Aide-memoire: Installing IRIX 6.5 over the network [Part 1]
Aide-memoire:InstallingIRIX6.5overthenetwork[color=orange:2d5e07521d][Part1][/color:2d5e07521d]--[color=blue:2d5e07521d]sgimachineasbootserver[/color:2d5e07521d]: Thishasbeendocumentedingreatdetaile.g.-- http://futuretech.mirror.vuurwerk.n
Aide-memoire: Installing IRIX 6.5 over the network [color=orange:2d5e07521d] [Part 1][/color:2d5e07521d] -- [color=blue:2d5e07521d]sgi machine as boot server[/color:2d5e07521d]:
This has been documented in great detail e.g. -->
However, the actual operation is quite involved and therefore error-prone. Some [color=orange:2d5e07521d]physical feel/reference [/color:2d5e07521d]may be useful if one has not carried out such a network installation before. I attached below shots (by a digital camera of the operation).
Note that an [color=orange:2d5e07521d]sgi machine[/color:2d5e07521d]
was used as the[color=orange:2d5e07521d] boot server[/color:2d5e07521d] [Hence part 1], a[color=orange:2d5e07521d]
Linux x-86 box [/color:2d5e07521d]would be just as good as a boot server but somewhat more subtle in details...
En_route 回复于:2004-10-04 00:19:03
2. Setting up inetd.conf [ together with [color=orange:3021dfc3b1]/etc/bootptab[/color:3021dfc3b1] and [color=orange:3021dfc3b1]/etc/ethers[/color:3021dfc3b1] ] on my O[size=9:3021dfc3b1]2[/size:3021dfc3b1] ("[color=orange:3021dfc3b1]old-two[/color:3021dfc3b1]") for network installation of IRIX 6.5.
For detailed documentation on amending the [color=orange:3021dfc3b1]/etc/bootptab[/color:3021dfc3b1] and [color=orange:3021dfc3b1]/etc/ethers[/color:3021dfc3b1] ], see -->

| En_route 回复于:2004-10-04 00:25:26
| 3. It is quite a nuisance if the CDROM of your O[size=9:ea277273b1]2[/size:ea277273b1] is always faulty (due to age or something) and not many sgi machine has a CDROM, I consider it is a good idea to use a [color=blue:ea277273b1]Linux-x86 box [/color:ea277273b1]([color=red:ea277273b1]with efs compiled into the kernel [/color:ea277273b1]: see IRIX 精华版 ->
so that a common [color=orange:ea277273b1]ide-CDROM [/color:ea277273b1](instead of a [color=orange:ea277273b1]512 block SCSI CDROM[/color:ea277273b1]) can read the install media. After that, they can be transferred to the [color=orange:ea277273b1]sgi boot-server [/color:ea277273b1]by say [color=orange:ea277273b1]gftp[/color:ea277273b1] or some other similar program/utilities.
Attached is a shot (by a digital camera) of the installing media copied to a single directory [color=orange:ea277273b1]cd17[/color:ea277273b1].

| En_route 回复于:2004-10-04 00:32:06
| 4. Earlier I have fx the disk using
[quote:492b2d2fb1]boot -f bootp() --x[/quote:492b2d2fb1]
(a) that is, under aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccount
[quote:492b2d2fb1]/usr/people/peter [/quote:492b2d2fb1]
rather than
[quote:492b2d2fb1] /usr/people/guest [/quote:492b2d2fb1]
because of security settings
(b) Later in the installation, I amended it back to
[quote:492b2d2fb1]/usr/people/peter/... --> /usr/people/guest...[/quote:492b2d2fb1]
(c) [color=red:492b2d2fb1]Note:[/color:492b2d2fb1]
[quote:492b2d2fb1]O2 ip address ==>[/quote:492b2d2fb1]
[quote:492b2d2fb1]INDY ip address ==>[/quote:492b2d2fb1]

| En_route 回复于:2004-10-04 00:38:38
| 5. Adding the list of installation CDs...
Note each CD directory is preceeded by the [color=orange:67027dd9b7]boot-server ip "[/color:67027dd9b7]" and then the[color=orange:67027dd9b7] dist [/color:67027dd9b7] [color=red:67027dd9b7]sub-directories[/color:67027dd9b7]...

| En_route 回复于:2004-10-04 00:46:21
| 6. The remaining steps will be the same as for an installation via the CDROM and will not be repeated.
[color=orange:96440405e0]And have fun![/color:96440405e0]
| lorilee 回复于:2004-10-11 15:25:06
| 补充一点,在使用boot -f bootp()dist:/CDROM/stand/fx.64 --x时,还必须指出远程机器的sash and versions,使用hinv命令查看