HP 服务器安装 SCO UNIX 5.0.4/5(下)

发表于:2007-05-26来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
The SCSI configuration file has been updated. Updating system configuration System files have been successfully updates. Configuring Tape Driver ...(Stp) Enter Vendor Identification string or press Return to use default Or enter q to retur
clearcase/" target="_blank" >cccccc">

The SCSI configuration file has been updated.
Updating system configuration …
System files have been successfully updates.
Configuring Tape Driver ...(Stp)

Enter Vendor Identification string or press <Return> to use default
Or enter q to return to main menu:

键人: HPTape
Enter SCSI version that device is conformant to or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu:
键入 Enter
Enter Response Data Format that device uses or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu:

The following tape drive types are supported:
1.Generic SCSI-1 / SCSI-2 Tape drive
2.EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200 or 8500)
3.IBM rebadged EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200)
4.DAT drive (Compressing and non-Compressing)
5.QIC Cartridge tape drive
Please choose one of the above, press <Return> for default, or enter q to main menu:
Tape Driver Successfully Configured
Default special device have been created with the following links:
/dev/xct0linked to /dev/xStp0
/dev/rct0linked to /dev/rStp0and /dev/rmt/0b
/dev/nrct0linked to /dev/nrStp0and /dev/rmt/0bn
In /etc/default/boot:
No current boot string.
Enter New String, “rm” to remove string, or enter q to leave current string as is:
SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program

1.Install a SCSI Tape Drive
2.Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive
3.Remove a SCSI Tape Drive
4.Remove an Enhanced IDE tape Drive
5.Change default Tape Drive
6.View Current SCSI and Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configuration

Select an option or enter q to return to main menu
Tape Drive Configuration Program

1. Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive
2. Configure a different type of tape drive
Select an option or enter q to quit:
You must create a new kernel to effect the drive change you specified
Do you wish to create a new kernel now? (y/n)

Do you want this kernel to boot by default? (y/n)
 键入 y,屏幕显示:
Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt? (y/n)
  键入 y
tar tvf /dev/rct0
tar cvf /dev/rct0 directory _name or filename
tar xvf /dev/rct0 
cpio –icuvdmB

30.      附加逻辑盘安装
Sco Unix不能自动识别附加逻辑盘,需要手动安装,有以下步骤:
# mkdev hd
1)Add a hard disk to IDE controller
2)Add a hard disk to SCSI controller
3)Add a hard disk to IDA controller
Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this
      Device Or press <Return> for the default: ‘slha’
      Enter h for a list of host adapters or enter q to quit:
Which ‘amird’ SCSI host adapter supports this device?
Select 0-6, or enter q to quit :
      敲 0
The Host Adapter parameters will be automatically configured
What SCSI Bus is this device attached to ?
Press <Return> to use the default:0
Select 0-6, or h for help, or q to quit :
      敲 0
 What is the Target ID for this device?
Select 0-15, or h for help, or q to quit :
      敲 0
What is the LUN of this device ?
Press <Return> to use the default:0
Select 0-7, or h for help, or q to quit :
      敲 1
You are about to add the following SCSI device:
Host AdapterAdapter

Update SCSI configuration?(y/n)   ,      键入y
 The SCSI configuration file has been updated.
 A new kernel must be built and rebooted before disk configuration can 
    continue.Would you like to relink at this time ? (y/n)
(11)因为加一块逻辑盘需要’mkdev hd’两次,所以重复过程(1)-(9),    
      屏幕显示:Do you wish to continue? (y/n) ,敲y
(1)Display Partition Table.
(2)Use Entire Disk for Unix
(3)Use Rest of Disk for Unix
(4)Create Unix Partition
(5)Activate Partition
(6)Delete Partition
(7)Create Partition
Enter your choice or q to quit:
(13)出 现 (1) Print Current Bad Track Table
              (2) Scan Disk
  (3) Add Entries to Current Bad Table by Cylinder/Head number
        (4) Add Entries to Current Bad Track Table by sector number.
        (5) Delete Entries Individually from current Bad Track Table.
Enter  your  choice  or q to  quit.
敲 回 车。
(14)     出现Bad tracks have been identified
                 Enter the number of bad tracks to allocate space for (or press 
                 <return> to use  the recommended valve of  19)
                                       敲 回 车。
(15)出 please enter swap-space allocation, or press <return> to get the
              default allocation of 49000 1K block;
            敲 回 车 (这 个 数 值 下 面 可 调, 它 指 的 是 内 存 的 对 换 区 的 大 小)
(16)出 Please enter boot-space allocation, or press <return> to get the default allocation of 15000 1K block.
            敲 回 车
(17) 出 Do you wish to make any manual adjustments to the sizes or names of the file systems on swap area before they are create on the hard disk? (Y/N)
             敲 回 车 ( 提 示 是 否 要 对 上 面 参 数 进 行 调 整)
             Do you wish to make any manual adjustments to the size or name of the
             file systems or  Swap area before they are create on the hard disk? (y/n)
             输入: y  并按 Enter
NameTypeNew FS#First BlockLast Block
RootSwapRootScratchRecoverHd0aEAFSNON FSHTFSNOT USEDNOT USEDNON FSNON FSWhole disknononononononono01234567020000118000--206239520643420199991179992062394--206434120643512072352

n[ame]Name or rename a division
c[reate]Create a new file system on this division
t[ype]Select or Change filesystem type on new filesystem
p[revent]Prevent a new filesystem from being created on this 
s[tart]Start a division on a different block
e[nd]End a division on a different block
r[estore]Restore the original division table
Enter your choices or q to quit:
                 根据提示 按  'e' 设定分区的结尾的块值。
           'n' 给相应分区命名。
           'r' 恢复原分区。
                  分区划分满意后,按 q 并回车。
  I[nstall] Install the division Set Up shown
    R[return] Return the previous menu
          Please enter your choice:
          root file system is large enough that fsck will require a scratch
          division of 936 blocks to clean it, Would you like a scratch division to
          be allocated for you?  (y/n)
          Remove the floppy disk from the drive, then Press any key
          取出软盘,按任意键,退出依系统提示重新链接内核并reboot, 第二块逻辑

  31.   设置显示卡和分辨率
          以系统维护状态(单用户装态)下进入UNIX系统,在,键入命令 ‘ scoadmin’,
(1)在管理菜单中选择‘Video Configuration Manager’,进入‘显示设置管理’
(2)选择‘Add adapter’项,在显示卡驱动库中选中‘Cirrus Logic GD5446’一项。
(3)用户如果是14’显示器,‘Monitor’选择’other 14 inch’一项。
 (4)Resolution’可以设成‘VGA 640*480 256 color 60Hz’。
