YT 回复于:2003-01-08 18:20:53 |
MMMMN出来说话,快~ |
mmmmn 回复于:2003-01-08 18:24:33 |
太想知道了,YT大哥 |
YT 回复于:2003-01-08 18:25:35 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]mmmmn[/u]在 [i]2003/01/08 06:24pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 太想知道了,YT大哥 [/quote] 哎呀,比偶还流氓..... |
YT 回复于:2003-01-08 18:27:06 |
[这个贴子最后由YT在 2003/01/08 06:44pm 编辑] As you know, L20/40/60 tape jam issue had been troubling me for about a month. The first case came from Jiangxi Unicom L60 and then came from Anhui Mobile L40 and then Anhui Unicom L60. Fortunately, they are calm again now with the help of XXX and other bosses. I'd like to share with you about the tape jam issue of L20/40/60. Another good news, it said that L20/40/60 will EOL!! :-) Phenomena ==================== 1. In the three cases, got the same error messages while tape jam: Failed to unload tape from drive. Failed to detect that the transport has a tape. Code 63 Qualifier 48 sequence 126,129,105,104,127,130 2. Tape jammed in the driver, and could not be unloaded. Troubleshooting ==================== 1. Please DO NOT try to unload tape by panel command or web page AGAIN AND AGAIN, or the tape will be damaged. 2. Power cycle the library. Then try unload again. If it suclearcase/" target="_blank" >cceeded, you are lucky boy. If the tape jam happen rarely, then close this case and let it be. If not, go ahead. 3. Upgrade firmware of L20/40/60, if it is not the latest.The current firmwares are 1.25S and 1.33S. 1.42S will be released. After the library reboot, try unload again. If failed , go ahead. NOTE: a)SAVE all the configuration and error messages via web. b)DO FOLLOW the upgrading steps provied by patch 111972. 4. We had to manually eject jammed tape out of drive module. Please follow these steps: a)Rewind the jammed tape via maintenance->test->rewind. NOTE:PLEASE DO REWIND THE TAPE, or the tape will be damaged by manually eject. b)Power off this tape library and remove the drive module with jammed tape. c) Manually roll the gear of the drive module to eject the tape. It's hard to description the action. Please contact me if any confusion. This step is very important, because in the process of troubleshooting, we could had tape jammed many times. Exercise if possible. 5. Try a good DLTIV tape. If you had such case, get the SONY DLT IV tape from WANG Jian. If the tape you bring, succeed in loading/unloading. And then you know how to talk with your cust about this issue:). If failed, go ahead. 6. It's time to consider drive module replacement. Try other drive module with the tape you bring if possible, before replacing drive module. NOTE: Order one more drive module than you needed actually, becuase the drive module is very possible FCO! If failed after drive module replacement, go ahead. 7. Replace Library Controller Assembly/Vertical Lift Assembly/DLT Picker Translate Assembly/ L20 Motherboard ONE BY ONE as you like. NOTE:Please upgrade the firmware after your replacement. If failed, go ahead. 