使用,把包下载,然后解到一个目录,运行install.exe,打开VB。可以发现可以新建CoMunit Test Project的工程。有两个文件frmTestRunner的form,TCTestContainer是测试类。下面我们看一下如何使用comunit。先下载测试代码。
' COMUnit 1.1 - TestContainer ClassOption Explicit
' Interface declaration
Implements ITestContainer
Dim k As New adodb.Recordset
Dim BinTest As clsManagerBinFields
Dim SourceFile As String, DesFile As String
' Fixture Member Variables
' TODO: specify your TestContainer test fixture member variables here
' Return the name of the different test case methods in this test container
Public Property Get ITestContainer_TestCaseNames() As Variant()
' TODO: add the names of your test methods as a parameter into the Array() function
ITestContainer_TestCaseNames = Array("TestFields")
End Property
' Run the specified test case methods in this test container
Public Sub ITestContainer_RunTestCase(oTestCase As ITestCase, oTestResult As TestResult)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
InvokeHook Me, oTestCase.Name, INVOKE_FUNC, oTestResult
' CallByName Me, oTestCase.Name, VbMethod, oTestResult
Exit Sub
oTestResult.AddError Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
'Initialize the test fixture
Public Sub ITestContainer_Setup()
' TODO: initialize your test fixture here
SourceFile = App.Path & "\tctestcontainer.cls"
DesFile = App.Path & "\test"