We’re starting to use JSSpec for unit-testing JavaScript code, though that’s still in its early stages at this point.
For backend services, we use a variety of test frameworks depending on the specifics of the services. Projects that we release as open source use open-source frameworks like Boost’s test classes or JUnit. Projects that will never be released to the outside world can use those, or can use an internally-developed C++ test framework that integrates tightly with our build system. A few projects use project-specific test harnesses. Most of the backend services are tied into a continuous integration / build system that constantly runs the test suites against the latest source code and reports the results into the results database and the notification system.
HipHop has a similar continuous-integration system with the added twist that it not only runs its own unit tests, but also runs all the PHPUnit tests. These results are compared with the results from the same PHP code base run under the plain PHP interpreter to detect any differences in behavior.
Our test infrastructure records results in a database and sends out email notifications on failure with developer-tunable sensitivity (e.g., you can choose to not get a notification unless a test fails continuously for some amount of time, or to be notified the instant a single failure happens.) The user interface for our test result browser is integrated with our bug/task tracking system, making it really easy to associate test failures with open tasks.
A significant fraction of tests are “push-blocking”—that is, a test failure is potential grounds for holding up a release (this is at the discretion of the release engineer who is pushing the code in question out to production, but that person is fully empowered to stop the presses if need be.) Blocking a push is taken very seriously since we pride ourselves on our fast release turnaround time.
My team, Test Engineering, is responsible for building the common infrastructure used by all the above stuff, as well as for maintaining PHPUnit and Watir. Facebook has no dedicated QA team; all Facebook engineers are responsible for writing automated tests for their code and keeping the tests maintained as the underlying code changes.
Facebook’s test setup is still very much a work in progress, but the above is at least a taste of what we do in that area.
From http://www.quora.com/What-kind-of-automated-testing-does-Facebook-do
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<谷歌是如何测试> 序
发表于 2012 年 02 月 21 日 由 HuangLi
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