1.Poweruptheserver 3.Uponseeingthefollowingpromptintheconsolescreen,pressanykeyonthekeyboardtointer rup ttheauto-bootprocess …. Todiscontinue,pressanykeywithin10seconds. …. 4.Youshouldseethefollowingpromptwhentheauto-bootprocessisinterru
1. Power up the server
3. Upon seeing the following prompt in the console screen, press any key on the keyboard to inter
rupt the auto-boot process
To discontinue, press any key within 10 seconds.
4. You should see the following prompt when the auto-boot process is interrupted
Main Menu: Enter command >
5. Insert the latest system backup tape.
6. You can use command sea to search to bootable media. Note the device type “Sequential a
clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess media”, which indicates it is the bootable tape. Then boot from it.
Main Menu: Enter command > sea
Searching for potential boot device(s)
This may take several minutes.
To discontinue search, press any key (termination may not be immediate)
Path# Device Path (dec) Device Path (mnem) Device Type
P0 0/0/1/0.3 extscsi.3 Sequential access media
P1 x/x/x/x.x extscsi.2 Random access media
P2 x/x/x/x.x intscsia.6 Random access media
9. Type in the boot command:
Main Menu: Enter command > boot p0
10. The bootstrap of the tape will be loaded into memory until you see the following question
Interact with IPL (Y, N, or Cancel)? >
11. Answer "N" to follow the automatic recovery of the Production Server
12. The following message will then be display. Press <Return> key to acknowledge the message and continue the recovery process.
Press Return to continue:
13. The following message will then be display. Press <Return> key to acknowledge the message and continue the recovery process.
[ Install HP-UX ]
[ Run a Recovery Shell ]
[ Advanced Options ]
14. Use the <Up>, <Down>, or <Tab> keys to navigate and highlight the "Install HP-UX" option, and press <Return> key to select the option. The system will then display the next screen. Use the <Tab> key to navigate and <Space Bar> key to select the following options. Once the options are selected, use <Tab> key to navigate to [OK] and press <Return> to acknowledge ok to proceed.
Source Location Options:
[*] Media only installation
User Interface Options:
[*] Advanced Installation (recommended for disk and file system management)
15. The system will then start loading the user configuration interface program. The "/opt/ignite/bin/tool" menu is displayed. Under the "Basic" tab, Make sure the configuration entries of "[Root Disk …]" display the following:
Configurations: [HP-UX System Recovery ->] [Description …]
Environments: [Recovery Archive ->] (HP-UX B.11.00)
[Root Disk …] SEAGATE_ST34573N
File System: [HP-UX save_config layout ->]
[Root Swap (MB) …] 512 Physical Memory (RAM) = 256MB
[Languages …] English [Keyboards …] [Additional …]
[IP Address …] Su
.net Mask: .
[Set Time Zone …] [Network Services…]
[Set Root Password …] [Additional Interfaces…]
16. Use <Tab> key to navigate to "[Go !]", and press <Return> key to proceed. Message prompt that disks and (or and) will be used as root disk. Warning also prompt that the 2 disks seem to have data on it.
17. Use <Tab> key again to navigate to "[Go !]" and press <Return> key again to confirm the restoration process.
18. The server will continue the recover process and will be rebooted after successfully completed the restore.
Janson-Chen 回复于:2005-08-03 22:24:30
lei8c8 回复于:2005-08-03 23:19:17
wuhao1001 回复于:2005-08-04 09:38:15
只做了make_tape_recovery 的备份,没有做过恢复,非常有用。
cjhvslhb 回复于:2005-08-04 09:39:50
ding! :D
biml2002 回复于:2005-08-04 09:48:44
007linxx 回复于:2005-08-04 12:15:11
lei8c8 回复于:2005-08-04 12:23:33
jojo.koo 回复于:2005-08-05 21:07:10
vlinx 回复于:2005-08-08 12:19:18
hao, ding
spook 回复于:2005-08-23 15:55:07
新人就是强人…… :lol: :lol: