发表于:2007-06-08来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
没钱参加TIVOLI的 培训 ,只好自己找资料看。首先自学的是TIVOLI FRAMEWORK,为看懂网上的免费资料,第一步当然是先把TIVOLI FRAMEWORK中各种术语的含义搞清楚。 先到这里http://www-900.ibm.com/cn/services/learning/lesson/tivoli/tm1.shtml看看TIVOLI FR

    没钱参加TIVOLI的培训,只好自己找资料看。首先自学的是TIVOLI FRAMEWORK,为看懂网上的免费资料,第一步当然是先把TIVOLI FRAMEWORK中各种术语的含义搞清楚。
    先到这里http://www-900.ibm.com/cn/services/learning/lesson/tivoli/tm1.shtml看看TIVOLI FRAMEWORK培训的大纲,把大纲中提到的术语都先基本弄个明白。

1.TMR SERVER, Managed Node 及 TMA 的安装。

Tivoli 管理域服务器(Tivoli management region server) 请参阅 Tivoli 服务器(Tivoli server)。
Tivoli 服务器(Tivoli server) 拥有或引用一整套 Tivoli 软件(包括完整的对象数据库)的特定 Tivoli 管理域的服务器。
Tivoli 域(Tivoli region) Tivoli 服务器及其伺服的一组受管节点网关和端点。一个组织可以有多个 Tivoli 域。Tivoli 管理域处理资源的物理连通性,而策略域处理资源的逻辑组织。
Tivoli 管理代理程序(Tivoli management agent) 在 Tivoli 环境中,端点上以安全方式执行管理操作的代理程序。
The following system startup files are added or modified during the installation of a UNIX endpoint.
Operating system Files  modified
AIX    /etc/rc.tma1 /etc/inittab.before.tma1

Managed Node
Tivoli 管理域客户机(Tivoli management region client) 废除的术语。请参阅受管节点(managed node)。
受管节点(managed node)在 Tivoli 环境中,Tivoli Management Framework 安装所在的计算机系统。请对照端点(endpoint)。
网关(gateway) 在端点和其余的 Tivoli 环境之间提供服务的软件。
The difference between a Tivoli server and a managed node is that the Tivoli server object database is global to the entire region including all managed nodes. In contrast, the managed node database is local to the particular managed node.
To manage a computer system that hosts the managed node, install an endpoint on that managed node.
A gateway is generally created on an existing managed node. This managed node provides aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess to the endpoint methods and provides the communication with Tivoli server that the endpoints occasionally require. Refer to Chapter 5, “Endpoints and gateways,” on page 47 for more information about gateways.

端点(endpoint) 在 Tivoli 环境中,Tivoli 域中 Tivoli 操作的最终接收方。另见目标(target)和 Tivoli 域(Tivoli region)。

<aix_tmr01>/#wep ls   
G     1229988849.1.578  aix_tmr01
1229988849.10.522+#TMF_Endpoint::Endpoint# mhs2p
1229988849.12.522+#TMF_Endpoint::Endpoint# mhs1t
1229988849.2.522+#TMF_Endpoint::Endpoint# aix_tmr01-2
1229988849.8.522+#TMF_Endpoint::Endpoint# mhs2t
1229988849.9.522+#TMF_Endpoint::Endpoint# mhs1p
<aix_tmn01>/#odadmin odlist
Region           Disp  Flags  Port            IPaddr   Hostname(s)
1229988849          1    ct-    94          x.x.x.29   aix_tmr01
                   11    ct-    94          x.x.x.28   aix_tmn01

2.TIVOLI 提供的被管理资源。
受管资源(managed resource) (1) 存在于可管理的 IT 系统的运行时环境中的实体。(2) 在 Tivoli 环境中,代表资源并受策略控制的数据库对象。另见策略(policy)和资源(resource)。
策略(policy) 应用于受管资源的一组规则。
资源(resource)Tivoli 软件管理的硬件、软件或数据实体。另见受管资源(managed resource)。

安全组(security group) 在 Tivoli 环境中,Tivoli 管理员对其被授予权限的一组受管资源。安全组的示例有策略域和管理员集合。
策略域(policy region) 共享一个或多个公共策略且建立网络计算环境的管理结构或组织结构模型的一组受管资源。管理员使用策略域分组相似的资源、定义资料的访问权、控制资源以及关联用以控制资源的规则。
管理员集合(administrator collection) 在 Tivoli 环境中,包含所有“管理员”对象的资源。Tivoli 桌面上的“管理员”图标代表一个管理员集合。

A Tivoli region is an entity that contains the Tivoli server and its clients. A Tivoli region contains three tiers of resources, the Tivoli server, managed nodes and gateways, and endpoints, as shown in Figure 2 on page 10.
Using this three-tiered hierarchy, the amount of communication with the Tivoli server is reduced. Endpoints do not communicate with the Tivoli server, except during the initial login process. All endpoint communication goes through the gateway. In most cases, the gateway provides all the support an endpoint needs without requiring communication with the Tivoli server.
In a smaller workgroup-size installation, you can create the gateway on the Tivoli server. The server can handle communication requirements when fewer computer systems are involved. This is not an acceptable option in large deployments. The Tivoli server in a large installation will be overloaded if it also serves as a gateway. Refer to Chapter 5, “Endpoints and gateways,” on page 47 for more information about endpoint communication.

