public void setReadTimeout(int timeout) {
Validate.isTrue(timeout >= 0, "Timeout must be a non-negative value");
getHttpClient().getParams().setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, timeout);
* Create a Commons HttpMethodBase object for the given HTTP method and URI
* specification.
* @param httpMethod the HTTP method
* @param uri the URI
* @return the Commons HttpMethodBase object
protected HttpUriRequest createHttpUriRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri) {
switch (httpMethod) {
case GET:
return new HttpGet(uri);
case DELETE:
return new HttpDelete(uri);
case HEAD:
return new HttpHead(uri);
return new HttpOptions(uri);
case POST:
return new HttpPost(uri);
case PUT:
return new HttpPut(uri);
case TRACE:
return new HttpTrace(uri);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HTTP method: " + httpMethod);
* Execute the given method on the provided URI.
* @param method the HTTP method to execute (GET, POST, etc.)
* @param url the fully-expanded URL to connect to
* @param responseHandler httpClient will automatically take care of
* ensuring release of the connection back to the connection
* manager regardless whether the request execution succeeds or
* causes an exception,if using this response handler
* @return an response object's string representation
* @throws IOException
* @throws ClientProtocolException
public String doExecuteRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri,
ResponseHandler responseHandler)
throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
return httpClient.execute(createHttpUriRequest(httpMethod, uri), responseHandler);
public InputStream doExecuteRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri)
throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest = createHttpUriRequest(httpMethod, uri);
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpUriRequest);
return getResponseBody(response);
* Validate the given response, throwing an exception if it does not
* correspond to a successful HTTP response.
* Default implementation rejects any HTTP status code beyond 2xx, to avoid
* parsing the response body and trying to deserialize from a corrupted
* stream.
* @param config the HTTP invoker configuration that specifies the target
* service
* @param response the resulting HttpResponse to validate
* @throws NoHttpResponseException
* @throws java.io.IOException if validation failed
protected void validateResponse(HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();
if (status.getStatusCode() >= 300) {
throw new NoHttpResponseException(
"Did not receive successful HTTP response: status code = "
+ status.getStatusCode() + ", status message = ["
+ status.getReasonPhrase() + "]");
* Extract the response body
* The default implementation simply fetches the response body stream. If
* the response is recognized as GZIP response, the InputStream will get
* wrapped in a GZIPInputStream.
* @param httpResponse the resulting HttpResponse to read the response body
* from
* @return an InputStream for the response body
* @throws java.io.IOException if thrown by I/O methods
* @see #isGzipResponse
* @see java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream
protected InputStream getResponseBody(HttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {
if (isGzipResponse(httpResponse)) {
return new GZIPInputStream(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent());
} else {
return httpResponse.getEntity().getContent();