandpoweroffall units(bothtraysinapartnergroup). -Powermasterunitbackon(leavealternatemasteroff
If you have forgotten the password on the T300 storage system, you can do the following to gain a
clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess:
- Stop all I/O going to the T3(s).
- Connect console cable to a terminal and power off all
units (both trays in a partner group).
- Power master unit back on (leave alternate master off) and
rupt the boot process by hitting RETURN when you see
this message:
"hit the RETURN key within X seconds to cancel..."
NOTE: If you leave the alternate master on, it will continue
to boot. Eventually it will assume there is a problem with
the master (that we interrupted), disable it, and make itself
the master. Not good...
- At the "T300-EP" prompt, use the 'set passwd' command to
view (and memorize...) the password.
- Type 'reset' to reboot, and immediately power on the alternate
master (if present).
- If you choose, you can change the password after it boots
with the 'passwd' command.
NOTE: The T3 allows you to set the passwd at the "T300-EP"
prompt using the 'set passwd {newpasswd}' string, and it will
appear to change it. But you may find after booting up that your
new password did not take. Again, not good...
YT 回复于:2003-01-24 12:04:44
回答咯~ 还是比较简单D8?嘻嘻 
phoenixli 回复于:2003-01-24 12:46:53
YT 回复于:2003-01-24 13:03:52
7~ 问小密还84一个答案嘛.... 
sunmarmot 回复于:2003-01-25 02:35:52
hutao 回复于:2003-01-27 23:24:02
YT 回复于:2003-01-28 09:21:04
.............. ...... .... 
phoenixli 回复于:2003-02-11 21:12:27
hutao 回复于:2003-02-11 21:33:24
race 回复于:2003-02-11 21:37:12