race要DGrid Engine安装方面D资料
InstallationSummaryforGridEngine ------------------------------------ Content ------- 1.Reviewthefollowinginstallationinstructions 2.Downloadthecurrentdistribution 3.CreateaGridEngineadministratoraccountandsetupserviceport 4.Createadirecto
Installation Summary for Grid Engine
1. Review the following installation instructions
2. Download the current distribution
3. Create a Grid Engine administrator a
clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccount and set up service port
4. Create a directory and unpack the distribution
5. Additional information before installing
6. Install Grid Engine
7. Verify installation
8. Using Grid Engine
1) Review the following installation instructions
Please read through this entire installation procedure before beginning
with the installation of Grid Engine.
2) Download the current distribution
Grid Engine is available from the following download servers:
From Sun Microsystems:
From the Grid engine Open Source site:
3) Create a Grid Engine administrator account and set up service port
An administrator account must be specified. The administrator can be an
existing user or a new user may be created for this task. This account
will own all of the files and it is used to configure and maintain the
cluster once the software is installed. We recommend 'sgeadmin' as the
administrator account belonging to the 'adm' group.
The administrator account must exist on all hosts in the cluster prior
to installation. This can be done by either including this information
in the local NIS/NIS+ database, or by adding entries explicitly to
/etc/passwd and /etc/group on all hosts.
The software uses a tcp port for communication. All hosts in the cluster
must use the same port number. The port number can be set in the
following places. The port number below shold be seen as an example only.
o NIS (Yellow Pages) services or NIS+ database
Add the following to the services database:
sge_commd 536/tcp # communication port for Grid Engine
o Add the above line manually to the /etc/services file on each machine
4) Create a directory and unpack the distribution
As the Grid Engine administrator user, do the following:
If you received the distribution in "tar.gz" format
o Create a directory for Grid Engine (eg, /gridware/sge).
This directory must be accessible via NFS to all Grid Engine
hosts. It can be either on a host in the cluster (eg, the master
host), or on a dedicated file server or file server appliance.
NOTE: this directory is hereafter referred to as $SGE_ROOT.
o Unpack the distribution to this directory.
o Verify the file permissions with the script
(all Grid Engine directories and files should be owned by the
administrator; some files need to be installed suid root)
If you received the distribution in "pkgadd" format
o Install the packages with "pkgadd" on your file server
(all files will have the correct permissions and ownership)
If you received the distribution in another format
o Follow the directions you received how to install the files of the
distribution with the correct permissions
5) Additional information before installing
o Grid Engine must be installed as root
The Grid Engine installation program needs to be run as root in order
to start the daemons. Root does NOT need write permission on the
fileserver. Once Grid Engine is installed, the administrator user
can handle all day to day operations, and you can gr
ant administrative
rights to ordinary users as well.
o Machine rebooting
The machines DO NOT need to be rebooted as part of the Grid Engine
installation. (The exception is if you run Grid Engine, Enhanced
Edition, on SGI systems).
o Host list file
It may be more convenient to have a file with the list of hosts that
will be installed. The format for this file is one hostname per line.
The names may also be typed in manually when the installation prompts.
o Shell configuration
If any stty commands exist in the users' startup scripts, jobs
submitted to Grid Engine may fail as there is no terminal associated
with a Grid Engine batch job. If there are stty commands, one of the
following must be done:
o Remove all stty commands from the login files
o Bracket the stty commands with an 'if' statement which checks for a
terminal before executing. For example, in csh syntax:
tty -s # checks terminal status
if ($status == 0) then # succeeds if a terminal is present
<place all stty commands in here>
6) Install Grid Engine
The installation is a two step process. First, the Grid Engine files are
installed and configured on the master. Then, a small installation script
is executed on each execution host to configure and start the daemons,
as well as to add automatic daemon startup to the init area. This requires
logging on to each execution host as root and manually running the install
program. Alternatively, if there is a secure machine with root rsh access
to all machines, the execution host install can be done on all exec hosts
in a single step from the secure machine.
o Step One - Install the master host
As root, on the master host, cd to $SGE_ROOT and run:
This will install the Grid Engine master/scheduler.
o Step Two - Install execution hosts
As root on the execution host machines, cd to $SGE_ROOT and run:
The installation programs start the Grid Engine daemons, so at the
completion of a successful install, Grid Engine is up and running.
If the qmaster host will also be an execution host, run this command
on it as well.
o Noninteractive installation
If you wish to run the install scripts and accept all default options
without interaction, you can execute them with the -auto and -fast
flags, for example:
./install_execd -auto -fast
'./install_execd -help' and './install_qmaster -help' will give a list
of all flags for each command.
o Cluster installation
If you want to install many exec hosts simultaneously using the default
options, you can use the 'install_cluster.sh' script in the directory
$SGE_ROOT/util. This script needs to be run from a machine which has
root rsh privilege on all exec hosts. Please note that each machine
needs to a
lready fulfill the prerequisite conditions listed in Steps
3 and 4. 'install_cluster.sh -help' will tell you its usage.
7) Verify installation
After the installation is completed, the installation can be verified.
There are some sample scripts in $SGE_ROOT/examples/jobs. First, source
the proper settings file to setup the Grid Engine environment:
C-shell syntax:
% source $SGE_ROOT/default/common/settings.csh
Bourne shell syntax:
% . $SGE_ROOT/default/common/settings.sh
Then, to verify Grid Engine is accepting jobs, execute the following:
% qsub $SGE_ROOT/examples/jobs/sleeper.sh
You should see output similar to the following:
% qsub $SGE_ROOT/examples/jobs/sleeper.sh
your job 1 ("Sleeper") has been submitted
Verify that all of the queues have been installed properly by running
the following:
% qstat -f (shows full listing of the queues)

Using Grid Engine
The main submit commands are qsub, qrsh and qtcsh. See the man pages for
submit(1) and qtcsh(1) for more details.
In general, qsub is used for traditional batch submit, where I/O
is directed to a file. Note that qsub only accepts shell scripts, not
executable files --- wrapper scripts must be used to submit binary
files directly.
qrsh acts similar to the rsh command, except that a host name is not
given. Instead, a shell script or an executable file is run, potentially
on any node in the cluster. I/O is directed back to the submitter's
terminal window. By default if the job cannot be run immediately, qrsh
will not queue the job. Using the '-now no' flag to qrsh will allow jobs
to queue. Note that I/O can be redirected with the shell redirect
operators. For example, to run the uname -a command:
% qrsh uname -a
The uname of some machine the scheduler selects in the cluster will then
be displayed on the submitting terminal. To redirect the output,
% qrsh uname -a > /tmp/myfile
The output from uname will be written to /tmp/myfile on the submitting
host. To allow the command to queue:
% qrsh -now no uname -a
If a suitable host is not immediately available the command will block
until a suitable host is available. At that time, the command output will
be displayed on the submitting terminal.
See the qrsh(1) man page for more details.
Grid Engine contains a modified tcsh, qtcsh which will automatically
submit jobs listed in a task file to the cluster. See the qtcsh(1) man
page for more details.
race 回复于:2003-02-20 16:11:42
YT 回复于:2003-02-20 16:31:13
race 回复于:2003-02-20 19:30:40
mmmmn 回复于:2003-02-20 20:01:05
laoxia 回复于:2003-02-20 22:19:36
sunspy 回复于:2003-03-07 16:28:04
多情男女 ,很多啊
johnyou 回复于:2003-03-08 13:43:05
用起来很单间:poweron grid0就行了。
laoxia 回复于:2003-03-08 22:13:44