BOOTPROCESSBREAKDOWN 1)Thebootcommandreadsandloadsthebootblockintomemory. 2)Thebootblocklocatesandloadsthesecondarybootprogram,ufsboot,intomemoryandpassescontroltoit. NOTE:Anetworkbootusesadifferentsecondarybootprogram:inetbootinsteadofufs
1) The boot command reads and loads the bootblock into memory.
2) The bootblock locates and loads the secondary boot program, ufsboot, into memory and passes control to it.
NOTE: A network boot uses a different secondary boot program: inetboot instead of ufsboot.
3) ufsboot locates and loads the core kernel images and the required kernel runtime linker (krtld) into memory and
passes control to the loaded kernel.
4) The core kernel locates and loads mandatory kernel modules from the root disk directory tree and executes
the main startup code.
5) The kernel startup code executes, creating and initializing kernel structures, resources, and software components.
6) The system executes shell scripts from system directories, bringing the system up to the init state specified in
the /etc/inittab file.
Common Errors Normal Output Phase
-one of keyboard LED blinks Resetting... ok boot
-doesn't o
clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccur LEDs remain on -console goes black || (POST phase)
-keyboard LEDs blink ||
-monitor stays blank -OBP banner appears \/
never see banner Initializing Memory Execute primary
-see spinning baton boot prgm - OBP
Unable to find boot device Rebooting with command (Ref. "boot-device"
Timeout waiting arp rarp Boot device : File & Args or "diag-device")
File does not appear to be FCode UFS Reader Load the bootblk prgm
executable (Enterprise Servers only) (sectors 1 - 15 on boot disk)
Not a valid ELF file ||
(Executable and Linking Format) ||
Can not find secondary boot \/
program loading:/platform/../ufsboot Load and start the secondary
File does not appear to be (Enterprise Servers only) boot prgm (platform/`uname -m`/
Fast Data Access MMU miss ufsboot) *tells prom load kernel modules
\/ ("boot -a")
Unable to load kernel module.. SunOS Release 5.7... Load and start the static kernel modules (kstat)
Data Access Exception Copyright..... /platform/`uname -m`/kernel/
unix (genunix)
moddir, rootdev, forceload... Kernel reads the /etc/system file
For each entry in /etc/system a sysparam
entry is created in /usr/include/sys/sysconf.h
Kernel initializes
(can start processes on its own)
Kernel starts the sched process (PID 0)
and then the init process (PID 1)
init process reads files /etc/default/init
and /etc/inittab
(single user) ||
Errors (depending on which script Configuring network sysinit entries executed
causes error): interfaces: -builds run level S using
-network plumbing & config /sbin/rcS
-mount /usr (if separate) Hostname: ||
-mount /proc and /dev/fd ||
-configure /devices (reconfig) ||
-configure /dev (reconfig) ||
-mount /var (if separate) ||
-mount all other file systems (run level 2) Uses initdefault entry to determine
-additional network config The system is coming up. run-level to boot to (default=3)
such as defaultrouter checks Please wait. ||
and dynamic routing tests ||
-start NIS or NIS+(if applicable) \/
-name service network config /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3:is clean Builds:
-NFS client configuration /dev/vx/rdsk/dskgrp/vol:clean -run level 2 via /sbin/rc2
-automount config(if applicable) -run level 3 via /sbin/rc3
-syslog configuration syslog service starting. -/etc/rc3.d/S*
-save panic dump(if applicable) volume management starting. ||
-CDE login screen enabled ||
-NFS server config(if applicable) (run level 3) \/
The system is ready
solaris_engineer 回复于:2003-06-05 09:30:18
solaris_engineer 回复于:2003-06-05 09:33:10