
发表于:2008-09-18来源:作者:点击数: 标签:robotRobot讲解实例函数
功能说明:出现一个提示对话框,N秒后消失,比如说:提示等待一个窗口阿,有时候这个窗口没了,我也不知道脚本运行到什么地方了,提示一下挺好,也方便 其他 的 测试 员修改,而且,也不影响无人值守的操作 例子:SQAMsgbox "test","title",5 Global iTime a


例子:SQAMsgbox "test","title",5

Global iTime as Integer

Declare Function TimedDlgFunc(id As String, Action As Integer, Suppvalue As Long) As Integer

Declare Function SQAMsgBox(sMsgText as String, Optional vMsgCaption as Variant, Optional vTimeOut as Variant) as Integer

Function TimedDlgFunc(id As String, Action As Integer, Suppvalue As Long) As Integer
    Static StartTime
    Dim EndTime
    Dim vTimeoutvalue as Variant

    Select Case Action
        Case 1      'Dialog box Initialization
                StartTime = Timer

                If StartTime + iTime >= 86400 Then
                        StartTime = 86400 - StartTime - iTime
                End If
                TimedDlgFunc = 1

        Case 2      'Button pushed or any control changed (except typing in text or combo box)
            Select Case Suppvalue
                Case 1
                    DlgEnd -1
                Case 2
                    DlgEnd 0
                Case Else
                    TimedDlgFunc = 0
            End Select

        Case 3      'Change in text or combo box contents
                TimedDlgFunc = 1

        Case 4      'Change of control focus
                TimedDlgFunc = 1

        Case 5      'Idle state (return 0 to prevent this being continually called)
                EndTime = Timer
                If (EndTime - StartTime) >= iTime Then
                        DlgEnd -1
                End If
                vTimeoutvalue = Format(iTime - (EndTime - StartTime), "#.#")
                DlgText DlgControlID("txtTimevalue"), CStr(vTimeoutvalue)
                TimedDlgFunc = 1
    End Select

End Function

Function SQAMsgBox(sMsgText as String, Optional vMsgCaption as Variant, Optional vTimeOut as Variant) as Integer
    Dim Result as Integer
    Dim TotalTime As Integer
    Dim sCmdText as String   
    Dim sTimeoutText as String
    Dim vvalue as Variant

    If IsMissing(vMsgCaption) Then
        vMsgCaption = "SQAMsgBox"
    End If
    If IsMissing(vTimeOut) Then
        vTimeOut = 20       'seconds
    End If

    sTimeoutText = "Timeout: "
    Begin Dialog dlgMsgBox 200, 80, vMsgCaption, .TimedDlgFunc
        GroupBox 5, 2, 190, 40, "", .grpMsgTxt
        Text 15, 11, 175, 25, sMsgText, .txtMsgText
        Text 15, 47, 180, 20, sCmdText, .txtCmdText
        Button 20, 60, 40, 14, "&OK", .btnOK
        Button 140, 60, 40, 14, "&Cancel", .btnCancel
        Text 78, 63, 30, 10, sTimeoutText, .txtTimeText
        Text 108, 63, 20, 10, vTimeout, .txtTimevalue
    End Dialog

    Dim TimedDlg As dlgMsgBox
    iTime = CInt(vTimeOut)
    Result = Dialog(TimedDlg)
    If Result = 2 Then
        SQAMsgBox = sqaFail
        SQAMsgBox = sqaPass
    End If   
End Function
