
发表于:2011-03-09来源:作者:点击数: 标签:googleGoogle
Google对外发布C++编码规范 Google的C++编码规范对外发布,引起了业内开发人员的广泛关注。 其中,来自硅谷的柯化成认为,这是地球上最好的一份C++编程规范,没有之一,建议广大国内外IT人员研究使用。 盛大的资深开发者赵劼表示,“非常同意。Google在这方










  They say an example is worth a thousand words so let's start off with an example that should give you a feel for the style, spacing, naming, etc.

  An example header file, demonstrating the correct commenting and spacing for an @interface declaration

  // GTMFoo.h

  // FooProject


  // Created by Greg Miller on 6/13/08.

  // Copyright 2008 Google, Inc. All rights reserved.



  // A sample class demonstrating good Objective-C style. All interfaces,

  // categories, and protocols (read: all top-level declarations in a header)

  // MUST be commented. Comments must also be adjacent to the object they're

  // documenting.


  // (no blank line between this comment and the interface)

  @interface GTMFoo : NSObject {


  NSString *foo_;

  NSString *bar_;


  // Returns an autoreleased instance of GMFoo. See -initWithString: for details

  // about the argument.

  + (id)fooWithString:(NSString *)string;

  // Designated initializer. |string| will be copied and assigned to |foo_|.

  - (id)initWithString:(NSString *)string;

  // Gets and sets the string for |foo_|.

  - (NSString *)foo;

  - (void)setFoo:(NSString *)newFoo;

  // Does some work on |blah| and returns YES if the work was completed

  // suclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessfuly, and NO otherwise.

  - (BOOL)doWorkWithString:(NSString *)blah;


  An example source file, demonstating the correct commenting and spacing for the @implementation of an interface. It also includes the reference implementations for important methods like getters and setters, init, and dealloc.


  // GTMFoo.m

  // FooProject


  // Created by Greg Miller on 6/13/08.

  // Copyright 2008 Google, Inc. All rights reserved.


  #import "GTMFoo.h"

  @implementation GTMFoo

  + (id)fooWithString:(NSString *)string {

  return [[[self alloc] initWithString:string] autorelease];


  // Must always override super's designated initializer.

  - (id)init {

  return [self initWithString:nil];


  - (id)initWithString:(NSString *)string {

  if ((self = [super init])) {

  foo_ = [string copy];

  bar_ = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"hi %d", 3];


  return self;


  - (void)dealloc {

  [foo_ release];

  [bar_ release];

  [super dealloc];


  - (NSString *)foo {

  return foo_;


  - (void)setFoo:(NSString *)newFoo {

  [foo_ autorelease];

  foo_ = [newFoo copy];


  - (BOOL)doWorkWithString:(NSString *)blah {

  // ...

  return NO;


