How to set default route in Solaris - -

发表于:2007-05-26来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
How to set default route in Solaris - - Step 1: edit /etc/defaultrouter Using the editor of your choice, edit the file /etc/defaultrouter -- the only line in the file should be the default route of the system, for example: Thi
How to set default route in Solaris - -

Step 1: edit /etc/defaultrouter
Using the editor of your choice, edit the file /etc/defaultrouter -- the only line in the file should be the default route of the system, for example: This change will not take effect until the system is rebooted.
Step 2: Delete the current default route
To make the route change take effect immediately, you must first delete the default route. If the current default route is, then the command would be:

route delete default
Step 3: Assign the current default route
To implement the new default route without rebooting the system, use the following command substituting your default route for
route add default