Endpoint manager, gateway, and endpoint
interaction Before an endpoint becomes a managed system, it must communicate and interact with the endpoint manager and gateways. The endpoint manager establishes and maintains the relationship between an endpoint and its assigned gateway. The endpoint manager is automatically created on the Tivoli server during installation. The primary role of an endpoint manager is to assign an endpoint to a gateway when the endpoint first logs in. If its assigned gateway stops responding to the endpoint for some reason, the endpoint manager would again be involved in assigning the endpoint to a new gateway. The endpoint manager is also responsible for identifying the gateways that an endpoint is assigned to when applications are trying to contact an endpoint.
Gateways assume some of the function of a Tivoli server. By shifting a share of the management processes to the gateway, the Tivoli server is freed to manage more clients. Each gateway can support thousands of endpoints. Gateways reside on managed nodes in most cases (see “Considerations for NetWare and OS/2 gateways” on page 61 for more information about gateways that reside on systems that do not have all the functionality of a managed node).
The endpoint performs all communications with its assigned gateway without requiring additional communications with the Tivoli server. The gateway invokes endpoint methods on the endpoints or runs gateway methods for the endpoint. To ensure communication between multiple endpoints and a gateway, make sure that more free processes are available on the gateway than assigned endpoints.
When a gateway is created or restarted, it contacts the endpoint manager for information about its assigned endpoints. As endpoints are assigned to the gateway, the endpoint information is passed to the gateway and stored in its endpoint list.
Gateways must be installed and running before you install and start endpoints. All gateways in a Tivoli region should listen on the same port. The default listening port is 9495.

端点方法(endpoint method) 在 Tivoli 环境中,作为另一个受管资源发出的请求的结果运行于某端点的方法。该方法的结果将转发至网关,然后转发至发出调用的受管资源。
网关方法(gateway method) 在为某端点指定的网关上代表该端点运行的方法。该方法的结果将转发至请求运行该方法的受管资源。

C:\>portqry -n aix_tmn01 -e 9495 -p TCP

Querying target system called:


Attempting to resolve name to IP address...

Name resolved to x.x.x.28


TCP port 9495 (unknown service): NOT LISTENING

C:\>portqry -n aix_tmr01 -e 9495 -p TCP

Querying target system called:


Attempting to resolve name to IP address...

Name resolved to x.x.x.29


TCP port 9495 (unknown service): LISTENING

C:\>portqry -n aix_tmn01 -e 9494 -p BOTH

Querying target system called:


Attempting to resolve name to IP address...

Name resolved to x.x.x.28


TCP port 9494 (unknown service): NOT LISTENING

UDP port 9494 (unknown service): NOT LISTENING

C:\>portqry -n aix_tmr01 -e 9494 -p BOTH

Querying target system called:


Attempting to resolve name to IP address...

Name resolved to x.x.x.29


TCP port 9494 (unknown service): LISTENING

UDP port 9494 (unknown service): LISTENING or FILTERED

概要文件(profile) 在 Tivoli 环境中,关于特定资源类型的特定于应用程序的信息的容器。Tivoli 应用程序为其概要文件指定模板,概要文件包含关于 Tivoli 应用程序可以管理的资源的信息。
概要文件管理器(profile manager) 在 Tivoli 环境中,将概要文件与称为订户的一组资源链接的概要文件容器。Tivoli 管理员使用概要文件管理器组织和分发概要文件。概要文件管理器可以以无数据方式或数据库方式运行。另见配置更改管理系统(CCMS)(Configuration Change Management System,CCMS)。
配置更改管理系统(CCMS)(Configuration Change Management System)在 Tivoli 环境中,概要文件的数据存储,这些概要文件包含系统管理应用程序用于对系统组作出配置更改的配置数据。另见概要文件管理器(profile manager)。
订户(subscriber) 在 Tivoli 环境中,预订概要文件管理器的资源。

任务(task) (1) 具有业务值、由用户启动并由软件执行的活动。(2) 在 Tivoli 环境中,必须对整个网络中的各种受管资源例行执行的操作的定义。任务定义当执行任务时要运行的可执行文件、执行任务所需的授权角色以及执行任务所使用的用户或组名。
作业(job) 由任务及其预配置的参数组成的资源。在其它部分中,参数指定将对其运行作业的目标。另见任务(task)。
收集;集合(collection) (1) 在 Tivoli 环境中,一种使您能在单个视图中查看所有相关资源的容器。(2) 一种监视和存储应用程序性能数据,然后将这些数据聚集至某时间间隔,最后将这些数据保存至端点上的数据文件的过程。

<aix_tmr01>/usr/local/Tivoli/bin/aix4-r1/bin#ls |grep job
Usage: wgetjob job_name library_name
Usage: wschedjob -t time -L TaskLibrary -n Name [-l label] [-D] [-o]
                                [-r 'I U N' | 'I U'] [-R 'I U N' | 'I U'] [-c 'I U']
                                [-g group] [-m email] [-d desktop] [-f file] [-h host]
                                [ -C 'daytime|nighttime|weekday|weekend <from> <to>' ]
                                [-s description]
<aix_tmr01>/usr/local/Tivoli/bin/aix4-r1/bin#ls |grep task
<aix_tmr01>/usr/local/Tivoli/bin/aix4-r1/bin#ls |grep sched
No scheduled jobs were found.

email: beginner@yeah.net
website: http://blog.chinaunix.net/index.php?blogId=739
