YT 回复于:2003-01-09 10:24:30 |
DESCRIPTION: How do you determine which stack CMIP is configured to run over? The options are: RFC1006 from the SUNWrk6 package that comes as part of Solstice Enterprise Manager[tm], or RFC1006, LLC or X.25 from the OSI stack product. SOLUTION: CMIP can be configured over rk6 or OSI. To confirm which stack CMIP is using, you have to check following processes and their respective packages on the system: The daemons for rk6 and OSI are as follows; this will help identify how CMIP is configured. # ps -ef | /bin/egrep -i "rk6|osi" You may get this configuration; /opt/SUNWconn/lib/osimcsd --> CMIP daemon /opt/SUNWconn/rk6/bin/rk6d --> RK6 daemon (RFC1006 of SUNWrk6) ..or this other configuration: /opt/SUNWconn/lib/osimcsd --> CMIP daemon /usr/sbin/osinetd --> OSI stack daemon /usr/sbin/osilogd --> OSI stack log daemon The /opt/SUNWconn/rk6/bin/rk6d and /usr/sbin/osinetd are mutually exclusive. The following "pkginfo" command will help you to determine which packages are installed on your system and what they represent: # pkginfo | /bin/egrep -i "omgt|osi|rk6|llc" You may get these CMIP packages: SUNWomgta --> CMIP configuration files SUNWomgtb --> CMIP executables SUNWomgte --> CMIP libraries You may get this RK6 package: SUNWrk6 --> RFC1006/TLI module You may get these OSI packages: SUNWcosia --> OSI core stack kernel files SUNWcosib --> OSI core stack configuration files SUNWcosic --> OSI core stack management utilities SUNWcosid --> OSI core stack development kit You may get these X.25 packages : SUNWllc2a --> LLC2 kernel modules and include files SUNWllc2b --> LLC2 user programs and man pages However, SUNWrk6 and SUNWcosia are mutually exclusive because a /dev/otk6 stream driver is delivered in both: - SUNWrk6 - SUNWcosia But it is not the same /dev/otk6 (only the name is common). Please note that if you switch between these two stacks, you need to uninstall the old one, reboot, and *only* then install the new one. This is due to the matching name issue, which is necessary for functionality. However, it also means the OS can get confused and cause a panic if you swap between names without restarting the kernel. The two RFC1006 options are completely compatible with each other, offering CMIP over TCP/IP. A system with one can talk to a system with the other without a problem. LCC contained in SUNWcosia is not the same as LCC2 contained in SUNWllc2a. The following subnetwork selectors are possible for OSI; the selector decides which network is used: CONS --> connection oriented ( over x.25  ![]() CLNP --> connectionless ( over LLC  ![]() TCP-IP --> RFC1006 |
YT 回复于:2003-01-09 10:25:05 |
希望对你有用哦 |
饮鸩止渴 回复于:2003-01-09 10:53:33 |
谢谢谢谢 感激涕零 嘿嘿 |