iricyan 回复于:2004-06-30 23:34:28 |
FTP Session的时间设置:
# vi /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess limit-time anonymous 30 limit-time guest 60 单位是分钟。 # ftp ftpserver Connected to ftpserver. 220 ftpserver FTP server ready. Name (ftpserver:user1): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. Password: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> ls 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list. bin dev etc pub usr 226 Transfer complete. 25 bytes received in 0.0029 seconds (8.50 Kbytes/s) ftp> Wait 30 minutes ftp> ls 421 Timeout (900 seconds): closing control connection. ftp> 对real用户不起作用。 |
procrus 回复于:2004-06-30 23:38:38 |
好东西!我顶~~~~~ |
iricyan 回复于:2004-06-30 23:44:47 |
ftp mask设置
ftp> site umask 000 200 UMASK set to 000 (was 022) ftp> mkdir testdir1 257 "/tmp/testdir1" new directory created. ftp> dir drwxrwxrwx 2 root other 117 Jul 25 12:05 testdir1 ftp> site chmod 777 foo 200 CHMOD command successful. 在solaris 6 7 8 中用下面方式 # vi [color=blue:ed98b842d9]/etc/default/ftpd[/color:ed98b842d9] UMASK=nnn |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 00:02:18 |
设置 FTP loging
1. 取消/etc/ftpd/ftpaccess 文件中下面这行的注释: log commands real,guest,anonymous 2. 在/etc/syslog.conf 中添加: /var/log/ftplog 3. touch the file /var/log/ftplog # touch /var/log/ftplog 4. 从新启动syslogd. # kill -HUP `pgrep syslogd` 5. 登陆并验证: test # cat ftplog Nov 4 17:10:00 netlab11 ftpd[18885]: [ID 165209] USER root Nov 4 17:10:02 netlab11 ftpd[18885]: [ID 125383] PASS password Nov 4 17:10:02 netlab11 ftpd[18885]: [ID 539042] failed login from kerouac.East.Sun.COM [] Nov 4 17:10:04 netlab11 ftpd[18885]: [ID 225560] QUIT Nov 4 17:10:10 netlab11 ftpd[18886]: [ID 165209] USER root Nov 4 17:10:11 netlab11 ftpd[18886]: [ID 125383] PASS password 因为ftplog使用的是 (facility/level) , 如果syslog.conf文件前面已经有其他行使用了,那么相应的ftplog就会被记录到那一行所对应的log文件中。 如: *.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;mail.crit; /var/adm/messages |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 00:18:06 |
Solaris 9 里面添加了wu-ftp,配置匿名ftp变得更加简单。
wu-ftp (SUNWftpr, SUNWftpu) 两个文件包。 执行 /usr/sbin/ftpconfig命令。 可以参考man手册 # ftpconfig -d /pub Creating directory /pub Updating directory /pub # |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 11:41:07 |
Solaris 小于8 的 FTP log 设置
a: 创建ftp log文件 # touch /var/adm/ftpd. b: 编辑inet服务配置文件 #vi /etc/inetd.conf. 把 # Ftp and telnet are standard Internet services. ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.ftpd in.ftpd 修改成: ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.ftpd [color=red:6543230988]in.ftpd -d -l[/color:6543230988] -d: 从syslogd得到 -l: list 每一个FTP session c: restart inetd daemons: # ps -ef | grep inetd root 14017 1 0 15:15:27 ? 0:01 /usr/sbin/inetd -s # [color=blue:6543230988]kill -1 <pid_inetd>[/color:6543230988] # note: -1 ,重新读取配置文件并初始化进程,等于 kill -HUP <pid of inetd>. d: 修改syslogd.conf并从新启动 # vi /etc/syslog.conf daemon.debug /var/adm/ftpd <<-----增加这一行 note: 中间用tap,不能用空格,会出错的。 # ps -ef | grep syslogd root 14076 1 0 15:33:07 ? 0:08 /usr/sbin/syslogd root 16039 16001 0 12:27:03 pts/5 0:00 /usr/bin/grep syslogd # kill -1 <PID-syslogd> f: 验证 # ps -ef | grep syslogd root 14076 1 0 15:33:07 ? 0:08 /usr/sbin/syslogd # fuser /var/adm/ftpd /var/adm/ftpd: 14076o # |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 14:07:48 |
