在SOLARIS 9里设FTP only 的帐户
http://docs.sun.com/db/doc/816-7125/6md5dsoe3?a=view#wuftp-18 看来9把wu-ftpd给加上去了 [b:e0d363f0f2]HowtoSetUpGuestFTPUsers[/b:e0d363f0f2] Theftpconfigscriptisusedtocopyallnecessarysystemfilestothehomedirectory.Whentheguestuserandtheguest
看来9把wu-ftpd 给加上去了
[b:e0d363f0f2]How to Set Up Guest FTP Users[/b:e0d363f0f2]
The ftpconfig script is used to copy all necessary system files to the home directory. When the guest user and the guest's home directory a
lready exist, the ftpconfig script updates the area with the current system files.
For more information, see ftpconfig(1M)
Note –
Unlike the user name (anonymous or ftp) that is set for anonymous users, user names for FTP guests are not fixed. Any name that would work as a real user name can be selected.
To enable a
clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess by a guest user to the FTP server, do the following:
Use the useradd script to create a guest user account with a login shell of /bin/true and a home directory of /root_dir/./home_dir.
For more information, see useradd(1M) and “Managing Use Accounts and Groups (Overview)” in the System Administration Guide, Volume 1.
Note –
In this procedure, /home/guests/./guest1 is used as the home directory name for a user who is called guest1.
# /usr/sbin/useradd -m -c "Guest FTP" -d
/home/guests/./guest1 -s /bin/true guest1
Assign a password to the guest account.
Add a guestuser entry to the ftpaccess file.
guestuser guest1
Note –
You can also use the guestgroup capability in the ftpaccess file to specify guest users. The guest-root capability in ftpaccess eliminates the need for the /./ in the guest user's home directory path.
Confirm that the guest user is a member of a class in the ftpaccess file. See How to Define FTP Server Classes for further information.
Use the ftpconfig script to create the required files in the chroot area.
/usr/sbin/ftpconfig -d /home/guests
Confirm that /bin/true is listed in the /etc/shells file. See How to Create the /etc/shells file.
Example—Setting Up a Guest FTP Server
In this example, the FTP area is set up in the /home/guests directory.
# /usr/sbin/ftpconfig -d /home/guests
Updating directory /home/guests[b:e0d363f0f2][/b:e0d363f0f2]