Iona发布SOA基础架构产品Artix 4.0

发表于:2007-06-13来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Artix是IONA的Web服务集成产品,它是一组与平台无关、标准兼容的基础架构产品,您可以在它的基础上构建 Java 、C/C++ 和大型主机 Web 服务。 关于新版本的特性, 官方提到的有: Service Orchestration - Artix Orchestration supports all Artix bindings an

Artix是IONA的Web服务集成产品,它是一组与平台无关、标准兼容的基础架构产品,您可以在它的基础上构建 Java、C/C++ 和大型主机 Web 服务。

关于新版本的特性, 官方提到的有:

Service Orchestration - Artix Orchestration supports all Artix bindings and transports and uses WS-Addressing to create complex process flows and composite services. BPEL orchestration is implemented at metadata-driven endpoints without the bottleneck caused by a centralized server. Incrementally add orchestration on only the endpoints where it is needed, when it is needed and dynamically implement changes in metadata without having to rewrite code.

Standards-Based Messaging - Artix now includes full implementations of JMS and WS-ReliableMessaging. Either may be used to connect distributed endpoints, but neither is required so departments may continue to use existing messaging installations.

Data Services - Artix SOA enables databases without an intermediary server to leverage existing data assets without having to write any code. The low barrier to entry enables departmental data sources to participate in large SOA projects.

Artix是一个可扩展的企业服务总线(ESB)产品。它是基于Web service的集成软件,可用于具有几代业务应用程序、技术和体系结构的企业IT组织。Artix能够让这些IT资产协同工作,形成灵活的面向服务的体系结构(SOA)。


(责任编辑:铭铭 TEL:(010)68476606)

