HP JetAdmin Installation and Configuration Guide
应race老大强烈要求,贴出此页 SunSolarisServersHPJetAdminInstallationandConfigurationGuide(SPARCPlatformOnly) 1.Loginasuserroot 2.CopytheHPJetAdminUtilityforSolaris2.6to/tmpdirectory #cp/cdrom/SOLd621.PKG/tmp Or,youcandownloaditfromHewlett-
应race 老大强烈要求,贴出此页
Sun Solaris Servers HP JetAdmin Installation and Configuration Guide (SPARC Platform Only)
1. Login as user root
2. Copy the HP JetAdmin Utility for Solaris 2.6 to /tmp directory
#cp /cdrom/SOLd621.PKG /tmp
Or, you can download it from Hewlett-Packard FTP site
3. Install the package
#cd /tmp
#pkgadd –d SOLd621.PKG all
a. You may be asked if Motif has been installed on the system
b. When asked where HPNP should be installed on the system, press [RETURN] for the default “/opt/hpnp” or enter a different directory
c. If asked if you w
ant to install conflicting files, answer “y”. This is only if you have a previous copy of JetAdmin a
lready installed. You will also be installing sub-packages for JobMonitor and DeviceMonitor
d. You will be asked if you want to continue. Type “y” to finish installing
e. Verify that the software
was installed properly:
Select Diagnostics (option 2) on the main menu
Select option 1 and make sure Version D.06.21 is displayed
4. Uninstall the package
#ps –ef | grep hpnpd | grep –v grep
#kill process_id
#pkgrm HPNP
5. Adding the Network Printers IP Addresses and Names in the system hosts file
#cd /etc
#vi hosts
Add this lines (this is only an example);
# Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Printers
# dandy
6. Adding a Network Print Queue from the Local Spooler
a. Select Configuration from the software’s main menu. The configuration menu appears
b. Select Add printer to local spooler
c. When the following prompts appears: Enter the network printer name:
type the name of your network printer, which is the name typed in NIS (Network Information
Service), DNS (Domain Name Service), or /etc/hosts for the printer. It is the printer’s node name
d. When the HP JetAdmin software displays a list of configurable parameters, change the parameters
you want to change, then select 0 (zero) to save.
e. Before the software shuts down the spooler to make configuration changes, it prompts you for
confirmation. Press [ENTER] for the HP JetAdmin software to shut down the spooler
f. At the prompt, press [ENTER] to display the configuration menu.
The printer should now be configured in your Solaris spooling system
7. Modifying the Existing Network Print Queue from the Local Spooler
a. Select Configuration from the software’s main menu. The configuration menu appears
b. Select Modify existing spooler queue(s) from the software’s configuration menu
c. Type the name of the queue you want to modify
d. When the HP JetAdmin software displays a list of configurable parameters, change the parameters
you want to change, then select 0 (zero) to save
8. Drivers
For HP Printers connected via HP JetDirect Card or HP JetDirect EX Plus 3 Hub the driver is automatically selected.
For Epson Printers connected via HP JetDirect EX Plus 3 Hub the driver is dumbplot_printer or dumbplot_printer_cr.
C. HP JetDirect Printer Installer for Solaris Installation and Configuration
1. Login as user root
2. Copy the HP JetDirect Printer Installer for Solaris 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6, 7, and 8 to /tmp directory
#cp /cdrom/SOLe118.PKG /tmp
Or, you can download it from Hewlett-Packard FTP site
3. Install the package
#cd /tmp
#pkgadd –d SOLe118.PKG all
a. You may be asked if Motif has been installed on the system
b. When asked where HPNPL should be installed on the system, press [RETURN] for the default “/opt/hpnpl” or enter a different directory
c. If asked if you want to install conflicting files, answer “y”. This is only if you have a previous copy of JetDirect Printer Installer for Solaris already installed. You will also be installing sub-packages for JobMonitor
d. You will be asked if you want to continue. Type “y” to finish installing
e. Verify that the software was installed properly:
Select Diagnostics (option 3) on the main menu
Select option 1 and make sure Version E.10.11 is displayed
4. Uninstall the package
#ps –ef | grep hpnpld | grep –v grep
#kill process_id
#pkgrm HPNPL
race 回复于:2003-01-06 08:22:42
mmmmn 回复于:2003-01-06 09:45:05
这个在bigadm里有,但我老打不开。。。。 以后就找laoxia了,呵呵