Aide-memoire: 设置IRIX桌面背景
Defaultsetupforreference: Escher'sknot. [FormoreinfoonEscher'sartworkseemylastpostinginEnglishForumJHentitled:Aide-memoire:loosepieces] Forcustomsetup,thatis,usingyourfavourablebackground,usexlifromSGI/freeware En_route 回复于:2004-02-12
Default setup for reference:
Escher's knot.
[For more info on Escher's artwork see my last posting in English Forum JH entitled: Aide-memoire: loose pieces]
For custom setup, that is, using your favourable background, use xli from SGI/freeware

En_route 回复于:2004-02-12 13:50:48
| 2. Decompress the xli tarball

| En_route 回复于:2004-02-12 13:52:15
| 3. Installing....
| |