#!/usr/bin/sh # Change HOSTNAME, USER, PASSWD and FILENAME appropriately # Do NOT include any comment lines between LABELs # The only thing that can appear between LABELs are valid ftp commands # the -n switch is necessary /usr/bin/ftp -n << LABEL open HOSTNAME user USER PASSWD binary get FILENAME bye LABEL |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 14:15:08 |
自动获得多个文件的脚本 ~
#!/usr/bin/sh # Change HOSTNAME, USER, and PASSWD appropriately. The mput *.html file could be anything (*.txt, file*, etc) # Do NOT include any comment lines between LABELs # The only thing that can appear between LABELs are valid ftp commands # the -n switch is necessary. The -i switch turns off interactive prompting during multiple file transfers. /usr/bin/ftp -in << LABEL open HOSTNAME user USER PASSWD binary mput *.html bye LABEL |
南非蜘蛛 回复于:2004-07-01 14:19:55 |
note: 中间用tap,不能用空格,会出错的。
燕子妹妹,这里写错了,是tab,不是tap |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 14:25:20 |
如果有防火墙,那么需要用到rftp来自动获取文件 ~~
#!/usr/bin/sh # Change HOSTNAME, USER, PASSWD and FILENAME appropriately # Do NOT include any comment lines between LABELs # The only thing that can appear between LABELs are valid ftp commands # the -n switch is necessary # rftp is a SOCKS client version of ftp. Happily provided at Sun in /usr/dist/exe. # Do not know where rftp can be obtained but a man page is at: # /usr/sbin/rftp -n << LABEL open HOSTNAME user USER PASSWD binary get FILENAME bye LABEL |
吹拂的晨风 回复于:2004-07-01 14:47:30 |
我为什么叫姐姐啊,郁闷ing! |
fwizard 回复于:2004-07-01 15:05:12 |
期待ing................................ |
nimysun 回复于:2004-07-01 15:28:14 |
绝对的好帖啊。 |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 16:50:49 |
[quote:1de857c12b="南非蜘蛛"]note: 中间用tap,不能用空格,会出错的。
燕子妹妹,这里写错了,是tab,不是tap[/quote:1de857c12b] :oops: :oops: :oops: :roll: :roll: :roll: 你倒过来看就OK了~~ |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 16:56:43 |
Note: 上面几个脚本包含了用户的password,最好设置成别人看不了D :em06: :em06: |
fwizard 回复于:2004-07-01 17:22:07 |
先谢谢了哦 |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 17:51:52 |
记得叫JJ,not MM |
nimysun 回复于:2004-07-01 17:54:56 |
好奇中。。。。。。。 :) |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 18:07:12 |
好奇中。。。。。。。 :)[/quote:2db2010f10] :emn28: :emn13: :emn15: 原来是大叔..... :em23: :em23: |
nimysun 回复于:2004-07-01 18:12:26 |
^_^ |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 18:16:43 |
顺便向你学习 :) |
fwizard 回复于:2004-07-01 18:21:39 |
偶晕,几分钟没看我长这么大了?。。。。。。。。。。。 |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 18:22:39 |
1 给该用户一个系统不存在的shell # more /etc/passwd user:x:1111:10::/user1:/bin/nothish 2 创建该shell文件 # touch /bin/nothish 3 将/bin/nothish 加入 /etc/shells. <------如果需要的话 note:/etc/shells 系统可以使用的shell,某用户的shell不在此文件将不被允许登陆。 就可以了。 |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 21:31:57 |
ftp的两个端口,一个是传输命令的,一个是传输数据的。 如果能登陆,也能输入命令,但是没有显示的,一般是ftp_data的端口设置不当造成的。 |
吹拂的晨风 回复于:2004-07-01 22:18:57 |
记得叫JJ,not MM[/quote:255d77e98f] 女孩子应该都喜欢别人叫MM才对呀,是不是啊iricyanJJ,期待你8下的总结! |
iricyan 回复于:2004-07-01 23:53:21 |
压力呀,回头读读文档,看是不是有东西可以续上。 |
procrus 回复于:2004-07-01 23:57:22 |
期待下回分解 |
chenyajun5 回复于:2004-07-02 10:44:34 |
go on please |
noah007 回复于:2004-07-05 09:24:57 |
:oops: 第一次知道燕子jj也是做技术的呀。 |