读过上篇bolg的现在应该知道怎么样来Profile一个WCF项目了,今天我们来看一下怎样Profile一个host到本地IIS上的WCF服务,我们还是使用Visual Studio 2010还有上篇blog中的测试项目。
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How to: Host a WCF Service in IIS
Deploying an Internet Information Services-Hosted WCF Service
Using Visual Studio 2010 to Host a WCF Service on the Local IIS Instance
Open or create a WCF Service Application project. Right click the project in the solution explorer and select Properties. In the project properties window select the Web tab on the left hand side of the window. On the right hand side of the window, under Servers, select the Use Local IIS Web Server and type in a URL. Next, click the Create Virtual Directory button and build the solution. This will create the virtual directory in IIS and map it to your project directory. The service will then be hosted on the local IIS server for building and debugging purposes. To verify the service has been hosted, open Internet Explorer and type the service’s URL in the address box. You must type in the complete URL path to the .svc file. For example, with a default WCF Service Application project hosted under http://localhost/MyFirstService the complete URL would be http://localhost/MyFirstService/Service1.svc. This will display the default WCF Service page.
使用同样的步骤将我们的WebApplication1 asp.net应用程序项目也host到本地IIS上。
WcfService1地址: http://localhost/WcfService1/Service1.svc
WebApplication1地址: http://localhost/WebApplication1
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