8. Do not hesitate to Escalate. FRUs =================== 380-0383 [F] DLT[tm] 8000 HV Differential SCSI 40-80GB 1/2-Inch Tape Drive (HP C7202-80008) 380-0496 [F] L20 Motherboard (For L20/40/60) 370-4175 [F] Remote Management Board Assembly 370-4174 [F] Library Controller Assembly 370-4172 [F] Vertical Lift Assembly (Only for L40/60) 370-4177 [F] DLT Picker Translate Assembly Lessons =================== 1. Don't replace all the fru suspected at a time, or it will make you confuse. 2. Do order one more drive module than you needed actually, becuase the drive module is very possible FCO. 3. Be carefule when you plug/unplug the scsi cable, or new issues will be introduced in by damaged scsi cable. [size=3][b]谢 绝 转 载 ! Only 4[/b][/size] |
YT 回复于:2003-01-08 18:28:33 |
是在BOSS的带领下解决的问题,嘻嘻 SHARE咯,MM老大不要再F**K偶咯~~! |
mmmmn 回复于:2003-01-08 18:45:37 |
因为看不懂,所以继续! |
YT 回复于:2003-01-08 18:46:02 |
我~~~我倒~! |
YT 回复于:2003-01-08 18:47:02 |
很简单的 啊~ |
race 回复于:2003-01-08 19:18:07 |
20是什么? |
sunmarmot 回复于:2003-01-08 22:51:43 |
偶也不知道,偶找个板凳先 |
hutao 回复于:2003-01-08 23:26:40 |
我也不知道啊:)YT,能不能仔细讲讲 |
YT 回复于:2003-01-08 23:32:49 |
是带库啊。。。。 |
YT 回复于:2003-01-08 23:41:30 |
Sun StorEdge L25 磁带库 Sun StorEdge(TM) L25 和 L100 磁带库可帮助公司在辅助存储需求增加的情况下,找到经济实惠地升级磁带备份的解决方案。模块化的设计可以根据需要随时随地实现轻松的升级、可靠的磁带备份及可用性极高的数据保护。L25 和 L100 共同为市场上任何架装式磁带库系统提供最高的可伸缩性和灵活性,以中档价位提供企业级的功能。这些磁带库允许客户根据需要购买存储容量,充分利用总投资。具有高可靠性特点和容错功能的组件可确保降低总拥有成本并延长系统的最大正常运行时间。关键功能: 紧凑型模块具有高密度特点,可节约宝贵的机架空间 可以随着存储需求的增长扩展系统 - 真正的可伸缩性和灵活性 本机备份容量高达 2.5 TB(具有 LTO) 25 或 21 个插槽的配置 多达 2 个 LTO 或 DLT8000 驱动器 架装式或立式 功能 可以混合使用磁带库;可以堆叠 Sun StorEdge L25 和 L100 以扩展成更大的系统,并可以在集成的堆叠式系统中混合使用它们。客户可以十分方便地扩大和调整系统容量以满足应用需求。多模块系统集成,通过单主机或 ISV 包进行经济实惠的管理。 可以灵活地调整容量和性能;随着存储需求的增长,可以扩展系统。客户可以定制系统性能以满足应用需求,并可调整驱动器与磁带的比例,从而满足备份时段的要求。 真正递增的可伸缩性;可保护投资。在很难预测未来存储需求的情况下,它是理想之选。无需使磁带库脱机即可添加模块。 SDLT 220 驱动器向后读兼容 DLT7000 和 DLT8000 写的介质;使用通过 DLT7000 或 DLT8000 驱动器写的介质的客户可以读取数据,然后将数据移植到更新的 SDLT 介质。 技术规格 支持的平台:Sun Ultra 60、80;Sun Blade 1000、2000;Sun Enterprise 220R、250、420R、450、3500 - 6500、10000;Sun Fire 280R、V480R、 V880、3800、4800、4810、12K、15K 操作系统:Solaris 9、8、7、2.6 保修等级和期限:1 年,第二个工作日上门服务 |
YT 回复于:2003-01-08 23:42:45 |
L20/40/60找不到了,L25凑合着看吧。 就是说磁带经常会象打印机一样卡纸。 怎么解决咧? 请看上面的帖子就OK咯~ |
race 回复于:2003-01-08 23:57:17 |
SUN的带库这么难用,OEM谁的? |
YT 回复于:2003-01-09 00:08:57 |
很不好意思,是OEM HP的.... |
solstice 回复于:2003-01-09 08:18:30 |
好东东啊,老有客户问偶这个问题, 俺通常是暴力解决了, (当然了,是以损坏磁带为代价的了) 希望下回不会了! 谢谢啊! |
78020281 回复于:2003-01-09 08:36:25 |
真不错,还有实物照片! |
llc107 回复于:2003-01-09 08:47:02 |
YT大哥的态度很是负责嘛!!! 佩服,佩服! |
zufuqing5303 回复于:2003-01-09 08:55:23 |
致敬! |
iricyan 回复于:2003-01-09 09:08:09 |
YY,这个问题会发生在其他的带库上吗? 嘿嘿,继续发好文吧! |
race 回复于:2003-01-09 09:15:54 |
谁敢保证自己的带库不卡带? |
iricyan 回复于:2003-01-09 09:23:44 |
这个东西偶还没有搞过! |
ID 回复于:2003-01-09 09:49:48 |
我们的一个方案恰好就是L25的磁带库,YT,你能详细说说现象吗? 是不是每台都是这样的,你是怎么解决的?谢谢 |
YT 回复于:2003-01-09 09:55:39 |
L25偶还没有遇到过,但是L20/40/60很不幸的,偶都遇见过了。。。 这个很难说是不是SUN产品的一个BUG,只能希望L25没有这样的现象咯。。。。 |
ID 回复于:2003-01-09 10:21:24 |
谢谢,希望也是这样 |
zlnk 回复于:2003-02-17 14:31:43 |
不是吧,连硬件都搞定,牛,佩服佩服,也许有一天我会供职于sun |
real 回复于:2003-02-17 15:24:51 |
收藏,好东东! |
phoenixli 回复于:2003-02-17 16:57:42 |
YT,是你自己写的吗?本事日见长进了啊~~L25,放心,马上就会有了~~偶刚卖一堆,会买SERVICE,嘻嘻~~ |
helixor 回复于:2003-02-17 16:59:37 |
YT,下次贴这种文章,能不能把人名/地名去掉? |
chlj2001 回复于:2004-05-09 15:55:04 |
是OEM HP的么 我怎么听说是OEM 昆腾的 谁说的对 有权威的给个说法 |