nothing much. 8过我还是告戒各位网民,无论是多么专业的选手准备一份适合你口碑好的正版反病毒软件是非常有必要滴~理由若干! problem is not what the computers have to load, if Iuse a fresh installed XP or 2K, the xp login is still slow (+1min),whi
nothing much.
problem is not what the computers have to load, if I
use a fresh installed XP or 2K, the xp login is still slow (+1min),
while the 2K login is always fast (5sec).
They both run the same scripts, are on the same network etc. Even with no scripts and nothing extra it's like this. I've tested this in a situation where there is really no difference but the OS. Thus I'm convinced XP logs in differently then 2K.
Ps: Older versions like Win9x/ME (Wins) login just as fast the 2K's.
A: This is
almost like name resolution issue. Comparing with previous versions, XP is
heavily dependent on DNS to find DC. If the DNS is configured incorrectly, XP
will take longer time waiting for it to timeout before it tries using NetBIOS.
Make sure
1) The DNS setup correct and have the server information.
2) XP clients can find the DNS server.
3) XP machine's DNS server is pointed to your internal DNS server rather than
your ISP's DNS server.
4) Make sure
no errors on logon scripts or GPO's that could be causing the delay.
5) Check any errors on event viewer.
6) Disable NetBIOS on the interfaces that client will not
dynamic ip, a domain name that would always point to your ip no matter how dynamic it is, hehe.
peanut shell
DDNS(Dynamic Domain Name
Server)dynamic dns means dynamic ip,ip changes.normal dns are based on static up, pointing one to many or many to many, with ddns ip dynamically changes.
DDNS: with most ISP's dynamic adress, small customers setting up own web or mail or ftp server can now use ddns. with vpn access resoluting based on domain name.
heres a whole peanut shell built, this guy's funny install os with sp, ms update, network firewall norton personal firewall, afterwards virus firewall again norton antivirus 8, then the shell built.
to use peanut, you'll need a passport, by applying from http://8008.oray.net:8008/Workstation/ apply a passport and register your shell, guess its free domain name. open the shell, you'll see a little box on the right down corner of the system, this box turns colored when internet connects login to the shell server, if a network error occurs the box turns grey, if you haven't loged on the box should still remain grey. now that we log on, double click the little box, pops out a window inside the statis tab fill in the account number and password that we've registed before, now that the firewall will ask for shell server attempting to access internet permission, accept. if you can see the domain name you've just registered that means we're all set, and now that the box should be colored.
config iis: iis 5 camed with 2k server services, right clikc my computer, inside computer management extend service and application chose iis, default website's statis is set to running now, workstation name is empty ip address all for not preserved. port 80.
在“默认 Web站点”点击右键,选“属性”。又弹出一个“默认 Web站点 属性”的窗口。在这里你必须小心,不要乱修改里面的任何属性,除非你有把握修改是对你有益的。
我们先把“Web站点”页的“说明”改掉,原来是“默认 Web站点”的说明改成你自己的站点的名称。
如果你只是使用了HTML的静态页面,那你只是使用了IIS不到10分之一的功能。有没有想过做一个想花生这样的论坛?可以么?当然可以!不过你必须先了解一些关于ASP、数据库等等的知识。不会很难的哟: )
全称是Active Server Pages
既是“动态服务页面”是微软的一种用于代替CGI(一种早期的动态服务及其其他服务的标准)的一种技术。现在最新的版本是asp .net 不过IIS
们到 ( http://down.vv66.com/ ) 找一个合适的论坛下载又或者到(
http://www.dvbbs.net/download/dvbbs5_final.exe )直接下载动网论坛(推荐)
下载以后,安装(自解压文件)到你的网站目录下比如“D:\mywebsite\”他会新建一个目录“dvbbs”完成后,访问你的域名http://XXXX.vicp.net/dvbbs 看看。已经进入论坛啦~~~~~哈哈
后我们来设置论坛的颜色和一些配置。在浏览器键入http://XXXX.vicp.net/dvbbs 打开你的论坛
note this artical comes from http://www.pcserving.net/Article/qtjs/wfjc/200504/Article_646.html place.
Troubleshooting Outlook Express Error 0x800CCC79
You may get the error message
- 'The server does not support a SSL connection. Account; pop.tiscali.co.uk
Server smtp.tiscali.co.uk.' Protocol SMTP, server response '250 HELP' Port;
25, Secure (SSL) Yes, Server Error 250, error number 0x800CCC7D.'
- "The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected
by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'test@hotmail.com' . Subject
'The monthly collection', Account: 'Test (Tiscali)', Server: 'smtp.xxxxxxx.xxx',
Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 relaying to prohibited by administrator',
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
This problem happens because your version of Outlook Express is set up
to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL), which Tiscali does not use.
To fix this problem:
- Open Outlook Express, and click Tools
- Then click on Accounts
- Then click on your Tiscali connection and click Properties
- Then click Advanced
- On this screen remove the checks from the boxes This server requires
a secure connection for both Outgoing mail (SMTP) and Incoming
mail (POP3).
- Bear in mind that you should be using a dial-up connection number prefixed
with 1470 and that the outgoing mail server is smtp.tiscali.co.uk