cheerland 回复于:2003-09-23 17:14:41 |
要想某个目录可写 用以上方法此目录必须对所有用户可写 例如:对根目录做如上设置时, 设置完后, 还应该执行下列命令: chmod o+w / 但是这样子安全性又不高 更好的做法 请各位高手指教 |
sgi1991 回复于:2003-09-24 09:12:53 |
这样恐怕不行!因为你在Global里面的设置都没有设置好,怎能直接设置共享。 |
cheerland 回复于:2003-09-24 16:38:57 |
正好请教一下 你所说的global设置是指那些没设好? |
pjm10 回复于:2003-09-26 14:32:41 |
那还不胜直接用ftp登上去呢,真是麻烦 |
cheerland 回复于:2003-09-27 10:49:18 |
FTP的一堆命令 对于象我这样的新手来说 还是很有难度的 尤其是碰到中文名的时候 我的方法实际做一下 很简单的,改一下参数而己 |
pjm10 回复于:2003-09-27 14:08:55 |
可以用IE呀 |
ddzzd 回复于:2003-10-06 19:12:00 |
Networking of pattern preparation units with the different operating systems Windows 2000 and UNIX In the following the installation of Samba, a software for networking of pattern preparation units is described. Important! The instructions should be viewed as an example of the pure networking of pattern systems with each other. It cannot simply be applied to other cases, e.g. the addition of these systems in an existing company network. The following activities are necessary: • Copy the installation program from another data carrier to the UNIX-system • Install Samba on the UNIX-system • Make settings on the UNIX-system Note: Samba is available free of charge and can be downloaded via the internet. Sie finden Samba im WWW unter der Adresse, von der aus Sie auf l&nderspezifische Server mit der darauf befindlichen Software gelangen. Select the software you need from Download/Binary_Packages/IRIX: samba53.2.0.6 for IRIX OS 5.3 (Indigo, Indy) or samba6x.2.0.7 für IRIX OS 6.x (O2). As the software is free of charge, the supplier of the systems can assume no warranty for it. The Samba software is now available as one of the following files on the UNIX system: samba53.2.0.6.tardist samba6x.2.0.7.tardist I. Install Samba on the UNIX-system Requirement: You must be logged in as root. 1. Create a new directory “samba” under /usr/tmp (on O2 “usr” and “var” is identical). 2. Move the samba file, e. g. „samba6x.2.0.7.tardist“, into this directory „samba“. 3. Open Console and do the following inputs: 4. cd /usr/tmp/samba 5. tar xf samba6x.2.0.7.tardist 6. inst 7. from /usr/tmp/samba 8. go 9. quit The installation program for the Samba software is run. Through the installation the UNIX directory /usr/tmp is released for the Windows-2000-system. II. Set up networking of pattern preparation units on the UNIX-system: Requirements • UNIX and Windows-2000 system are connected by Twisted-Pair Cable (UTP) to a hub. • Samba is installed. • Networking is installed on the Windows-2000-system. 1. Open the configuration file smb.conf in the directory /usr/samba/lib with a text editor. This can be done in Console with the command: jot /usr/samba/lib/smb.conf 2 2. Find the workgroup = entry in the file and enter any desired workgroup name, e.g. workgroup =M1WORKGROUP. This setting must be indentical with the setting of the workgroup on the Windows-2000 unit. To verify this setting on the Windows-2000 unit do the following steps: My Computer (right mouse button) Properties Network Identification Properties Workgroup Make shure that the same workgroup setting exist on the UNIX system and the Windows-2000 unit. 3. Change the security = user entry to security = share Release any other directories of the UNIS system for the Windows-20000-system. Therefore copy following text block (at the end of the file) Indy/Indigo: O2: [tmp] [tmp] comment = Temporary file space comment = Temporary file space path = /usr/tmp path = /usr/tmp read only = no writeable = yes public = yes guest ok = yes and modify it, e. g.: [Workspace] [Workspace] comment = UNIX-Workspace comment = UNIX-Workspace path = /usr/people/user/WorkSpace path = /usr/people/user/WorkSpace read only = no writeable = yes public = yes guest ok = yes 4. Save file and close text editor. 5. Type the following command into Console (as user „root“): chkconfig network on 6. Restart (reboot) the UNIX-system. Now all necessary conditions have been created on the UNIX-system. If on the Windows-2000 unit the own IP address is missing, an IP address has to be defined: My Network Places (right mouse button) Properties Double-click on Local Area Connections Properties select „Internet Protokoll (TCP/IP)“ Properties select “Use the following IP address” Enter IP address (the first three numbers must be identical to the IP adress of the UNIX system). Tip: How to find out the IP address of the UNIX system: 1. Find the name of the system within the console. 2. In the directory Hosts (path: ../etc/hosts) you will find all systems within the network. With an existing Windows network and following suclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessful installation, direct data exchange between the M1 and SIRIX is possible from the M1. Now the released file directories of the UNIX-system from which files can be exported and imported are visible on the Windows 2000-system. |
wxxW 回复于:2003-10-15 09:48:14 |
在global中要设置workgroup指向。 |
jetfan 回复于:2003-10-31 14:57:45 |
我是个菜鸟,请问各位大侠,在那有下载及如何安装?只在SGI上安装就可以吗?PC如何设置? |