Change value for User from 'clamav' to 'root'
otherwise, you will get "Can't aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess the file ERROR"
# vi /etc/freshclam.conf
Change value for Checks from "24" to "2"
to update virus database every 2 hours
3. Start services
freshclam - update virus databases
clamd - an anti-virus daemon
# chkconfig freshclam on
# service freshclam start
# chkconfig clamd on
# service clamd start
4. Test clamd manually
clamdscan - scan files and directories against viruses using Clam
AntiVirus Daemon
# clamdscan -v /usr/share/doc/clamav*
# clamdscan -v /home/
5. Enable viruscheck in openwebmail.conf
# vi openwebmail.conf
enable_viruscheck yes
/usr/bin/clamdscan --mbox --disable-summary --stdout -
viruscheck_source_allowed all