linux上安装apache. /bin/apachectl –v
Server version: Apache/2.0.54.
修改conf/httpd.confExtendedStatus On
<Location /server-status>成功。
Loadrunner加入监控端口:2688,url: /server-status?auto
Monitor name :Apache. Parsing error, cannot find token: BusyServers. Measurement: BusyServers| Hints: 1) Such a measurement does not exist, or the html page may be different from the supported one. 2) Try to replace the Apache.cfg with appropriate Apache_<version>.cfg file in <Installation>\dat\monitors and rerun the application (entry point: CApacheMeasurement::NewData). [MsgId: MMSG-47479]
解决因为<Installation>\dat\monitors\apache.cfg针对apache 1.x的status指标,与apache 2.0度量指标失配。